Am I a bad mother? What is wrong with me?
By CheckNitout
@CheckNitout (853)
United States
January 19, 2007 3:00pm CST
I am a stay at home mother of a three year old and a two year old. I love them dearly and usually we play and learn all day. Lately I just find everything they do sooooo annoying. My son doesn't have much of a vocabulary yet and depends on hand signals to communicate mostly. He grabs my hand and drags me where he wants to go. Lately this just grates on my nerves, it is an all day thing and mean while my daughter is yelling momma, momma and whineing.Just yesterday my daughter didn't want to get out of the bath this isn't unusual but usually I can think of some fun reason for her to get out with out her getting to upset. Well yesterday I didn't even try. I asked her to get out a couple of times and finially I just grabbed her out of there with her kicking and screaming the whole way. And I just want to scream. I feel like I don't have enough patience with them and it makes me feel so bad. I find my self losing my temper much more often and I will yell at them, which I try never to do. Doing that just makes my daughters attitude worse. I don't know can anyone give me some advice? It isn't fair to the children for me to be acting this way but I just can't help it.
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132 responses
@rainbow (6761)
19 Jan 07
You are usually so good, and have given me loads of good support, I am sorry and worried that you are so fed up I think that you may need to have a little time for yourself. YOU ARE NOT A BAD MUM - please don't get down like that.
I get like this sometimes, if you go to the Dr they will say you are depressed and give you tablets.
Is there a friend who can give you an hour or so to go shopping by yourself or out for a treat that you enjoy.
Do you take your kids to any play sessions or mums support groups, the kids get to play and you get to moan, it's helpful if you can bring yourself to take them. Plus they get to play with other kids which helps socialise them.
Even taking them to the park and letting them run around until they are worn out will make you feel better.
Sometimes kids are annoying- mine can be horrendous and sometimes I just want to get in the car and run but I never do. I just leave them with their dad while I nip to the beach with my dog or meet a pal for coffee, at the worst I go to Tesco late at night when they are asleep and Shrek is there then I get myself a new outfit and some treats to make me feel human again. Sometimes as mums we loose who we are inside and then the frustration Kicks in. I truly hope that you feel happier again soon, if you want to pour it all out you can send me a private message, I promise to listen and not to judge.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That is so sweet of you and I may have to take you up on that offer. I just feel inaddequate because of my actions and that makes me feel even worse ya know? I really wish I lived near the beach it is so refreshing and relaxing. Thanks again.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Ummmm Honey~ You need a BREAK! That's what's wrong. You need to ask your hubby/boyfriend for a night out! You tend to get burnt out and cranky when you do the same things all day everyday! Go out and have some fun!!!
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Jan 07
A break? What is that? I guess that could definately be my problem. My hubby usually takes care of the kids for a while in the evening when he gets home but that's all the break I get.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I know how you feel, I have 9. I never get a break from all of them at's very hard!
I'm talking about a real break...GET OUT OF THE HOUSE,AWAY FROM THE KIDS!! FAR AWAY!! lol
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Just thought of this.....I just started taking a parenting class and one of the first things they told us is that when we don't take care of ourselves, it affects the whole family. We get cranky and take it out on everyone. We need the breaks, we need the rest. You can't be supermom 24/7/365! We have to take a break or we will break! So, come on...go make plans for a night out with the girls for Saturday! Have a great time! Leave all your worries at HOME!!! Pretend you don't have kids for a couple hours! You deserve it!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
19 Jan 07
No, your not a bad mother. It sounds like maybe you need to take some time to yourself. Get yourself a babysitter and get away for a couple of hours. Get your hair done, go to lunch with a friend, go catch a movie. Something that will get you out. I think you'll find you are stressed because of the same routines and not taking time out for yourself.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Jan 07
That sounds fun, I have only had a babysitter once or twice since they were born. Sometimes I feel like I have given all I can possibly give of myself and nothing is ever given for me ya know? I don't mind it most of the time I enjoy being a mother and wife but I sure feel unappreciated lately.
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@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Yes, you definitely need a break. I usually catch an early, cheaper movie. Like Sundays after church or something. You definitely just need som "me" time for yourself. You do definitely need to take care of yourself and that will make you a better parent. (Oh, I didn't mean you were a bad one, just that it'll help you feel and act better - more patience, less annoyed).
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@hopeandgrace427 (173)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I, too, have felt the same way, a lot! I have 3 kids ages 8, 7, and 5 and it just seems to get worse. They all fight with each other constantly. At times, I just hated being around them. Especially when we are all in the car. It has gotten better though. We now play games with them and have introduced more time outs. Taking away their toys work too. Your kids are a little bit younger than mine, but time outs are great. Just make sure to follow through and not give too many warnings.
And, as many people have said, try to take a break. Even if it inside your own house by taking up a hobby. Walking around the neigborhood is a great idea. Exercise and your own thoughts at the same time! Good luck and hang in there. It does get a lot easier to find time to yourself when they start going to school.
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@smille (829)
• India
20 Jan 07
yes its right tht u need a break and like bawasaki said u can find out other moms like u in ur neighbourhood and spend some time with them out with ur kids....they will play alltogether and u will hv some gr8 time exchanging ur experiences, tht will help u to cope up with the situation.
another thing i think which is more frustrating u is'not getting appreciated' right? so whn u meet other women like u tht thing alos u can share and get their experiences and ideas too. aask ur husband to look after ur kids for whole day and go to ur friend all day, so tht he too will realise how u manage all those things and will appreciate ur efforts.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I keep hearing that it gets easier and I am still waiting. It's not always bad though it is just certain days that drive me batty.
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@usmcprincess (299)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I know people are telling you that you need a break and you do. I am a nanny for five and let me tell you I know exactly how you feel. I look forward to the weekend and it is the only thing that gets me through the week sometimes. It might help out if you sent the to something like a childcare center at a high school since they only have their program for a few hours and you could send them on the days that you feel you need the extra space and a little break even if it is just to take a nap of soak in the tub for a little while. I hope that this helps you and good luck.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Thank you so much shywolf that makes me feel good to hear that. I try to be a good mother I really do but sometimes I just feel overwhelmed.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Yes, it sounds to me too like you need some time to yourself more often. That would probably help your nerves a lot. I feel so badly for you. I know that you are trying your hardest to be a good mother. It shows so much care that you are even worrying about it to the point of posting here and wanting advice. At least you are really worried about the fact that you are getting upset and having a hard time dealing with your children, instead of just yelling at your kids all the time without a feeling of remorse. I know that you are a great mother and you just need some time to relax and take care of yourself so that you can better take care of your kids.

@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
19 Jan 07
First of all take a deep breath. I know how frustrating it is to stay at home all day with two young children. It sounds like you are just needing some time out for yourself. There's nothing wrong with that. You shouldn't feel guilty for being frustrated or losing your temper. It happens to all of us from time to time. Is there someone that could take them for a few hours so that you could go out and spend some time child free?
If there are other stay at home moms in your area, I would recommend getting together with them a few times a week. The children can all have a play date together and the moms can have some time to relax and indulge in a little adult conversation.
Just remember, staying at home to be with your children is the best thing that you could do for them. And you shouldn't feel guilty for needing some time out now and then. Good luck!!
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I don't know if we have a program like that or not but I will definately check it out. I really don't feel comfortable leaving my children with people though. I have just heard so many horror stories I want to protect them all I can.
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@Kscott (634)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I'm a stay at home mom also, my children are 13, 9, 3, & 2. The two older ones go to school during the day, hubby goes to work, so by 8 a.m. it just me and the girls. Most days things run smoothly, and I can occupy them pretty well, but I do have days when they annoy the everlasting hell out of me, and no one can understand when they get home that I need a break, just an hour, to recoop and do something for me....I long for a nice Calgon bath!!! LOL. Your children are the same age, and mine do the same things....and when you are with them everyday....and play with them (I'm sick of playing dollies and kitchen and Elmo by the way!!) it's like your on this time schedule to get other things done, laundry,dishes, cooking, and getting things prepared for the next day, etc., and I feel pressured to get them done, then mad at myself if I cant, and I think thats some of my frustration. I made a stand a few months of ago, I told my husband and two older children, that when they get home, after dinner, I need a break, (sometimes before dinner because I get a little frazzled), and I try to find an interesting's usually hopping on this computer and logging into Mylot, but it's my time with no kids to take care of for the moment, and it helps. I'd like to be able to go once a week and get together with some other frazzled mothers who feel the same way. I love my kids dearly and love staying home with them, but I'm entitled to a break every now and again, and I think that's what you need. Try to take a break and do nothing or something that you enjoy if you can when they take a nap (mine dont take regular naps everyday, I try, but it's not always successful) or if your situation is like mine, when someone else comes home. It's important to take time for yourself....even if it's a small amount, give you something to look forward to and puts you in a better frame of mind. NO you are NOT a bad mother, it's not easy staying home day in and day out, and the only thing you have to look forward to is going to the grocery store, and that for me is usually with a couple of kids, so no outlet there! Try walking away from them when you feel annoyed (easier said then done I know, mine follow me everywhere!!, heck I cant even go to the bathroom alone LOL!!) thats what I do and sit down, and just try to tune them out for a few minutes, take a deeeeeeep breath, count to ten, rub your temples, and get a favorite drink.....just some suggestions, but dont beat yourself up....look at your are a handful, and trying to keep them occupied, when they have a short attention span is difficult. Give yourself a break my dear, and pat yourself on the back for all the good things you are doing, and the benefits that are being provided to them by you staying at home with them!
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Let me first start by saying WOW! You sound exactly like me. Everything you said down to the bathroom. Thank you for responding I feel much more hopeful now. I wish you and your family well.
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Sounds to me like maybe you just need a day or two off! See if someone you trust can watch the kids for a while and just have a girls day out. You might be surprised to find that taking time for yourself really makes you more ready to deal with everyone else!
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
19 Jan 07
It sounds like you just need to take a break and do something for yourself. I would suggest that you take a night out on the town, get a babysitter and you go out and do something fun. It sounds like your mental capasity is at it's breaking point, that does not make you a bad parent just human. Go out and have some fun!!
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@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I hope so also since it is stress like this that causes a person to do something they greatly regret later! Get a babysitter and take a night out! Have some fun before it is too late!!!
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Yes I am at my breaking point I believe. I appreciate your response and I hope I can get a break soon.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Your children are getting on your nerves for two reasons, just going by what you have said here.
There is no reason to make getting out of the bath tub a fun event. You are working way too hard at the necessary progression of bath time. Change things like this to directives that are to be obeyed. You will be doing yourself and your children a favor by not teaching them that everything has to be their own idea or sound fun. It is unresonable.
Next, hand signals? Grabbing you by your hand? Start teaching him one word questions or 2 word phrases that don't involve physical contact. Having him physically guide you menas he is ehter pulling or pushing you. Your nervous system will get a bit worn from the contact and no matter how gently a child pulls, its still a pull.
There is nothing wrong with raising your voice, you must look at the underlying reasons and rearrange things so that they don't stack up.
You haven't mentioned what sort of adult contact you get on a daily basis, but it sounds like it is time for you to incorporate that sort of time on a daily basis, and its time that the children started developing a sense that you are definitely a separate person, and THE ADULT.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
How am I suppose to teach my three year old that she has to listen to my directives? I hate fighting with her over silly things and she is so stong willed. I find that it is easier to just make things fun for her. Then we are both happy. As far as my son goes he is being evaluated for autism and doesn't speak much. I have tried endlessly to teach him phrases and certain words. He has recently started picking up more words. The pulling definately is working my nerves but it is the only way he has to communicate what am I suppose to do? Do you really think it alright to raise my voice at them? It seems to just escalate the situation. My daughter is learning from my actions. Am I not showing her that it would be okay for her to yell too? I want them to see me as the ADULT, I don't knoww maybe I am just too nice? Thanks for your response by the way.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Yes, I really think its alright to raise your voice. I a sure that you are not cussing them out. a raised voice is alot different from an uncontrolled screaming or yelling spell. It is your using a tone that signifies that you intend to be listened to. You raise your voice to emphasize a command. It is not a sustained tone by any stretch of the imagination.
If you are having to "struggle" with your 3 year old then its definitely time for some logical consequences. You have to decide what those will be. For some it is a delay of a treasured treat, usually something eaten. perhaps a "time out" to make up for the 3 minutes it took for her to get out of the tub. At 3, her time out should be about 3 minutes or less. She is capable of understanding the need for compliance and it is necessary for her to be relatively successful in school and in life.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
20 Jan 07
You are not a bad mother, by the way. Your 3 year old is now older and needs a different approach so that you can have some order in the household.
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@moneymaka (492)
• United States
19 Jan 07
If you find your self losing your temper then you definately do need a break,
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Children are smart, so I recommend talking to them. Especially your eldest daughter. Let her know that you have other things to do, and you cannot be called on 24/7 while you are doing other things. To help keep them occupied, try the start and walk tip. Start them both on an activity, something interesting. Introduce it to them, start playing with them and tell them that you have to do a few things but to stay and finishing they activity. Get up and do what you want, even if it's just taking a few moments to yourself. After a few minutes, go check on the kids to see what they're doing. That should help you get a bit more time to yourself.
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@gapeach65 (805)
• United States
20 Jan 07
No, you don't sound like a bad sound like a normal mother. I agree with what others are saying about needing a break, I know it's hard, I'm the mother of 4 myself.(their ages are 21, 18, 18 (my step daughter), and 8) ans I've been a stay at home mom for 9 years. I know it's hard to get time away, and I never had a babysitter unless my mom or mother in law could do it...I'm too over protective too.
Maybe something as simple as a bubble bath after the kiddies go to bed would help ease some of your stress, I used to do this when my first two were little.
Also, don't feel bad about losing it, we all do it from time to long as you love your children and they know it, hugs work for them; they won't even remember the times you dragged them from the tub.
Also try taking a deep breath and counting to 10 slowly if you feel like you're losing it, you can even turn the tables and when you're about to lose it, tell the children that mommy needs a hug, that will stop them from what they're doing and you'll have a moment to calm down too. (plus you'll both feel loved for it).
I hope this helps and just remember that you're not alone, you have all of us to support you.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Awww, that is so sweet. I really don't know what I would do with out all of you mylotians. Thanks for your kind words they really do make a difference.
@lauchick1 (62)
19 Jan 07
No your not a bad mother, you just need time for you too. I cant imagine how hard it must be for you staying at home day in day out, your a mother you love your children but that doesnt mean you shouldnt have a little time just to your self, every one needs and deserves that break.
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I don't even know how to go about getting time for my self. I mean I know I get a babysitter and go out but frankly I'd feel lost without the kids I think. I really wouldn't even know where to go. They are like my arms ya know they go everywhere with me.
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@UcoksBaBa (800)
• Indonesia
20 Jan 07
all problems come from your inside, and if that make you not like a really mother for your child his come from yourself and for that medicine is only to be calm and be in effect usual like the others mothers
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I have taken a vitamin to help and it really hasn't worked. Thanks for your response though.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Oh I so know the feeling. Believe me I do. You need some adult time, which I'm sure most have told you. However I know it's also easier said then done. Finding a sitter or finding someone who can watch the kids while you go out and even then what do you do?
Check for yahoo groups that are for your area, you can do a search by your county and state and I think city but I'm not sure if by city. There may be several groups for stay at home moms. I know there are for my area. Some do set up things for play dates where you can talk with other mothers and the kids can all play together. THis gives you a bit of human contact that can talk with you unlike your children. You might also be able to find reliable baby sitters through there and friends to do things with.
When you are ready to change your name from "Mom" to something else and all you want to do is scream the best thing you can do is take some time away from the kids. You'll be doing them and you a favor.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Thanks for the advice I think I'll check that search out. I really don't have any friends so it would be nice to meet some new people.
@mrstigs (63)
• United States
20 Jan 07
It sounds like you need a break. I don't know why most of society doesn't get that SAHM's need a break from their job just like everyone else. How would they feel if they were expected to be at work 24/7 and didn't even get the peace of a 30 minute lunch break away from all responsibilities?
Look into a day care that would let you have at least one morning off a week or if that isn't financially possible, maybe another mom friend who could trade a partial day off with you.
Best of luck! It might not feel like it right now but you are doing a wonderful thing for your children by being home to raise them. Now do something equally wonderful and take care of their mama. :)
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
You're right it is a 24 hour a day job and we don't even get vacations or anything. I wish more people understood that.
@cyndhirella (549)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
Im a mother too and I can perfectly understand your feelings. I loose my temper too with my son, like you, I also scream and shout at him to the extent of spanking him on the butt.
But that doesn't make us a bad parent right?
Quite guilty, but them, sometimes i think children have to see that what they do makes us mad.
Although children moods swings are as terrible as you could not expect, we should also try to control our temper.
I guess, we just have to be patient and persistent.
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Thanks for such an honest response. I know you are right about us needing patience and persistense but that is easier said than done. I am usually very good at being patient my family thinks I am too easy on the kids I just don't know what's wrong with me lately. Good Luck with your son. Maybe you will find some good advice through out this post too.
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
20 Jan 07
You need a break badly. If you can't get out of the house, lock yourself in the bathroom, run a bubble bath, light some candles, turn on the radio, and try to ignore everyone beating on the door trying to get your attention.
@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I though I was the only one who laid in th ebath listening to children screaming. LOL
@kawaiipooh (86)
• Australia
20 Jan 07
i understand that dealing with kid is very hard. but at the moment i think you are not in the good mood or maybe something relly bother you at this moment so it either directly or indiretly effect on what you doing normally.
i think it is better for you to have a break and maybe ask your mum or one of your family to look after for your kids for a while.
becase if you are not in good mood and keep angry with your kid then it wil effect on your relationship with them, what i mean is they scare at you and it not good for them in the future because normally the love the parent and the kid love is uncondicitonal love.
ok good luck for everything and hope you can fix this problem soon
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@CheckNitout (853)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I think that is true it is affecting my rrelationship with them. My love for them is and will always be unconditional, I just think I may have some sort of hormonal imbalance or something because I am not usually like this. Anyway thanks for responding.