Does you cat talk to you?

United States
January 20, 2007 8:36pm CST
My cat Rain is very vocal, even though all the cat books tell me that cats don't "speak" except when they are in heat. Rain talks to us all the time. She stands next to the bed and meows softly to wake us up in the morning and cries when she loses one of her toys. When we first walk in the door, she gives us a squeaky little "Hi" and if you ell her to say "please", she'll give you a sof little meow. So, do your cats talk?
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19 responses
@tellus (1441)
• Finland
12 May 07
i. donĀ“t know about speaking, but kasper my youngest answers every time i ask him something
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• United States
12 May 07
Rain does that too. She acts like she knows exactly what I'm saying and sometimes even appears to nod her head. I know it's my imagination, but I still like that she answers.
• United States
11 May 07
My cat is a tortoise shell and she talks to me all the time! She is very bossy. She greats me at the door. If I talk to her she "talks" back to me. She talks when she gets her food. She talks to the tv. She is fixed so I know it has nothing to do with heat.
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• United States
12 May 07
Right now, I'm trying to teach her to talk on the phone. My husband is overseas going to school, so when he calls, she has to tell him "Hi"...It sounds more like "Ya" but it makes him smile to hear her say it. She does look at me strangely about the telephone though.
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• United States
21 Jan 07
Both my furry babies - Bro and sis.
I have two cats. But only one really talks to me. We actually cary on a conversation. I say something to her, and she replies with a chirp noise. It's so cute. We can do this back and forth for a few minutes. When she wants something, she will come up to me, chirp, and walk, then turn around to see if I am following her. She will walk right up to the sink or closet and wait there chipping for me to get her a treat, or turn on the water. She is really something. As sweet as can be.
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• United States
22 Jan 07
Thank you for best response dear.
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• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes, my cat is very vocal. Before we had her fixed she never would speak at all. Since bringing her home from the vets she has been extemely vocal. She will meow when she is out of water of food. She will follow me to the bathroom and talk to me the whole time I am in there. When we come home she always has something to say. If we are leaving she will follow us to the door talking the whole way. If I could only understand cat language, she has so much to say about everything.
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• United States
22 Jan 07
I sometimes tell Rain that I can't understand her and then she tries to going to the stove and pawing at it until I figure out she knocked a toy under there or going to the refrigerator and meowing until I ask if she's hungry! I really wish I could understand all her cues, but I'm learning.
@pinkeagle (202)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I do not care what the books say. Cats "talk" and not just when they are in heat. Besides, when they are in heat they don't speak, they yowl constantly. Now, back to the cat speak. My kitty asks to be fed, he tells me when he doesn't like what I fed him, he taps me on the face to wake me up before ordering me to fix his breakfast, and if you really want to hear him "talk" you should hear him complain about his bath.
• United States
21 Jan 07
Rain practically begs to go to the basement. And I swear she can tell time. If I tell her we'll go to the basement after dinner, then she gobbles her food down and goes to the basement door. then she rattles the door handle and begs until I come and let her go on a cricket hunt :)
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
Yes, my cat is definitely a talker too. If you ask her what's up, you'll usually get a squeaky answer, well just to us that live in this house that is. She's not very big on strangers. And she follows us around just a like a dog would too.
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• United States
21 Jan 07
Rain likes to follow us around too. She's not a big fan of strangers, but when she hears a car in the driveway or someone on the porch, she goes to the door and squeaks to let me know they're there.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
22 Jan 07
My cat does too usually when he wants something but he definitely talks, thay are such precious little things:)
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I have three and they all have their own crys. Molly is the most vocal she will also greet me at the door with aloud meow and when I kiss her she meows real soft. I think she is saying I love you mom. So they are all special with their talking to us I agree.
• United States
21 Jan 07
Charlie is not terribly vocal in the "meow" sort of way. He does know how to communicate with me though and does so quite well. It can be with a behavior, a misbehavior, a wink of one eye, a glance of total disapproval, a loving hand (some may say paw) placed on my cheek or in my own hand, or through an act of total civil disobediance. Yes, Moon, Charlie most certainly talks to me ~Donna
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• United States
23 Jan 07
My kitty kat talks to me all the time. She looks up at me and meows. a Long meow means she wants either food or water. A Short little meow is her Saying Hi, Play with me. haha you get to know your cats and how they act by spending time with them. :)
@SWAP007 (88)
• India
22 Jan 07
oh.. ios thats so ..ur cat is so good i really lkike the way she does...
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• United States
22 Jan 07
My cat talks to me all the time. She tells me when she runs out of food or water. I walk in the door she will run up to me and meow. And i swear she even talks back to me when she does something wrong lol.
• United States
22 Jan 07
I agree. I think Rain argues when I tell her no...her little meows/squeak sound just like she's saying "yes,yes"
• United States
21 Jan 07
My cats (I have three) do speak to me all the time. When I wake up one of the cats always follows me into the shower, where we have lenthy discussions. I don't actually know what they're saying but they definitely respond to my voice.
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• United States
23 Jan 07
Hi there...both my cats are expressive with their repertoire of vocalizations--greeting, playing, hungry, sleepy, leave me alone...etc. It's amazing how in tune we are to our cats and soon learn which vocalizations mean what. One of my cats always has to sing prior to using the toilet to let the world know "I have to go now!" LOL.
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 Jan 07
My 2 kittens do. Especially when they wake up from a nap and cant find any one they will meow to call someone and when I usually answer they will make the loud purring noice as to say "ooh there you are" the other thing they do is if I am on the computer and dont notice them sitting next to me on the floor they will meow at meto tell me they want my attention and want to get in my lap. In the morning they will also come running in when they hear the alarm and purr as loud as they can and get in our face to wake us up. I love it.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I used to be able to engage my female cat in a talking spree. We would gently banter meows back and forth several times. What each of us were communicating , I will never know. Lately, she has been resistent to my approaches. Oh well, maybe she is going through a phase.
@ukchriss (2097)
22 Jan 07
Black Cat - Originally in Britain and Europe, a black cat crossing one's path was considered good luck; however they were also seen by the church as associated with witches.
I have two cats Jack and Oscar, Both 'talk to me' oscar meows, 'mum' and 'food' whenhes hungry and it really does sound like 'mum' and 'food' and Jack is a lot more vocal, He stands by the back door and meows 'go out, go out' even my friends always ask did he just say 'go out' and he also meows 'wheres dad?' as you can tell hes a dads cat when dad goes to bed he curls up next to him. When I go up to get into bed I swear he meows 'go away'
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I have one (out of twelve) that is VERY vocal. Her name is Prance, and I got her from Pet Lifeline. I was checking out all of the other cats, and Prance gave this very loud "MEOW!", as if to say "Hey--over here,you want ME!" She yelled even louder when I turned to look at the kittens. Needless to say, she won! Now she will come out into the living room around 8:30pm and start telling me that it's time for bed. She will also let me know if I have taken part of her 3/4 of the pillow during the night. Cats are the BEST.
@kimttrix (108)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
yes, its talks to me in the CAT way.