Should we leave some our traditions behind?
By kritipen
@kritipen (4082)
United States
January 19, 2007 12:32pm CST
Traditions in all societies all over the world must have been started to provide a direction and an avocation. But after the advent of technological revolution we hardly find time to keep up with all the traditions. Instead of following them partly why dont we stop practicing them. At the rate and correctness with which we follow them, those great traditions will only be a thing of the past in the near future.How do you think we can cope up with the old traditions and the new traditions that are evolving.
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57 responses
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
19 Jan 07
Congratulations on the basis for a great discussion.
I have read your discussion topic and the responses given so far, and have been surprised to find there are no specifics mentioned.
How can we consider doing away with "some" old traditions and retaining "some" traditions and setting "some" new traditions, without any inclination of what these traditions might be? Maybe this is the point of your discussion; you are asking for suggestions.
With this in mind, I'd like to suggest a few of our old tradtions which I think should definitely be retained.
HONESTY and INTEGRITY. Surely, these are a backbone of society and a recipe for harmonious, fruitful lives.
"A hard day's work for a full day's pay" is a tradition which was once held in esteem, but has largely changed to one of doing as little as possible for as much as possible. Speaking the truth at all times has been changed to thinking anything goes if you can get away with it. Shop stealing is excused on the grounds that they charged me too much, so I'm only taking what they owe me. The list could go on and on ...
LOYALTY and FAITHFULNESS are traditions which seem to be disappearing, but should we abandon them? or seek to build them up? Take out loyalty and faithfulness and what do you have to replace them? Doubt and suspicion and corruption. Are these worthy traditions?
MARRIAGE. Marriage, traditionally, is defined as a lifetime union between one man and one woman. A happy marriage was something to dream about, search for diligently and fight to maintain. The breakdown of this tradition has led to all sorts of problems, and will lead to a lot more in the future. Already there are young people who do not know who their biological father is and have unknowingly married their biological half brother/sister. What tradition are they leaving for their children?
THE RIGHT TO LIFE. A doctor's oath is to preserve life, but we now see that in many places, doctors are given the right to actually take life: to commit murder. ABORTION is the murder of a new life, but is excused as an easy answer to a mistake. EUTHANASIA is murder but is excused on various grounds. How long will it be before a new tradition gives doctors rights to end lives they consider to be worthless? Is that a tradition we should look forward to?
THE FAMILY UNIT. History shows us that whenever the family unit has been attacked, the country has suffered. Present governments are moving to take away the rights of parents to train their children. The old tradition of the family unit being the centre core of society is worth retaining. What would replace that?
I'd like to hear specifics of the new traditions that are evolving.

@airnavigator (369)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I agree with your specifics and these traditions have been a part of human cultures from ancient times. As to the following comment about divorce, fashion, uncontrolled drinking, and addictions to technology are these replacements for long standing traditions or merely passing fads? If one looks at history they will find that societies periodically abandon long standing traditions for temporary fads such as these but, not being supportative of stable and happy lives, people soon abandon them and return to traditional values. I don't think the basic core values will change but some of the rituals associated with them will change - but that is like changing the color of paint on a house -the structure is the same there has just been a cosmetic change on the outside.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
20 Jan 07
kritipen, I still don't know what you mean by "rituals .. practices observed on religious and festive occasions". I do not observe rituals.
Are you trying to suggest that we abandon the tradition of marriage and replace it with a tradition of divorce? Are you suggesting that we abandon sobriety and replace it with "drinking at parties" and possibly drink-driving as well?
You admit there is stress associated with these new traditions, so why do you want them? I'm sorry, but if this is what you are saying, I can see no logic in your reasoning.
Airnavigator, I have to agree with you that these things are fads, rather than traditions. The "age-old" traditions do at least support a healthy and happy life-style. I also agree that these could change in some ways - in fact have changed in some ways - while retaining the base structure.
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@kritipen (4082)
• United States
20 Jan 07
By traditions i meant the rituals associated with various religious practices and practices observed on religious and festive occassions. These are the age-old traditions.
New traditions are ever increasing divorces, fashion, drinking at parties, uncontrolled and addictive use of technology.
Why should we put ourselves into more stress by practicing age old traditions besides having to deal with the stress associated with the new traditions
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@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
i think there are traditions that we should change and leave to cope up with the changing times. but there are traditions as well that must be preserved because of its value and importance to the society and people who practice them. some traditions have become trademarks or distincive features of countries and peoples such that leaving all the tradition is like erasing the past, the past that made us what we have become right now, the past that made the present possible and the future to look forward.
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@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
19 Jan 07
Yes I do agree with you.
From where I come from, there are lots of traditions that still being kept up to this era. Some are probably not suitable anymore and some are harmless.
I personally think, if it's harmless, then by all means there is no need to disregard that tradition anyway.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
19 Jan 07
Can you name the traditions which are "not suitable any more"?
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@altair_dip (807)
• India
20 Jan 07
Traditions as u say need to changes as times change.. most of the traditions dont make sense in todays world and its better we stop the practice.. but some still do .. and they make us feel very nice..
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
20 Jan 07
Can you give me an instance of traditions which don't make sense in today's world?
The tradition I know of, like marriage, the right to life, etc still hold good and are a firm foundation.
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@pinangshuk (133)
• India
20 Jan 07
ye sabsolutely...the usuless traditions r no longer valid in todays world...we hav to just throw them...
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
I wish you were more specific and stated what are the particular traditions you have in mind. Generally, some old traditions are good and are worth keeping. e.g. respect for parents and adults by the young, some are bowing their heads as a sign of respect. This is worth keeping. Praying as a family before eating meals is a good tradition. My point is, not all traditions are relevant in our modern societies but some are good for our own benefit in the modern world.
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@abhiquest (579)
• India
20 Jan 07
I believe, in the last two decades our lifestyle has changed drastically. The sort of change that has taken during this period can be compared to changes that happen in a century!
Our pace of work and lifestyle all have changed. And with this our response to our culture and tradition has also changed drastically. The traditions which took centuries to build and modify are being modified by us that too within a timespan of just a few decades.
I don't see any harm in evolving our tradition with time. I believe its a call of the times we live in!
@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
20 Jan 07
Perhaps you are right. But don't you think that more time should be spent "smelling the roses". The last two generations are too intent on moving in the fast lane and not paying any attention to those in the slow lane. This latest generation, it seems to me, is going to burn itself out too soon. They bring the tension and stress upon themselves with no help needed from anyone else. They should, as I said, take time and "stop and smell the roses".
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@creavin007 (131)
• India
20 Jan 07
I think we are losing our tradition which we should not lose I know that in todays life it is very difficult we hardly spend time for our dear one.Take an example frist people use to work for 8 hours only and in evening all family were have getogether and unity and relax now living in one roof we don't met our family memeber, maybe in festival time or any other every body after money.I don't think how will be life.
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@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
20 Jan 07
Traditions will change on its own. It follows the law that states 'old practices can be allowed to disappear and new practices can be allowed'. It is a natural process. No one need to get worried on the happenings.
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@gsnarayanan (1704)
• India
25 Jan 07
Yes ! One has to contribute then only changes occur. There are so many changes that have been suggested and brought in to use where ever appropriate. The changes may be for good or bad. But they will take their own path. For example the partiallity over a cast system in countries like India has very much reduced. But at present it has taken a political turn. I too wish that the cast and religion should disappear from the glob. It may happen one day.

@scorpius (1792)
• India
20 Jan 07
well first of all traditions are good as it is the traditions that keep us in line from mtime to time.that said yesin todays globalised world with so little time we have to make do the best that we such times it is always better to do "multi tasking".
you can do your traditions but do them like 2/3 ata time.this will save you the time that one needs to do other tasks.
multi tasking is the way to go.we all nowdays have a very high premium on our to follow the traditions to the leter we can provided we make the time for multi tasking is the answer.this way we can sa\tay true to our traditions yet at the same time we would be using very little time for them.
as far as traditions and dresses go,i know that at certain times we are requiored to wear certain types of dresses.well this may not be possible.but for saying prayers and doiong religious cermonies we can definitely do multi tasking!
hope that my response was sufficient!

@kishchun (497)
• Oman
20 Jan 07
traditions - yes and no. some traditions in some societies are good, some are not so good. now in the technological age, as you say, tradition seems to be vanishing. see, we cannot really hold on to tradition and resist change or progress, but we can preserve whatever good we can, and that is what we have to aim at. not opposing change and development in the name of tradition, but not accepting the negative part of advancement in the name of modernity either. i hope am not being confusing!
@katenkim (238)
• Singapore
20 Jan 07
traditions are traditions,every society has them, and sometimes its not being practiced at all when it comes to this modern world. but some were still doing it and i guess some will still remember and pass to their children what is being practiced that makes them unique
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@faylinn_chaeli (1619)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
No we shouldn't leave or neglect the traditions no matter how modern our life is right now. That is our roots, however if there are some traditional beliefs that would affect the life of the people or the progress of the country, I think it is time to have some changes.
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@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
20 Jan 07
Traditions are part of the cultural identity, and a link with heritage. Technology and popular culture comes and goes. There won't be a Big Brother museum, or an American Idol Day.
Some cultures incorporate traditional motifs and concepts into modern media. Bollywood certainly maintains its links. Chinese, Arabic and Indian music often uses traditional instruments and musical idioms in the modern music.
A culture is what history makes it. Some things from the present are included in the future as traditions, some things from the past are kept as traditions.
I don't think we can really lose tradition, just fail to recognize it under the modern clutter.
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@worthy (2413)
• India
20 Jan 07
Transition and change is rule of life.With changing times lifestyle and traditions should be modified too.But it shouldn't mean that we leave some traditions.They are part of our identity.modifying your identity can be understood but how can you leave and erase it.In this busy lofe today we do the essential things ,so we can follow traditions too.
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
20 Jan 07
im speaking with what our family have been doing and practising.right now we still respect our customs and tradtions regardless if the world is changing now into a more modern one due to the high technoloy being invented...its just how we adjust to it...and combine our daily lives
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@Mtushar87 (488)
• India
20 Jan 07
no traditions should not leave behind on for new adoption..its not even good to have no adoption of new traditions..
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@a_robinnep (529)
• Nepal
20 Jan 07
All of traditional matters are not wrong many of those which is not correct is left now, In further days it will be correct by the time.
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@sanjayprasad (1)
• India
20 Jan 07
in this fast going living style who has time to care about our traditions or customs, but if somebody wants to make time for our culture,custom he can do it. because there is a will there is a way. but problem is which custom is good or not, simply those custom which heart mankind we have to correct it like a marriage of a widow... and those custom is good for everyone should have to be followed.
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