Pets are not people ... a serious soapbox rant!
By imadriscoll
@imadriscoll (2228)
United States
January 19, 2007 9:50am CST
I have been a pet owner over the years ... I've had a few cats and two yellow labs in my lifetime so it's not as if I don't like cats and dogs.
But it really drives me nuts when people talk about their pets as if they're equal to a human. For instance, I had one conversation going about how my friends tend to favor some of my children over others and someone responded that they don't see anything wrong with it because even though they didn't have children, they did have dogs. And they had a favorite dog. So what's the problem with having a favorite child? Or you stinkin' kidding me???
In another discussion posted a cat owner says that their cat is having problems with peeing in inappropriate places and they're spending hundreds of dollars on vet visits ... I would assume that they're also spending quite a bit of money on carpet cleaner, cat food, cat litter, etc. Why would you spend hundreds of dollars on a cat when that money could really be used to help people in need. Why do we elevate our pets over the needs of humans???
And one last rant ... My husband and I are planning on adopting two children from Haiti and to compare that to "adopting" a pet from a pet shelter is not only ridiculous it's insulting...
*deep breath*
That's it, at least for now.
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56 responses
@YummyLingo (179)
• India
19 Jan 07
okay i agree with you. partially.
they are not equal to humans. they are not.
and no, adopting a pet is not the same as adopting a child, and comparing the two is insulting.... in a way.
but as far as how much time someone spends with their pets, or how much they spend on their pets, is something you don't have a say in.
if people take care of animals it's because they like to , and want to and there is nothing wrong with that. you can't criticize a person for doing that. if they have lot's of money and have a pet they'd want to spend it on, then they might as well, and there is no one who can stop them or say otherwise.
all that money could be put to more productive use. the point is, it's their money, and it makes them happy spending it on an animal they like and have and plan on taking care of.
having a kid is not the same as having a pet, but pets do require care.
i have a pet as well, and no, im not half as obsessed as a few people you exampled up there, but i do break my back taking care of her. because i like to. she makes me happy.
i FEEL like taking care of her.
and im young, don't know what having a child is like, and find a kid irritating in some ways. im almost 19 only, and a guy. that should explain it.
so i conclude this by sayin, that yes, animals and humans are not equal, but if you have a pet, take proper care of it. if you don't plan to, then don't have one.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I would agree with you and after having some time to cool off a bit I really do think that people have the right to spend their money any way they want ... I would choose other things and they can choose how to spend their money their way.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That's a big rant. And it's okay to do that. But that is your opinion, not everyone elses. Some animals bring more joy and happiness to us then our children do. Some children are mean and hurtful. Some animals do not get the respect and concern or love they deserve from most humans that say they love animals.
As far as adoption, I commend you for wanting to do this. But, animals too need homes. Not everyone can afford children nor do they want them. I am sorry if I do not agree completely with you, and don't mean to offend anyone. Just stateing how I feel to your question.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I agree with margieanneart- My cat has brought more love and joy into my life than you can imagine. I do not have children; some people don't. We all are entitled to our opinions and to our priorities in life. Some people choose to raise children, others don't. I'm not trying to offend you, either, but what makes you and your children more important than someone else's life and pet?
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
First of all, I don't think that my life is more important then anyone else's ... and I do completely agree that not everyone chooses to have children (nor SHOULD everyone choose to have children) ... I would also say that there are children who are mean and hurtful and that there are animals who are treated very cruel and that should never happen...
BUT - Pets are simply not human and should not be elevated over human life. In a crisis situation would you choose to save a dog over any child? If you would then you and I are at serious odds. Thank you for your opinions and though I too disagree with you I have still given you a "+" rating for your honest answers.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
19 Jan 07
If you're not prepared to spend money at the vet, I think you don't belong having pets. Pets cost money. Pets are a choice (children are too).
People at work often tell me they can't believe I spend 30% of my income on my pets. They say that if I had children, would they go without food so that my guinea pigs could see the vet for a $600 bladder stone surgery? The answer is, if I couldn't afford to have pets and children, and I had children, I wouldn't have pets. Pets are a choice. You aren't forced to have them. It's not like taxes where the money is taken out whether you want it to be taken out or not. I chose to adopt pets. And it is my responsibility as a pet owner to take them to the vet when they are sick.
And you probably spend a lot of your money on useless stuff and you could donate it to help people in need. You have a computer. That's not a necessity. You probably go out shopping and buy things you don't truly need. Should you donate all that money to needy people instead? Why should you? If you feel like it, that's great. If not, it's your money!
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
There are a lot of things that I waste my money on, but since deciding to adopt children I also have had a glimpse into the world of poverty and starvation and I wish that we would all be more socially conscious. In my opinion that would be a view towards benefiting people over pets. You have your opinion and I have mine ... more like I have my rant :)
Nonetheless I wish you and your guinea pigs the best ... hopefully there will be no more bladder stones.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
imadriscoll - I think you are missing a basic point here. You say "why would you spend hundreds of dollars on a cat when that money could really be used to help people in need"
Are you suggesting that people with animals should avoid paying for vets bills and instead give the money to non animal charities? Or are you saying that people with animals are wrong to fulfil the duty of looking after their animals? This seems to be your opinion - and a strange opinion for someone who has owned animals, which you are of course entitled to. I have the joy of being a mother as well as having animals and I can confirm that of course the child is more important, however, to some people animals are more important. This is because they derive more joy from their animals than they do from humans and this fact is is more a reflection on unkind uncaring people than people misprioritizing animals over people. Anyone who is claiming that their pets are the same as children, you should just humour them as they dont know any better as they have not had the privilege and joy of having children.
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@not4me (1711)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I don't think that's what she's talking about. Besides from basic vet bills, some people spend hundreds of dollars on everything from excessive toys to designer clothes for their animals. Indeed this money could be better spent on the poor but I don't think it's right to judge because animals can bring tons of joy to a person and they personify those animals and try to reciprocate their feelings by giving them...stuff for a lack of a better word. :)
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I honestly just don't understand why people would spend that kind of money on a pet. If they choose to have a pet, they take on the responsibility to care for the pet.
But, take for instance, I have a friend whose dog has been sick practically the entire time that she's had the dog, because of this illness the dog is kept in the basement or outdoors and she doesn't pet it nor does her 4 year old son. The dog is miserable, the boy is miserable because he can't play with her or even pet the dog, and she's paying out the bum to take it to the vet every few months. I do think that it might be worth considering putting the dog down as the vet has already told her that it probably won't survive and it will just keep getting worse.
Now she is responsible for caring for the pet, but she's also responsible for making wise decisions with her money (they don't have a lot) for the sake of her family.
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@spiritwolf52 (2300)
19 Jan 07
You're kidding, right? Have you ever thought that some people can't have kids? We have two dogs and they are apart of our family. If they are in need, we will spend whatever it takes to help them. Why don't the governments help those people in need? It is their responsibility to see to the well being of their citizens. Animals love you unconditionaly, warts and all.
The problem with having a favorite child? If you have two kids and love one more than the other, trust me the other one knows. They will feel neglected while the other one thrives. That is unfair, and I am speaking from experience.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
We need some clarification here:
1. I don't have favorite children, my friends pick favorites and it irritates me.
2. I don't look down my nose at people who "adopt" pets, but it's not comparable to adopting a child. A child is a person, not a dog, cat or bird.
3. I feel for people who desire to have children and for whatever reason cannot ... but I'm wondering about the value of life - can you really say, spiritwolf, that if given the opportunity to save a child or your dogs that you would save your dogs?
4. Tammy(?) I'm not telling you how to spend your money, if I was I would tell you to send a large portion of it to me. I think that there are some people who are so wrapped up in their animals that they don't see how their resources are being used and the impact it could have globally if put to use for world hunger... I also realize that this is my opinion and don't expect that all animal lovers will rid their homes of their pets and those in Haiti will never starve again. Besides, none of us what a bunch of stray animals on the lose in our neighborhoods.
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@katty0004 (386)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I got to agree , I like animals some animals are better then people , but thats how I look at it some people have pet to have company in there homes because they are to old to have children,
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@intunique (23)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I'm not a pet person myself, but we do have 5 cats at the moment and I was raised in a home with cats and dogs. One of our cats was run over about 3 months ago (same morning that the other cat was having 4 kittens) and my kids were pretty upset about it. I believe that we humans have the capacity to love people and other living entities and that those feelings exist stronger in some people than others. I, too, find it curious how some people seem to go overboard with their pets, but if they have bonded with their animals to such a degree, then I believe it to be a sincere and valuable emotion. However, I can agree with you when people try and relate a relationship with an animal to that of a child, especially if they don't have children. I can usually forgive them as they really don't know and won't know unless they have children.
When someone chooses to spend huge sums of money on pets that could go to benefit needy children, it does strike me as having a different set of values than I do, but I am more than willing to let them choose as they wish...especially as I cherish the right to do as I please.
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
20 Jan 07
Yes - it seems very extreme that pets get to go to spas and have clothing lines! But I want to point out that people who are kind to animals even if ridiculously so, are almost always kind to people. I don't see it as being the other way around unfortunately. Also, animals have little voice, we use them for food, company, to experiment on - they have no say and almost no one to stick up for them.
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@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I don't have a problem with people saying that they treat their pet as a member of the family or they take care of them like they were their child. But, it drives me nuts to see people dressing up their pets in high priced outfits. I'm not talking about pets who need a blanket jacket or something to keep them warm while outdoors in the winter, that serves a purpose. Adopting a child is NOT the same as adopting a pet, that's ludicrous.
@starr4all (2863)
22 Jan 07
Oh, I'm totally with you! I can't stand seeing those poor animals put into clothing they shouldn't have on. They aren't dolls to be dressed up and paraded around!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
19 Jan 07
OK, I am right there with you on this one.
And just so everyone knows, I have two dogs in my family and they are treated as family members. But there is a limit to this.
My dogs are very loved and sometimes I think KC things she is human. But she gets the rude awakening when it is time to eat dinner everday. ha ha
I have also seen a post about an owner shelling out $300 for each visit to the vet. I've got to say, if the vet for my pets cost that much, they wouldn't be going! I have seven other children to care for and that money can go a long way for groceries or new jeans that they can not stop growing out of for some reason. ha ha
Comparing dogs to having children. Grrr!!! No! You can not compare dogs to kids! It just is not the same! It has bothered me when people try to compare dogs to kids and probably because I have both, I definitely know the difference! My mother does this all the time. She even once called one of her dogs my sister. I would have just to look at my mother and tell her that she is a no way are we related! We are not even the same species! But my mother would still call her my four legged sister. Now, that was very irritating!
And since you brought up adopting...I have got to go there too. And only because I have been through it recently, can I go there now.
This past October we "adopted" our Bailey from the SPCA of Tulsa.
I was amazed at the hoops and interview process we had to go through!
If we would have went to the animal shelter, it would have only been a matter of parment and that is it! But, the kids wanted Bailey so we went through their long process. And a long process it was! We had to give referrences and they actually had to call them all! It took a week for them to go through the approval process including a background check and calling my vet to see if I took care of my other dog. Then...they were about to deny us because our other dog was not fixed!!!! AFTER the kids have already been to see bailey and fell in love with him...NOW they wanted to tell me that because KC was not fixed they would not allow Bailey to be adopted! Your kidding me! But I had to explain that KC was not fixed because her vet wanted her to go through two cycles first because her area was not mature enough and it could cause complications if that area did not mature completely. So, they had to get "special approval" for that situation. Special Approval!!! Your kidding me!
Fine! The kids hearts were set on Bailey and he seemed like he would be okay with the kids.
So we got approved. And a week and a couple days later, I was picking up our new dog.
But the adoption process does not end there. THEY CALL!!!!
The SPCA feels as if they have to call and ask a series of questions when they call!
The first one was at two weeks, then one month, then two months, then it was somewhere around 4 months, and then again just the other day.
The lady said this would be the last time they would call and ask me the series of questions. Oh gee! Thanks! Like it wasn't a headache already because you kept calling as if thinking I could not take care of Bailey.
One would think I adopted a child with how much they felt that they had to call and check on us. And they even told me that if they did not get a hold of me for the phone calls, that they would come out to my house. You have got to be kidding me!! You would come to my house because I missed a phone call??? Seriously, that is a bit overboard for a dog!!! But I was nice and answered the phone and talked to this woman even though I would have really liked to give her a piece of my mind!
And she had the nerve to ask me if I would ever suggest to some one else to go to the SPCA or in the future when I wanted another pet if I would go to the SPCA...I was nice and lied! Yes, I know it was wrong to lie. But what if I said what I really thought....which is...Oh h3ll no!!! Why would I come back to you or send someone else to go through your insance process AND know that I would be subjecting myself and others to your harassing calls? I would rather go to the animal shelter or pick up a stray before going to the SPCA again!
But...if I would have said that, would they have come and taken my dog away? I was not about to risk I lied. Sure, I would come back. :P
So, for those that do not want to be a circus animal and just want to get a dog or cat...don't go to the SPCA...go to your local animal shelter. Those dogs need saving!
Gee Imadriscoll, thanks for letting me vent! I feel much better now that I have been able to tell people not to go to the SPCA! LOL
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
19 Jan 07
P.S. Sorry my response was so long, I guess I just really needed to vent about this. Thanks!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Shame on that woman that acted as if she knew your dog better just because the dog came from the SPCA!
But I am glad to read that you got another dog that was able to be more fufilling! :)
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
20 Jan 07
It's crazy how they do this. My sister went to look at a dog there, this was years ago. She'd found a puppy and was going to get it. She started with the whole routine and how they had to check with neighbors, apartment manager etc. It came to a stop though when they asked who would be with the puppy while my sister was at work. She told them I'd stop in a couple of times to take the dog for a walk and they weren't happy with that. They stated that any dog of theirs couldn't be left alone at all. They would have to call me to make sure I'd be sitting the dog the whole time she was at work or if she went out at all. It was crazy. And they did say like what happened with you that they would call and make follow up visits. My sister decided to go elsewhere and we've learned not to go back.

@hannarose27 (514)
• United States
20 Jan 07
This post made me laugh but not at you. My neighbor is one of those people. She is 40 something and has 6 cats. She has most recently told me that on her taxes she didn't Qualify for the home heating credit or earned income credit, she then proceeded to tell me that she is writing her congressman to compain and that she should be able to claim her cats. these people drive me nuts also. Children and pets are 2 different things. Did they give birth to there pet or have it inside them for 9 months.No they didn't. I am an animal lover but theres a differance.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Now that's a good one! Claiming cats! Wow!
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@Datingtheplayer (661)
• United States
19 Jan 07
i agree with you... animals should be treated like animals, but still with respect... i dont think you should compare a human to a dog like you shouldnt compare a dog to a horse. each animal species should be treated in its own seperate way. humans like humans, dogs like dogs, and horses like horse.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Jan 07
Some people can't have kids - some people may not want them. If theywork hard and ay ther taxes they are entitled to spend their oney how they chose
@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Jan 07
Oooops - this was only the very begining of a long post that seems to have appeared without the rest of it and without me being able to edit the typos. Anyway - suffice to say - pets are loyal and loving - they don't lie, cheat, steal or murder - love them and they love you back unconditionally. My partner and I spend far too much of our taxes supporting other peoples' kids anyway - if we want to spend the rest of it on cats that is our choice.
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@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
19 Jan 07
It's been proven that a bond between an animal and human can be as strong as the human-to-human bond. Some people feel this way; others don't. So, why you question why people would put money into a pet when there are people in need, I'd like to ask you why you're going to adopt two children from Haiti when there are many adoptable babies right here? Or, is it only your preferences that account for something....
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
We are choosing to adopt from Haiti for several reasons, we did consider adopting from the United States, but after serious consideration (and prayer) we decided that Haiti was the country for us.
Here are a few of the factors:
1. Haiti is the third hungriest nation in the world.
2. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
3. Haiti, the size of Maryland, has 200,000 orphans and that number grows daily.
4. Many Americans won't adopt a child from Haiti because their skin color is so dark. Leaving many children without a family because of their skin color.
5. The country has always been at political unrest, leaving it a dangerous nation to live in as an adult not to mention a child without a home, a voice or an advocate.
Also there are not a lot of "adoptable babies" right here. In fact, there our waiting lists for people who desire a baby in the United States and are forced to wait year after year for a baby, while a person wanting to adopt from other countries (including Haiti)need to wait a few months before having a referal of a child.
Now, how has it been proven that the bond between a human and a bond between an animal is the same as human to human? First of all any bond is subjective and dependant upon emotions that cannot be scientifically proven.
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@AmberNormandin (883)
• United States
19 Jan 07
i understand your point and until i had children, i looked at my pets as my kids or whatever. i dont think they need to be treated any lower than a family member because they ARE part of the family. they live in your home, you feed them, bathe them, take them to the doc, care for them, love them right? so then they are part of the family. it doesnt mean they should sit at the kitchen table with you and slop their food all over, but it doesnt mean they should be kicked around because they are dogs, cats, etc.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
"I have been a pet owner over the years ... I've had a few cats and two yellow labs in my lifetime so it's not as if I don't like cats and dogs."
This is the first line of the discussion. I've had many kittens and the first yellow lab (a pup) that I owned was a wedding present from my husband so he has special meaning attached to him. But, that wedding gift of a dog does not compare to the gift of three beautiful children that he has given me.
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@LPastor (61)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I have 2 dogs, and they are "my children" (until I have children at least) and I don't favor one over another. There are loads of studies that have been done on pet owners vs. non-pet owners and they say that the stress levels of pet owners is much lower and they have a longer life expectancy. I LOVE my dogs, however, I know that if I had children, I would LOVE them just as much and probably more. I think that people have pets as companions and humans receive unconditional love from their pets and we as humans NEED unconditional love that we may not get from another human. My dogs never seize to make me smile, even when I am sad. They keep me company when I am alone (which is a lot of the time), they love me, and I love them. If I had the finances to adopt a child and another person to help me raise it, I would probably do that- but I definately agree with you that people should NOT compare adopting a child to adopting a pet. My dogs dont go everywhere with me, they stay home alone- if i had a child, I would be sure that they could virtually come everywhere with me (except if i were going on a date or something with their father)- and I would NEVER leave a child home alone like i am able to do with dogs. a child changes your life, as do pets- but in a completely different way! :)
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I agree that pets do enhance the lives of those around them ... I wouldn't disagree with that or that any pet owner loves their pet and their pet loves them ... but not the same as a child.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Jan 07
Ok you have had your Rant but why rant at People that love their Pets I have a small dog which I got from the Animal Shelter who had a bad Life before and he is like my Baby so now have a go at me I have always had Pets and I have always treated them properly
You don't agree with that and don't treat your Pets that way fair enough but then leave us People who do want to treat their Pets that to treat them with Love
And have you ever thought that People who can't have children and who can't adopt, their Pets help them through that? No disrespect to you but everyone is different with their Pets and I happen to be one those that you are ranting about
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I'm glad that you love your pets. I love my children. I think it is disrespectful and insensitive to compare my children to someone's dog. That's where my rant began.
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@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
I understand where you're coming from, but remember that many people have been abandoned by others, but their pets give them unconditional love. It's only natural that they'd return that love towards their pets. Also, when you live and take care of a pet, it's also natural to start giving them human traits. It's something that happens.
But to go back to the first point, there are many people out there, especially old folks, who have no one else but their pets. You can't really force your values unto others, because people will love whatever or whomever they happen to love. I want to post here a small transcription I translated once, which I believe is a great example:
"(...) I have love to this, perhaps because I have nothing else to love -- or also, perhaps, because nothing is worth the love of a soul, and, if by our feelings surrender it we must, it's just as well surrending it to the small value of my ink well as to the great indifference of the stars."
Bernardo Soares (alias Fernando Pessoa) -- "The book of Disquiet"
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@Sarah1977 (495)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I agree with you whole-heartedly. I have 4 kids, and it drives me INSANE when people try to tell me that they feel the same way about their pets that I do about my children. There is absolutely NO love that could be greater then that of a parent's love for their child/ren. I have found that it is pointless to try to convince these people, since most, if not all of them have no children. I am also an animal lover, but if I had to choose between my children or a pet, it wouldn't even take me a fraction of a second to choose. Come to think of it, even if I had to choose between saving a complete stranger (human) or my pet, I would choose the stranger. People are more important then animals, even though we can have love for our pets.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Thank you Sarah, that's exactly what I'm talking about!
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Never imagined that this conversation would have political implications! :)
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@Geminigirl (1909)
• United States
19 Jan 07
You sound really angry. I think it is important to realize that not everyone shares your point of few. Different stroke for different folks. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, even though it may not parallel yours.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I'm not angry, I just think that the comparison is ridiculous. I respect people's opinions and their points of view and that not everyone has to agree with me.
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@ControlledChaos (179)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I live alone and love my dogs because it's nice to have someone be happy when you come home... Even if it is a dog. lol. But I always remember that they are DOGS. A lot of times its people who can't get that through their heads that have serious behavioral issues with their pets. It drives me nuts too.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Thank you ControlledChaos, I know that dogs can be meaningful in people's lives ... but they remain a dog none the less.
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