Fed up
By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
January 18, 2007 11:59am CST
I am really fed up with People approaching me when I park in a Disabled Car Park telling me do I realise it is for Disabled People? Of course I do why do you think I am parking here just because I am only 45 and do not look disabled, does not give these People the right to approach me unless I leave my Car and do not have the Badge in the Window
I was parking up in town yesterday and my daughter was out of the Car helping me so I would not hit the Car behind. This old Man went up to her and said does she realise this is for Disabled only and my Daughter replied Do you realise she is disabled and he just looked and walked away after that
Do I have to display mt Badge while I am driving and trying to get parked so People get of my Back? Do they think I love being disabled? It hurts me that People do this and it makes me so angry at times
Am I wrong to feel this way??????
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106 responses
@rainbow (6761)
18 Jan 07
I think that was rude and annoying. You should only have to display your badge when you are parked, that's all dad does.
Did he want or need your space or was he just being a bully?
I know how you feel because I have heard people comment because my dad has a big merc and is disabled apparently you are meant to be penniless in a small tatty car too.
I have to admit that people parking in the mum and baby spaces (for under 5's) really annoy me, even tho' Bond doesn't have a disabled badge Roo is still young enough to warrent the space and to be honest we do need it. I have had disabled people tell me that the mum and baby is their overspill and that I should move to let them in. I flash Bong's autism card and walk off but it really annoys and upsets me.
You wouldn't have a card if you didn't need the space - I can-t get one. Why can't people keep their opinions to themselves. I saw a discussion llike this a little while ago and it's unfair to juge disability on how old you are or if you can walk out of the car.
Unless they need the space desperately, then they should respect your need. If the person was desperate I'm sure you would struggle in an attepmt to help, I know I would but just for the sake of it, tell them knickers!
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@dangerdvd (320)
• Italy
18 Jan 07
what problem? In Italy this problem recolve with a badge to display on the glass of your car! where are you from? in US is not in this mode?
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@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Depends on where you are here in the States, some have it displayed on the license plate while others have hangtags on the mirrors.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I dont blame you one bit. In the states we have the same problem but we have disabled on our license plates do you? Im sure your were upset about that nasty old person. Sometimes I just want to scream at some these old ones. It wouldnt do any good they wouldnt hear me anyway.heheheheh
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@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I can understand your frustration. But, as someone who is bothered by people who exploit the handicapped population by parking in handicapped spots just because they are closer, I understand why people might mention it to you if they don't immediately see your badge. Alot of people have handicapped right on their license plates here in PA, which I would think helps take care of that problem.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
18 Jan 07
Gabs, I'm sorry that you're so hurt over this. Unfortunately a lot of people are very fussy about keeping those spaces for people who need them. I know it's unfair to need the space and have someone come up and give you the third degree on it. But, yes, they obviously must look at you and see you as healthy and fit. This is great because it means you don't "look" disabled, and I'm sure you've often been complemented as being quite young looking (we've seen your pic) - another bonus.
I'm sure they don't think you love being disabled. They just haven't realised that you are in the first place. If you're not displaying a sticker on the windscreen, then, unfortunately, you just have to accept that people are going to ask why you're parking in the space in the first place. Even I admit I have a habit of looking at the windscreens of cars parked in disabled spaces to see if they've a sticker on them.
I suppose the one good thing is that at least they're paying attention to who parks in these spaces. But if they're going to ask if you realise it's a disabled space then they should be polite about it and not give you the third degree. And that guy should have apologised before he walked away.
Personally I wouldn't challenge anyone at all. I leave it up to the ticket wardens and the police to check the parking.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Jan 07
He didn't give me a chance to put my Badge in the Window as I was still trying to park up he approached my Daughter who was behind my Car to make sure I would not hit the Car behind as it was a bit of a tight squeeze they should wait though Biddy till a person gets out the car locks up and then approach them if they have no Badge you have to agree with me on that one
Thanks for the Compliment lol by the way
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@Silverchic (396)
• Australia
18 Jan 07
This was my thought also - thankfully there are people that do watch and (hopefully) keep these spaces clear for people who really need them...BUT there is no excuse for being that rude!! Who did he think he was?? If you see someone get out of the car and lock it without putting their badge up, well maybe approach them and say something like "Ummm I'm sorry to disturb you, but you forgot to put your badge up" But at least wait until they are walking away from the car! Not still reversing in! I hope this isn't a regular occurence for you Gabs...
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
18 Jan 07
Well, if you ask me, they shouldn't approach people at all Gabs. :)
Their reason for approaching someone before they get out of the car is probably a) because they don't want to give the opportunity for the person to walk away, and b) they don't know that some people only place the sticker in the window as they get out of the car.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Sorry that this happens to you. During time that I needed to use these type parking spaces as I used a walker and then a cane to walk. I was also informed I needed a decal to prove that legally I was entitled to park there. I contacted DMV and the answer was I need a certificate from my doctor confirming I was disabled. If you are caught without said proof you are liable (here in Georgia) for a $500.00 fine.
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
Say you park your car for a doctor's appointment that takes at least a half hour. Do they have police or someone checking to see if you are legally parked? or do they have some other way to check? It would seem much simpler if the local ordinance would issue decals that could be placed on the front windshield and/or the back window in order to avoid such undignified remarks.
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@jackslaiter (371)
• India
18 Jan 07
Its was a bad day just it...forget what happened and live life to its fullest. Do not mind these small things because life is much bigger than that. Try living each moment and do not give ears to such people. Never think you are wrong..just believe in the fact that God has made you the best and you able to everything. I also used to mind things in my life..but soon i realised that it useless to think like that..it will do no good to me..and nobody will come for help. I try to keep myself happy in bad situations also.....because i again say..life is after all life..what happens tomorrow nobody knows. We just know "Today"..and thats the best god's gift..that's why it is called "PRESENT"
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
10 Feb 07
I used to know this guy who was in a wheelchair who used to park in the parking spots for disabled & handicapped people. This was back in college, & he was in a class with me. By the end of the course, he had a HUGE pile of parking tickets because he kept forgetting to put his handicapped sign up.
The last time we met was after the final exam when he said "Now I get to go to court with this pile." He showed me the nice bundle of parking tickets. Being that he & I never ran into each other again, I can only imagine that guy wheeling himself in his wheelchair into a court room with that pile of parking tickets.
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@nannacroc (4049)
18 Jan 07
No you're right to be upset. Sad to say there are so many people who use these parking bays that don't need to so I sort of understand why people interfere but they could put things in a nicer way.
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@trish32 (1471)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I don't blame you for being upset. It would be different if someone were to question your parking if you had parked, exited the vehicle and didn't display your parking badge. However, if the badge you have is like the ones we have here, they hang from the rear-view mirror and can be quite a vision obstuction, so I don't blame you for not having it hanging on the mirror at all times.
Personally I think people go looking for someone or something to criticize. It's sad, since it generally stems from the fact that they're miserable in their lives and are trying to impose their misery on others. Next time someone says something to you just ask them simply if they have nothing better to do with their time than to play "parking lot police!"
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
18 Jan 07
No we are only allowed to lay them on the Dashboard once we have Parked as they also contain a Photo which is not allowed to be in Vision it is only allowed to be seen if a Park Attended wants to see it to make sure you are the Badgeholder
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@vhansen (2029)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Yes,I believe you are.If your badge isn't displayed then how are these people to know? They are just trying to be good samairitains by looking out for the disabled.Most of the people who are handicapped/disabled have a sticker/mirror tag/ or plates showing at all times to avoid this and possibly tickets.Wouldn't it just be easier for everyone if you did the same? Then the samairitains can go back to scolding the rude inconsiderate people who aren't handicapped and park there.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
18 Jan 07
My dad has one of those and I'd like for my mom to get one. He does not have his hanging from the mirror at all times. He just slides it up abouve the visor when not in use. Then when he uses it he just slips it out and puts it on the mirror. If you were to look at him you wouldn't know he needs it. He does have trouble with his hips sometimes, especially durring the cold and has had heart problems.
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@Evacuee (1147)
18 Jan 07
I've had the same problem so many times with people giving me a look of..."He's not disabled"! They should have my angina then they could get a blue badge! What annoys me are the remarks such as that to you and those that really abuse the parking spaces.
@ravinamita (132)
• India
19 Jan 07
Oh come on. Cheer up. Such incidents occur quite often. Sometimes people do it inadvertantly. There are not many people who knowingly want to tease the disabled.
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@mommy2taylor1 (405)
• United States
18 Jan 07
You have every right to be upset. It's hard for people to understand someone is disabled if they physically don't look it. So they jump to the conclusion that you aren't.. Don't worry about it, you know you are... they don't need to know you are. You have the badge & the disability. You owe no explanation to anyone.
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@crazy1 (479)
• New Zealand
10 Feb 07
Noo, we have the same problem here, I get odd looks all the time from people when I park on disabled parks. I think most people tend to think missing limbs or paraplegic when they think disabled, they see what they percieve to be a healthy person and get upset. Luckily I've had to stand up knock down arguments with people, yet, but my size might be in my favour and make them think twice before using their mouths.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
15 May 07
Just ignore what people say to you, some times people don't know any better. Yes, all you can do is explain to them, "I have X", so I am in fact disabled. The best way is just to ignore and pray for them to learn how to handle people better. Like you said, you have the sticker so people shouldn't be telling you about parking there.
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
18 Jan 07
Isnt society cruel. I myself is disabled sometimes it takes everything to walk to the door. The city wont give me a parking pass for it though. Sometimes i really do need to park in the spot so i do and man even when they see me practically crawling to my car people make such remarks about parking there. I think people need to take there heads out of there a$$'s sometimes.
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I can't imaging actually approaching someone unless they had packed in the handicapped spot and DIDN'T have someone on their car saying they were allowed to park there. There are so many people that park in them that aren't supposed to be that it is irritating to people, especially those that are allowed to park there, to see people parking in a spot they have no business in. I see why you were upset, and he should have kept his mouth shut until everyone was out of the car, but I can see why he asked. Having handicap plates, myself, I see those spots abused way to often. He probably thought he was doing a good thing by policing the handicapped spots, not realizing he was stepping on toes.
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@Alexc123 (126)
18 Jan 07
some people are too busy trying to find bad things that are happening in the world that they fail to see what is right in front of them and have some compassion. they want to be the one that catches someone doing something wrong so much that they will just blame anyone for doing things even if the person is doing nothing rong.
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@Leedsrbest1973 (127)
25 Mar 07
I can understand that, because I work in car parks. Some people abuse the disabled parking bays and spoil it for the people who are really disabled. This man was probably one of those and annoyed that the space he wanted had been taken. That's why he just walked away when your daughter told him you were disabled... he had lost!
If he'd tried that in one of my car parks, he would have found a ticket on his car, that's for sure. I don't mind booking the Mayor and the police so I'm sure he wouldn't have been a problem. lol.
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
10 Feb 07
I don't know where you life. I live in Canada. It is a lway here that if you park in a disabled parking lot, your sign has to be displayed. I'm surprised it's not a law wherever you are, then it would avoid all these questions.
@crazy1 (479)
• New Zealand
13 Feb 07
gabs mobility part thing is always displayed, as mine is, mines on the dash in easy view of everyone, but if someone should approach us once we're out of the car, they won't see them. As I've already mentioned, peple see a car parked on a disabled park and expect to see paraplegics, or people with missing limbs with those cars. Someone who is standing and walking on both feet are hard to be seen as disabled as there is no vusible diability for people to see, so they 'think' they're doing the right thing by saying something to you.
Here in NZ it is the law to display our disabled park cards, or we may be ticketed, have the car clamped, or even towed. I'm not sure what the rules are for gabs in England though.
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
15 May 07
Hi Gabs. I understand how you feel and you are not wrong feeling that way.
Here in the United States I never had that problem but of course I am new here. I was learning how to drive for a long time so sometimes I would drive my mother in-laws car but she also rides with me in the front seat because my license doesn't allow me to drive by myself yet. I was always parking in the areas reserved to disabled people but I would also hang the blue sign on the thing that attaches the mirror to the windshield. People never asked me if I was or not disabled. Well I guess maybe where you are there is a lot of abuse and people park in those areas and that's not fair for disabled people.
To avoid this problem put the sign on the car in an area so that everybody can see it well. Take care Gabs!
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