Tell me a safest Investment plan

@alextki (923)
January 19, 2007 5:59am CST
Tell me, what is the safest investment plan according to you? suggest one for me please? what i mean by safest is "there should be minimum guarentee for our principle amount"
2 responses
• India
19 Jan 07
LIC, Kishan Vikas Patra, Monthy Income Scheme in Post Office etc.
@alextki (923)
• India
30 Jan 07
Nice plans, keep me posted with your plans :)
@anil_762001 (1636)
• India
19 Jan 07
if you want that your amount is safe that you would invest in any LIC policy.
@alextki (923)
• India
19 Jan 07
Ok i have LIC policies.. could you suggest some other plan if you know?