dead from drinking too much water............would your family sue!!!

United States
January 18, 2007 5:11pm CST
i have never thought it until my son was born, and i was told not to give him too much water that,he could get fluid over load and and it has no nutrition value for a baby, unless they are dehydrated, so i see how this lady could have died but was she warned about what could happen.....even though she signed a waiver that doesn't mean that she would have signed if she thought she would die! what would your family do it it was you?
1 response
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
18 Jan 07
its actually water intoxication (also known as hyperhydration or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain function that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by a very rapid intake of water i dont know the story you speak ofbut if she signed a waiver then she must have been informed