Do you have powers like Alison in Medium?
By thescribbler
@thescribbler (386)
United States
January 20, 2007 3:33pm CST
When I was younger, some things happened to me that still puzzle me. My mother was sick so I stayed home from school to help out. I was in the kitchen doing something when I heard her call out to me. I distinctly heard her call my name. I went to her bedroom door where she was lying in bed. "Did you call me, Mom?" "No, but I was thinking of calling you to ask you to make me a cup of tea."
Did I hear her thoughts? How did I know she was thinking of calling me?
Then, I was thinking of my best friend. We were both married. Something had happened and I thought "Can't wait to tell her." Ten seconds later, the phone rings. It's her. "Hey, I was vacuuming and for some reason I had to stop and call you," she said.
Or the time when I was in college. Seven in the morning, I'm in the shower, half asleep, leaning against the tiled wall. Suddenly I have this vision. I'm sitting in English Comp class with everyone else but the professor hasn't arrived. Ten minutes after the start of class and he still hasn't arrived. The door opens and someone comes in and says class is cancelled because the prof died of a heart attack.
Yes, you guessed it. Later that day, the exact thing happened. Kind of scary. Freaked me out.
Does this stuff happen to you? Do we have powers that we can use, like Alison? Is it ESP or precognition or a combination? What do you think?
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39 responses
@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
14 Feb 07
Good morning,'s life on your side of the desert?
Each person has psychic ability. Whether or not we choose to use it or not, or even to deny it as being there, calling it evil because that is what we have been told it is is simply a matter of choosing to be conscious of it and more, if whether or not we accept it.
My very good friend to whom I will only refer to in this site as "The Real Ms. Cleo" says that we are all blessed with the ability to discern that which seems outrageous to our limited thinking human awareness. I am not one of those people who needs to have symbols in my home of the way that I believe and neither the idea that I believe as spiritual beings, all humans are capable of discerning that which we do not understand and able to help heal the emptiness which resides in each other's lives.
The occurrence which you have described above is simply the Universal Law of Attraction at work. You think about a person and then after you have said "Hey I wonder how she is?" the phone rings and guess what? It's that person you were thinking about.
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
16 Feb 07
Your class manifested a way to not have to deal with the professor. You were all of like mind and spirit without even realizing it.
Hence the reason that we are warned to use caution when we dream and wish for things.
And who knows what the professor was manifesting?
Whatever it was, he got what he wished for. When you focus on what other people are "doing to you", you get the end result of what you focus on.
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
15 Feb 07
Perhaps that's the case for the phone call and my mother's event, but how do you account for the "vision" of the professor's class? And to be honest, I disliked him intensely, so I doubt there was any "attraction" there. Everyone in the class disliked him, not just me.
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@goldilocks70 (89)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Well, having never watched Medium before, I assume that she has psychic powers. I believe everyone has some has a connection to the spiritual world. Yes, I do have several "gifts" myself.
To just have "powers" is kind of general. There are people who "see" past, present and future. I am very fascinated by the supernatural, dream interpretation ( my great, great grandmother was a dream interpreter), and so much more.
I think the general concensus when discussing anything like this, is that people tend to think it's dark or evil. As far as your "vision" about your professor, I don't think it was ESP or precognitive, because the vision was after his passing. It was just at the right state of mind that you were in, that you happened to have this vision. You were sleepy, trying to wake up, mind pretty clear and BAM there it was. Have you had anymore visions to this degree??
As far as InfamousAunty referring to the instances with your friend, that is the Law of Attraction at work there. The LOA is very interesting and very real. I would recommend everyone checking it out.
This is a great topic that you started and had some excellent responses to. I hope more will respond to it. I can't wait to read what others have experienced.
@goldilocks70 (89)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Oops, I didn't catch the above error. I meant to say that I believe everyone has somewhat of a connection to the spiritual world. Sorry about that.
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
17 Feb 07
Goldilocks, I wasn't aware of the LOA until this discussion. Fascinating stuff and it makes perfect sense, too.
As for the other, what I saw was the classroom setting in which someone came to notify us of the professor's passing. I didn't see his passing or anything like that (although I concede that he needed to have passed for my vision to be.)
No, I haven't had any other experiences like that... that I know of. And I think that, as I get older, I have fewer of any of these experiences. I'm not sure why.
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Wow, it sounds like your gifts are a lot stronger and a lot more active than mine currently are. I'm glad you've found a way to use them to benefit ppl.
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I have always been interested in this subject. I do believe that we all have a sixth sense. Some are more highly attuned to it than others. I read about it and I find that people that very sensitive seem to be more psychic than those who are not as sensitive.
I have had similar experiences to those you mentioned. I believe that people that we are close to are the ones that we have a tendency to experience these happenings with. I also think that if we are open to the experience that we can expand on who all we are communicating with. I hope I don't sound too confusing here.
I have had experiences with my deceased mother and it included the sensations of warmth, calm and smell. I know that some odors will cause us to remember times and places but that is different than what I am talking about. I also have had experiences while sleeping. This is a very deep subject and one that I would love to talk to you more about. If you would care to chat more thenplease let me know.
Have a great weekend!
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm sure there are physiological reasons why the sense of smell illicits such strong memories, even moreso than our other senses, but it's still fascinating, isn't it? How might it tie in to these other abilities?
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@Tiffanyvstony (144)
• China
21 Jan 07
I just want to say that u r very lucky.Because it isn't an easy thing that meeting a person who know u so well.Cherish ur friendship
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
21 Jan 07
That happened many years ago. She and I have fallen out of touch since then. But your message just came across loud and clear. I think I'll call her tomorrow. (If she doesn't call me tonight. lol)
Thanks for the reminder of what friendship means.
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Update on that old friend: apparently my ESP isn't as good as I'd like. I tried her phone number and it had been disconnected. I have no idea where she is now. Looks like some internet detective work is in order. (I do like a challenge.)
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I haven't ever told a "professional" about this because, well, there aren't any that I know of that I feel can be objective and scientific enough about it to examine it and/or help me develop it. It just is what it is. And it's as natural as anything else I do. Perhaps you don't have these experiences so you can't relate to them, but there's nothing unnatural about them, especially considering how many people are responding here that they've had similar experiences.
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@mystymaiden (33)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
I believe we can all do this, but for the most part due to the perceived realities and stresses of life, we have blocked this otherwise natural ability. However, we do tend to have those moments of exceptional clarity when these types of messages can get through - generally, when we're not even thinking about it.
I have had some very similar experiences, with people calling me just as I'm thinking I must talk to them about something, visions and predictive dreams.
I wish parents would encourage such abilities in their very young children, as these types of things occur more often for them.
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@thescribbler (386)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Yes, apparently the law of attraction is stronger in most of us than we know. It's the predictive dreams, though, that I find interesting. And it makes me wonder... just which of my dreams might be predictive and which are just the ramblings of my subconcious?
@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I have a little bit of ESP, I think. My mother and I could communicate telepathically sometimes. I have a good friend that calls me when I am thinking about her, or if I need her.
I think we can develop these abilities if we work at it. They say we only use 10% of our brain, so maybe if we use more......
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
5 Feb 07
My boyfriend is talking aloud 5 seconds after I think about something and vice versa.
My mother is far away, but she always knows when I have problems.
We all have ESP at some level.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Many members of my family have these kinds of "abilities" although none of us actually try to use them. I have had a few dreams that have come true. I usually know who's calling on the phone, and I've known about a lot of accidents before they have happened. I went to a palm reader once just to see what she would say - I did not tell her that I "knew" things, she told me! She could tell because of something on the pad of one of my fingers??? Every now and then I think I want to learn how to use this, but sometimes I really like when it's taking a rest so I don't persue it.
@Terra11 (82)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes I have things like that happen to me, and they seem to get stronger the more I work on it and trust it and listen to it. I get a lot of insightful dreams and I understand what Allison goes through on the show. I actually went to a book signing by her when she came to Dallas. I think it is ESP, that just means extra sensory perception. Sometimes I just notice things that I can barely hear but I'll notice a sound and tune into it...later it will mean something. When I close my eyes to sleep and hear a noise like a thump or chair move, anything, I will actually see white noise in my vision, so it seems the sound of things has a great ipmact on you vibrationally, even to the point of seeing sound. Precognition too, I think that within a certain window of time things happen on a grander level, and you can transcend time, so when you sleep or meditate or dream it is possible that you are transcending time and go to that moment in the future.
@moonmage (148)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I'm inclined to think everyone has some kind of psychic ability but like any talent, it's going to show up differently for each person and be more accurate the more you work with it. I think more people believe in psychic abilities than those who do not. I never had much talent for psychometry but I do pick up on things, particularly other people's emotions.
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@danceteacher (69)
• United States
5 Feb 07
sometimes, i think i see things, not sure thow.
I do get a bad feeling if an action of mine will turn out bad and i watch what i do.
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Not "powers," in the sense you describe. However, I do have prophetic dreams, mostly as they relate to people I am going to meet... which can be a little awkward, at times, when I meet someone I think I know, and I actually "dreamt them" some months/years earlier. It becomes doubly awkward, if I also know what's going to happen next, and several minutes around that person suddenly become like watching a film I've already seen. I've learned to "just let it pass," since telling someone about the tattoo on their back (for example) tends to lead to a lot of freaking out. Besides, this... "ability"... is completely random and unpredictable.
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@smartie1685 (450)
• United States
12 Feb 07
I think this is a very interesting phenomenon. I myself feel like I have good intuition but I don't know if it would be considered anything paranormal. From your experiences though it sounds like you've experienced a lot more. I sometimes seem to know things before they happen. When I fainted in 5th grade, I remember having a dream where I fainted the night before. The situation wasn't that similar except that they both happened at school, but it was still interesting.
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@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I don't have those kind of abilities but I do get hunches sometimes. I believe that other people can have this kind of gift though and I do know someone who has unbelievable abilities in this area. You should look into this more and consider developing this.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Jan 07
I belive that all people have a sixth sense but only a few ever get to develop it. I know for sure that I have had experiances that u can not explain with technology or even reason and I also know that my grandmother had something in her - but she rarely talked about it.
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@lpetges (3036)
• United States
21 Jan 07
i really believe we all have the power to know things that have happended or are going to happen to us. Our brain is so full of things, maybe from past lives or reincarnation, or just information from every day things in our lives. I think we can actually know much more than we let ourselves know. After all, we all know we are going to die someday, but yet we block it out. If we thought about it every day (that we could die at anytime), we could not live normal day to day lives. When we diet (for example), sometimes it works, and sometimes not. It is all literally in our minds. So maybe the brain has ports which you allow to be open-and some people don't let them all be open. That is why some people possess the psychic abilities they claim to have. just my opinion. I could be wrong.
@korek222 (701)
• Poland
21 Jan 07
wow maybe you are a psychic as Allison is ;)
I actually had only once a viois - well it was more likely a dream of my house beeing robed ( i saw everythin - how they got into , what the did with dog etc. ) and next day i though it was just a dream and yet someone burglared my neighbours in the same way i dreamed. I was freakened out but after that i never had a vision ;)
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@candygurl093 (201)
• United States
21 Jan 07
i don't know what it was but i do know that it sounds really freaky and cool. What if people really had those powers-like pshychic powers. That would sort of be cool especially if i had them