She did it

United States
January 20, 2007 7:31pm CST
She finally said it , we've been waiting for this for a while now .. Yes Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is in the race for the white house , she is in to win . Change is almost here peolpe , just bare two more years and comes the fresh start
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7 responses
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I did not hear about this until this moment. Good for her. I am going to have to freshen myself up on her views. Is she the first woman ever to run for president?
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Jan 07
She is the first ever , and if Barak Obama joins he'll be the first african american also
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@soldenski (2503)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Do you remember Water Gate? And her part in all of that? I think she will win, but she how can she run the country, when she can't even control her own house? Just my opinion.
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• United States
21 Jan 07
A lot of women and men are extremly successful at their careers and don't even know what is happening in their homes let alone control it , Any women in her place after the famous scandal would've collapsed or walked away , but she stood , chin up , and gathered her family around her , it wasn't an act , she stuck around...
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@lvhughes (545)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Lord help us. how do you think she can handle a country when she cant even keep her husband from cheating . and wasnt even strong enough to leave his sorry butt when he did do it. i wouldnt vote for her if she was running against the devil. and i havent even got to the water gate problem that she knows she was into.
@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
21 Jan 07
do you think she has a chance? do you think american will brase the idea of have a woman as a leader? i am on then fence about this right now.
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@Randync (544)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I predict another Clinton Scandal will do her in. Her and Bill have had too many shady dealings in the past. I have no problem with a woman president so long as it isn't her.
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• United States
22 Jan 07
Finally! It was only a matter of time after Obama announced that he would seek the presidential nomination! To respond to comments about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky: it could have happened to anyone. Think about it. Hillary Clinton could have just filed for divorce and made a big scene of things, which would have been enough to keep the media going for weeks. Instead, she stayed with Clinton, and acted bravely in the face of her husband's error. Considering the Dem. candidates so far, only Barack Obama would have any chance of defeating her, only problem is, he doesn't have the political experience. Clinton, on the other hand, does. It's time for some change in the White House, and Clinton is just the one to deliver it.
@dmillman (2273)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Well, I'm from Massachusetts where there is an African American governor. That was quite a milestone. So I guess anything is possible. So many thought he didn't have a chance, but he did it. So what's to say that she can't. Heck, maybe the world wouldn't be so messed up if a woman was in charge. We let men be in charge up to the present, and look what's happened. You see, will need a woman to clean up the mess that the men left us - hehehe. Maybe with a woman president there will be more equality between men and women. Let's shake up the white house!