Manners in adults and children
By kadia123
@kadia123 (60)
January 20, 2007 3:47am CST
How many of you are absolutely dumbfounded in lack of Manners??
I mean how hard is it to say thankyou and please?
I was disgusted in the way people go about their everyday lives as like they will never have time to do things. For goodness sake please just say thankyou and please to everyone you deal with. Mannerisum goes along way to make someone day happier.
The today society seems to be in a rush that they forget that manners is part of our society.
How do you feel about it and to what extent do you do to make it possible? I know I do stop them in their tracks and make them say it to me no matter if it an adult or a child!
I value your opinion!
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13 responses
@Adversa (406)
• Australia
20 Jan 07
I work in retail and I tell you what it makes my day when someone asks "Can I please get some help" rather then just expecting it. I mean, I know its my job to help, but when someone says please and thankyou it makes you feel valued and wanted. It makes my day.
Yesterday at work a little kid came running up to me with one of our ballons and said "Excuse me mister, I found your ballon". You should have seen his parents brimming with pride because of his manners. You should of seen the look on his face when i told him he could keep it. (I fact I gave him three of them on sicks. He was so excited about his balloons.
That made my day as well. The kid was cute (would have been 3 or 4) and it is good to see parents teaching mannors.
The complete opposite would be customers calling me things I simply cannot repeat here simply because I am unable to help them. They ignore the fact that I have just spent 15 minutes trying to help and they just go off the handle. Sometimes as much as I want to I am unable to help them. Not only that but 15 minutes on one customer is very much frowned upon in my company. Its simply not cost effective, but I consider it good service if its required and thats priceless.
Oh, one more thing. I had a customer come in, she was ver polite looking for a tent (One special one in particular). Unfortunately we had sold out of that model the day before. The customer was really nice and I wanted to help her. I myself had one of those tents on layby, so out of my own kindness (and pocket - I lost 10% of my money) I cancelled my layby and gave the customer my tent. This I would not have done if she had gotten cranky and rude about the fact we had sold out. It was good service I gave, but I didnt have to do it. being Polite opens more doors then being rude, Kadia is right!
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@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
21 Jan 07
When I was growing up I was taught that manners are very important.I always say please and thank you,it's not like it's hard,right?.You are correct in saying that alot of people don't have manners these days and I think it's quite sad.Very few people use their manners now I have found.I have taught my children to use their manners and quite often pull them up if they forget to say please and Thank you,even though they are young adults now.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
21 Jan 07
The lack of manners in society today also appalls me. I cannot believe the rudeness even of young children, let alone many of the teenagers out there today. I believe that so much of this is due to poor parenting. It is sad that I would feel more surprised if someone did say please or thank you to me than if they didn't. And you're right, it really isn't that hard to do. It only takes a few seconds of your life, and it can mean so much to the other person to hear those words of kindness! ^_^
@RomanceGoddess (55)
• United States
21 Jan 07
It is amazing how rude people are! My biggest pet peeve is at a check out in any store where the cashier is having a conversation with another employee and won't stop their convo to wait on me, I have to wait for them to finish first! UGH!! Where is the customer service training let alone manners??
There was a news program about this same topic, I think it was nbc nightly news, its epidemic in the U.S. and I think its time that parent's get some manners themselves and start teaching their kids!
@kadia123 (60)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
Well when I used to work as a checkout operator we were taught mannerism and also to always smile. Today they dont even do that!
I actually complain when I am delayed especially when they can talk to each other during their lunch breaks.
@Kscott (634)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Manners are very important. I know my children have them and have been taught, but dont always practice it everytime, and therefore require prompting. You said it in a nutshell....."today's society is always in a rush"....hurry up, no patience, and no tolerance anymore...what is everyone in such a hurry for? Manners are very important, imagine what the world will be like when all these people who dont use manners....have children...and they dont teach them manners....I sure hope it's not in my lifespan!
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Yesterday I was at a business and there was a small group of men just sitting around talking by the door. I was struggling to open the door while I was carrying out some large boxes. Not a one would get up and open the door, not once even though I had to make several trips. I'm a woman and if I saw a man that needed help I would get up and open the door. On the other hand I have been to schools (helping my husband with his work) and I am always amazed at how polite those kids are. They are always opening doors and offering to help with stuff.
@momwatittude (542)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I believe people do lack in that area because they were never taught it. I home school my child and proper etiquette and manners are a part of his curriculum. I also drive a school bus and it is a must on my bus or you wont ride. I will not and do not accept disrespect from anyone. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
You are absolutely right i believe in manners and i also believe that the use of manners can in fact brighten ones day. It is always nice to have a smile on your face and cheerfulness i believe also comes with manners. It is right to say please and thank you and very ignorant if you don't. I make all 4 of the kids here say please and thank you for everything that is given to them!!
@babydolphin (536)
• Australia
22 Jan 07
I value manner very much. I think it is what we should do, I mean we are not living alone in this world.. we share it with other people.. why not make it a nicer warmer world to live in? I always say thank you, please, excuse me that kind of things.. And sometimes you passed someone, catch their eyes and smile to them.. you know.. it might not mean anything to some people.. but to others it may make their days.. I know I feel happy if a stranger smile to me (nicely of course).. or say thank you.. or something.. It makes me feel that I am not invisible.. it makes me feel that I belong in this world.. I think we should try to be more polite to each others.. though I dont think I would have the courage to stop people and make them say it to me.. ehehhehee
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@Ruralchook (538)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
Good mannerisum gets you along way.
its funny, my son has AHDH and people often complain about him, but they always state in the same story about his terror ways that he always has manners though.
Neither myself, my son or daughter can stop using our manners, we always say the simplist of words please, thankyou, excuse me.
We always open doors for others and feel embarrased when someone does it to us though.
My son makes me laugh when we are at shops, if he gets no response from his thankyou's he stands there and repeats himself over and over until he gets one back, when he feels he's not going to get one, he'll ask "are you having a bad day?, because I said thankyou and you havent replied" lol he makes me laugh
@kadia123 (60)
• Australia
21 Jan 07
Oh that is so cute! Hope he continues that. I am partially deaf and when I want to get through I always say excuse me and after the third time I push through saying it would be nice if you listen to someone trying to use some manners around here.
They stand there dumbfounded.
I hope he will never loose that as he grows.