Cats or Kittens?
By Joe808
@Joe808 (49)
United States
January 19, 2007 4:20am CST
Which would you prefer when choosing a new cat as a pet? A grown cat who is already house broken and friendly? Or a little tiny baby kitten who is obviously cuter but would need to be trained? If you already have a cat or cats did you raise them from a kitten or was he or she already grown? Also tell me about cute things your cat/kitten does! I LOVE cats and I love to hear about there adoreble habits!!!
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48 responses
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I used to only get kittens but I am so busy now and really don't have the time to train a kitten properly so my last 2 cats are cats I rescued from the local shelter. They were 2 and 3 years old. Old enough to be housebroken but still young with long lives to live. One of our cats only talks in a little tiny baby kitten voice. It is so silly listening to kitten noises come out of a BIG cat. We have some of the animated Christmas decorations that play music and one of the cats learned how to turn it on. He will play with it for a while and then go off and ignore it until he wants more music. I also have a mouse and one of the cats will climb up and sit on TOP of his cage. The mouse is used to him and knows he is safe but it is so silly seeing this cat sitting on top of a dome shaped mouse cage peering down to watch the mouse as it eats, drinks and plays.
@Joe808 (49)
• United States
20 Jan 07
awwe! LOL! That is so flippin' adoreble! Yeah I don't have any cats of my own anymore but I when I go over to my home away from home (My girlfriends) I play with her two cats. it's funny, one is really outgoing and playful but can be kinda mean and the other is the sweetest kitty but she doesn't really ever go looking for affection, lol, she is very shy! Just keeps to herself most of the time and sleeps....Well anyway, thank you for your response :)!
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
20 Jan 07
I guess it depends on the cat. I got my cat when he was 2 years old, and he's been with me for 5. It's been great!! I didn't have to train him. He was named when I got him, and he comes when he is called. ;-)
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@feralcat (426)
• Canada
20 Jan 07
As much as kittens are cute, fuzzy and cuddly I prefer to adopt older cats. Not because they are house trained already and set in their ways but for the fact that often times they remain in shelters for life or even euthanized because nobody wants them. I've rescued a few cats from being put to sleep and they were all over the age of 6 years old.
@muralimn (534)
• United Arab Emirates
20 Jan 07
I like cats and kittens equally. I love to watch them play. Sometimes I find them so silly and i admire their cuteness. They give me a hearty laugh. I feel kittens are the real stress busters. You yourself become a small child and play with them. I love to watch them having food, sleeping peacefully along with other kittens. I just love them an I really pamper them a lot. I remember, when I was a kid, I had more than 3 kittens. I used to rush to them after coming from school. I see to that they are not hungry. I always feel concerned for them. Kittens and cats are very scared of dogs. I am scared for them. It is really a nightmare for me that my kittens faced with such danger. Unfortunately few of my kittens were killed by street dogs. Only after that I stopped having pets. It really hurts. But, whenever I see cats or kitten I give the to eat if i have anything in my hand at that time. God bless these little creatures.
@Joe808 (49)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Awwe! I'm so sorry Muralimn!! That is really sad. People really need to keep their dogs on a leash if they're known to be agressive like that. And next time who could it be? it could be a Human Being! I hope that those particular dangerous dogs were put down :(.
@moonshadow68 (723)
• United States
21 Jan 07
When we adopted our kitten, she was four pounds and had been a stray. All I had to do to train her was give her a littler box. In fact, the first night we ahd her, my husband and I had plans that could not be changed and she had to wait about 3 hours from the time she first got into the house until we came back with a litter box and cat toys. SHE NEVER MADE A MESS IN THE HOUSE!!!
In fact, it's my contention that she is smarter than most people. We had her for about a month before she got sick...the vet said it was the flu. She threw up three times and all three tiems made it to the bathroom before getting sick. She threw up on a rug that I could easily throw in the wash. Most people aren't that good!
I have nothign agaisnt full grown cats, but I'd say that kittens are worth the time it takes to train, especially when they are as easy as Rain was. She is about 9 months old now and we are working on traning her to fetch. She doesn't always bring her mouse back to me, but she does like to chase it.
@hitzphillygirl (1235)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I have a six-month-old cat, but I got him when he was a kitten. He's still a little rascal, but it wasn't difficult to train him at all. He recently discovered the bathroom sink. He enjoys sitting in it... until someone turns the water on.
@deathlord (234)
• India
20 Jan 07
Cats are real fun to grow and they need little attention than the kittens....
So cats are better than the kittes
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I've gotten both over the years and they each have advantages and disadvantes. It all depends on what you want to work with at the time. I don't regret any of our cats, we've gotten some as kittens and others as full grown and they are all wonderful. They might try to drive me crazy at times but I love them dearly. Our oldest cat is Angel. We went looking for a dog at the pound but didn't find any that was right for us. I decided to look in the cat area and there he was. I opened the cage and he jumped into my arms. He's been with us since. He was full grown and had been there awhile, he was put down to free because of being there so long. We've had him now almost 7 years. He likes to protect my neice. He sleeps with her and when she gets up in the middle of the night he gets up with her and then goes back with her again. He is a wonderful cat and member of our family.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I had cats most of my life and I've NEVER chosen a one of them. They always choose me. The chooser is sometimes a mature cat and sometimes a kitten but it's always their choice.
I have a cat now (avatar cat) who actually stands on his hind legs and uses his front paws to turn doorknobs and open doors. I guess he must have seen me do it that way and he decided to give it a try. LOL
@bkittybaby (87)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I adopted my first cat from the SPCA as a kitten. She was as young as you can take them home. I used to lay her on my chest everytime she fell asleep in hopes that it would make her more snuggly. It didn't work, she is a calico. She got snuggly with old age though, she is 8 now. My vet said that boys are more affectionate than girls. He also said that calicos were the most haughty of them all. Shows what research I did. I went for the face!
The second cat I got was a boy who was 6 months to a year old. His mom was run over right in front of my doorstep and I of course had to take him in. I found his brother a home, but he was irrestible.
The last one was about a year we think. He adopted the front porch. I knew I didn't need another kitty, so I refused to feed him for an entire week. It almost killed me. He stayed, though, just for the love and attention. He would greet me everythime I came outside. I finally gave in and fed him, and of course he is mine now. I named him PK for Porch Kitty, it stuck.
The age of the cat doesn't really matter, they aren't hard to litter train. The only thing is remember they will live to be around 20. What really matters is where you get them. Save a kitty from the shelter, humane society or the SPCA. They will love you for saving them!
@Joe808 (49)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Wow! You seem to have a huge heart! I really liked your post! I haven't yet read all of my responses but I think I just may mark this "best response". Wow, you are so caring! Also I will remember that when I'm ready for my next kitty. I will get a kitten and rescue her from shelter! Thank you very much for your post! It was very informative!!
@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Either way is great, but I have enjoyed getting grown cats. They have so much love to give, and are already littler trained. Also, they are more calm and like to snuggle and sleep with you. But kittens are the greatest, too. It all depends on your energy level.
@masterseifer_20 (50)
• United States
20 Jan 07
i would go for a kitten cuz it's like parenting situation that you watch your pet as he/she grow and learn new things isn't that a good feeling that you are part of that cycle ,,i love kittens !!
@Joe808 (49)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Lol, I agree. Don't you just hate when you're eating a nice plate of delivery Chinese food and you're sitting on your couch and the dang cats start jumping up on your lap? Lol, or worse your plate? Well anyway, I do love cats of all ages. But I think in terms of bonding and cuteness pretty much everybody prefers a totally adoreble kitten!
@scitrus (131)
• United States
22 Jan 07
That's a tough one! Truthfully, a kitten doesn't need much training and that sweet little face is tough to deny. I thought for sure our newest cat was going to be a kitten. But an older cat is already through the destructive phase. And an older cat is more fun to cuddle with. So this time we got a female that's 1.5 years old.
Her cute habit is chomping on your hand (or our other cat) once and then sweetly licking the spot with *I'm sorry* eyes. She also says "MMM!" every time you reach to pet her.
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I've incorporated both over my lifetime and I don't believe what that poster said about an adult cat not bonding as closely or easily! If fact, I think adult animals almost 'sense' that you've rescued them when you get them from the pound or take in a stray and never fail to show their gratitude!