micheal schumacher vs fernando alonso

car - its ferrari
@radesh (694)
January 19, 2007 8:41am CST
whom do you think is better MICHEAL SCHUMACHER or FERNANDO ALONSO..though alonso won the last year's championship i feel SCHUMACHER is the best ..what do you feel
2 responses
@Moodyelf6 (129)
19 Jan 07
Schumacher is definately the best. I was never a great fan of his, but even I have to say that he was the best driver for many years, and the sport just wont be the same without him now he has retired.
@radesh (694)
• India
19 Jan 07
thanks for the response
@zack_3004 (1207)
• Malaysia
21 Jan 07
F1 Driver - Michael Schumacher is the best Formula One driver. he is F1 legend forever and ever
for me, michael schumacher is the best formula one driver. he is F1 legend.