American Idol - Are people that stupid?

@Marie2473 (8512)
January 19, 2007 8:14am CST
Sure, the judges are mean at times and they can be pretty rude... but these people going in there and making complete fools of themselves... Do they really belive they can sing, and howcome noone close to them told them that it is not a good idea to go on national Television trying to prove it. I for sure would tell my friends if I thought they were bad coz I would hate for them to embarrasse themselves like that.. Would you?
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55 responses
@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
20 Jan 07
I have watched every episode of American Idol and Canadian Idol, I like you can't get over some of them - my daughter wants to try for the canadian idol - we live in Canada - however she can sing, but i have to look at the other side - what if she doesn't get in - than all her hope will be dashed - she's only 16. and what if she gets in.....
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
If she can sing, they will probably not go hard on her, so even if she doesn´t get in, she might not be heartbroken. What people needs to realise is that there are ALOT of people trying out!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
20 Jan 07
My husband's cousin tried out for Canadian Idol. She had to go through about 6 or 7 different levels of judges. It is a long process with a lot of waiting around for the contestants. Though the cousin did not make it to Canadian Idol, she did make it on a local Idol-type show in her province. I think she made it to the top five.
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@mishald (176)
• India
20 Jan 07
in my opinion, the people going for American idol r nobody's who want to use this opportunity to grab a few minutes of fame. This way they can say they were on tv. it does not matter if they were laughed at by people all over the world. in their opinion they were seen by people all over the world. Another view is that the american idol guys may be paying people to make fools of themselves
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Thanx alot for commenting
@gramaj (451)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I don't think the show would be popular if all the contestants were really great. I do not watch it often, but I do enjoy watching those that can't sing. Yeah, the judges are rude. At first I could not believe it. Now it is just expected and makes the show more entertaining. I don't think the BAD ones are embarrsed, I think they are just looking for thier 15min. of fame. And Yes, I would tell them they are not very talanted..
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Thanx for commenting!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I really believe that some of those people actually believe that they can sing as well as anyone on the show. Some of them are just that blind to how they sound, and their friends and family probably aren't great judges of singing and don't know any better than to encourage them. It's hard to say. I do know that some of those people go on there just for their fifteen minutes of fame, and will try any gimmick to get on. You can usually spot those. But the ones that truly believe in themsevles are the ones that make me sad, because they get so emotional when they get shot down by the judges. It's just so sad to see their lifetime dream crushed, even though they never had a chance.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
yeah it would have been better to have them still dream at times..
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I would deffinately tell them them stunck before they went and looked like a fool i think some of them just did it to get on tv and the one whoes mother went in with her what was up with that she knew her daughter couldnt sing and why did she allow her to be seen in public without a bra on i mean really what kind of parent is she?
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Yeah, I noticed the no bra look too! Personally I think both mother and daughter were a little off in the head!
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
20 Jan 07
he he he, yeah those two was a bit off I think...
@Monjoy (71)
• India
20 Jan 07
They know they are bad...they just do it to beocome famous... like dat guy singing she bangs in one of the seasons... he was ridiculous!! but he did become famous...! people are crazy thats all i can say...
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
he he he, yeah people are crazy for sure
• United States
20 Jan 07
I personally think that a lot of the people that come on American Idol are hired actors who are hired to come on and try to sing knowing they cant and let Simon make fun of them so everyone will get a good laugh.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
he he he, interesting idea!
@sweetrala (1436)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
I think most are just there coz they wanna be on tv and that includes doing stupid things.Its they way of having their 15 minutes of fame.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
I think that is true to some point, but SOME really THINKS they can sing!
@sunshinecup (7871)
19 Jan 07
OH my God, I have been asking that same question since the show began! Where are these people friends and family? I would tell them in a heartbeat. I do not want to see a loved one humiliate them selves like that on national TV. I know when these people return home and they do not live it down. It's awful to let someone do that.... yet it is the best part of the show :)
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
yeah i am guessing that this is one of the most people watch =)
@moneymaka (492)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Well its because they want attention, so you go on there be as horrible as you can and boom you get famous, even if you were horrible, Even people who dont make it get movie deals.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Thanx for your input!
@khufara (73)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
well id be very embarasses of course but if they want to do that then ill support them. maybe they need the experienced to really decipher if they are really into it or not.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Thanx for commenting!
• United States
19 Jan 07
lol, i totally agree with you. I mean honestly, some people are so serious going on the show. I wonder if they have recorded their own voice and listened to it. i love to watch the first few shows, just to see people's reaction. Some people i definitely think go on for their 15 minutes of fame. Others, that really do take it seriously, should know that Simon is vicious. I certainly, knowing how Simon is, wouldn't let a loved one go on if they were horrible singers.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
he he he, No simon can be really mean - but usually he is right though =)
@ems1687 (10)
• United States
20 Jan 07
seriously.. Alot of these people dont even sound human.. I dont know how they expect the judges to react.. I cant believe these people are serious.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Thanx for commenting!
• United States
20 Jan 07
Certainly there are thousands of better singers at each city's audition than the few strange, awful ones that make it on the air. The producers have learned that America loves to see awful singers and I believe that they purposely pick the deranged, deluded, and just plain dumb singers to mix in with the best of the rest. Rarely do we see all the auditions of those who are selected to go to Hollywood. That would be too much like the show episodes that feature the finalists. And I'm not so cynical as to believe that the winner is predetermined. As such, I enjoy watching as the finalists mature from week to week and perform under increasing pressure. The emotions are real and the phenomenon of an unknown being transformed into a media star right before our eyes is engaging, to say the very least.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Yeah they show the outstanding ones - both ways =)
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That is why I think this show is a complete joke. It kills me that people get so worked up over who is going to win, when obviously it is all set up from the beginning. They obviously have to go through some sort of screening process or there would be billions of people standing in line for just the chance to be on tv.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
Thanx for commenting.
• Italy
20 Jan 07
mmh..In my opinion, the signer are only vip...yes....they think that they are important person but......if there are not fan to sponsor would not vip :P
@leedug (920)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I really don't think that the ENTIRE show is a set up, but of course there is going to be a screening process for the contestants. They don't want any felons going on to the top auditions. I really think that it is half and half when it comes to these people singing. Half of them really think that they can sing, and the other half would do just about anything just to get on television, including making complete idiots out of themselves. The sad thing is that they SEEK those type of people out of the crowd and let them go into the audition because of ratings, ratings, and ratings! People like to laugh at the stupidity of others, and AI producers know this, and they know that bringing these type people in will keep the ratings flying.
@leedug (920)
• United States
19 Jan 07
What I think is really sad is the people in their lives that want them to go on stage and make complete idiots of themselves just to get a laugh. There was a semi retarded guy that lived in my sister's town. My sister started talking to some people that knew the kid, and they told her that they told him he was great so that he go on the show and they could laugh at him. Unbelievable some of the things that people will do. If it were my friend, I would tell them in the nicest way possible that they are setting themselves up for disapointment.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
I would to. I mean people can be so mean =/
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
19 Jan 07
That is true- however don´t these people that can´t sing and belive they can have any true friends to advice them NOT to go on.. Better have a friend tell it to you, then judges that will down you infront of whole america..
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@citygirl (1080)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
I guess you haven't realized yet that american idol is not really a contest just for talent. It is a Tv production. They deliberatly pick really bad ones to as this is supposed to be an intertaining show. My daughter was on Canadian Idol. If you ever went for a try out you would quickly see that this is actually a tv show , not just a talent contest. By the way my daughter made it to the top 20 before she was eliminated. But I saw them turn down really talented people and pick silly ones because they need a mixture for the show. It is a show not a talent contest and that is what most people don't realize.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
22 Jan 07
i do realise that, however that was not my point. My point was that the people that come on and have no talent - if they really belivethat they can sing. i also wondered where their friends were..
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
21 Jan 07
This is why the show is a total joke and a waste of time until it gets down to the last few contestants, and then it might be worthwhile watching. some if the Idols have gone on to have successful careers, but the people in the beginning are painful to even listen to. I think that these people must know that they are not good. Maybe they just want to be on TV so bad that they don't care!
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
22 Jan 07
People do almost anything for 15, or even 5 minutes of "fame" - good or bad =)
@gapeach65 (805)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I agree, the judges can be a little to mean, they need to be a little more professional, I mean by not laughing in these people's faces, but come on, do these people not expect that. I think a lot of the hopefuls want to get lucky like William Hung did. I don't watch the show often, I love to catch the audition shows when I remember them and the last few, but I can't watch the whole season. If I knw someone that talked about going and I didn't think they'd have a shot, I'd have to tell them. Then again there's nothing saying that these people haven't heard that from their friends and just didn't listen. So much of this has to be for the ratings though. Aren't these type of shows all about the almighty dollar any way. Just a thought.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
Thanx for commenting, and I also belive that it is all about ratings and dollars =/
@catluvr (23)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I agree with you 100% These contestants sign a contract to be on the show and thats just what it is as show, entertainment. Some people will do anything for five minutes of fame and a spot on national tv, I would certainly try to discourage my friends or family if they actually had no talent
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
22 Jan 07
Thanx for commenting