MISCONCEPTION: muslims are terrorists

January 21, 2007 9:53am CST
Nowadays it is a common misconception that the muslims are terrorists it is a toTALLY wrong concept. Muslims are not at al terrorist$ by any definition it is only the media that exploits the intrests and the activities of the muslims and give them a wrong label of terrorists. Islam demonstrates peace and practicaly shows it during the Holy event of Hajj. Islam discourages evry activity that goes against peace. Muslims are asked to take the True msg of Allah to each and evry corner of the globe and if any body steps in betwen then definetly we wil fight to save and promote the image of Islam. There are black sheeps in evry community ! So if there are terrorists among muslims it dsnt means that all muslim community is of terrorists! If u want to see true image of Islam see the Messenger of Allah Mohammad(P.B.U.H) in his image u wil find the most the best man among the humans! Thats what the world saYS the book'100 best men ' grades Mohammad(P.B.U.H) at the top. If u want to judge any car for example any B.M.W u wont grade it bad if it is being driven by a bad driver. So Islam's true image bases on true peace and tranquilìty it is just the media and the ppl that are exploiting its true image
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21 responses
@jayarajgr (816)
• India
23 Jan 07
I dont beleive that all muslims are terrorists. But if you have a look into the number of terrorists in the world, you can see that more than 90% of them are Muslims. Its happening because the real muslims are not condemning the terror attacks in a strong way. At least some of them like it when the Western Interests are attacked by terrorists.
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• United States
1 Feb 07
I have to agree here, the media is not to blame any more than they are to blame for increase in crime. Just because they show it on tv and news, etc. doesn't mean they're promoting it. PRO-action is truly what is needed. I agree. That stands true for any 'group' who is unjustly recognized for the evils some of its members have done.
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• Pakistan
23 Jan 07
I hav already told u that there are misconceptions about Islam Muslims are not at all terrorists! The terrorist is the media who is trying to maligne Islam
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• Norway
29 Jan 07
The thing remain as the brother said at the top that not all Muslims are terrorists! Rather if present a very few may be that do terrorism on the name of Islam! Thats weird! Islam promotes peace
@forfein (2507)
31 Jan 07
Hi Noone is saying that ALL Muslims are Terrorists! The problem that we have today is the fact that at the moment all TERRORISTS are Muslims, and THEY are giving the Muslim Faith a very bad name!!! Surely, it is in the interests of all GOOD Muslims to denounce the Religious Fanatics who are perpetrating Terror in the name of Islam! Why dont all the GOOD MUSLIMS stand up and shout at the top of their voices that MUSLIMS ARE NOT Terrorsists, and that the Muslims who are Bombing and Killing in the name of Islam are WRONG!!! See my post reference Terrorists!!
• United States
1 Feb 07
Then as a Muslim community you need to unite and SHOW that you do not agree with these actions. Terrorism is wrong no matter WHO is doing it. And yes, Americans HAVE terrorized other areas but your comments DO exactly what you are angry about having done to you. You just congregated an entire group "Americans". I can promise you I have never killed anyone in the name of religion, just as hopefully you can say. So why do you feel it is okay to group "Americans" in one group? That's not fair. The Muslims that promote good and kindness need to come to the front and show their kindness. Stand up against those killing in the name of their religion. It brings shame to YOU as a Muslim. Doesn't that anger you?
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• Pakistan
1 Feb 07
i understand totally to what u are saying but a Muslim must stand against all the evil deeds and not gainst the innocent people standing against evil deeds is the duty of every Muslim but to kill innocent people on the name of religion is not at ALL an Islamic activity
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
1 Feb 07
of course it doen't shame them, they are proud os the terrorists, and actually praise them publicly, saying that the murdered deserved it. Ane yet there is no answer when they are asked, how does an infant deserve to be blown to bits in a marketsquare?
• United States
1 Feb 07
Unfortunately we live in a world where the worse case of a group of people are often accepted as the majority. You are not alone in this ignorance. A group of priests molested children, now they're all looked upon and mocked as child molestors. Muslim extremists were terrorists, now all Muslims are thought of as killers and uncaring. The list goes on and probably will never stop. All we can hope for is perhaps some people to realize ALL are not the same as SOME. I for one am happy to share our world with Muslims as well as all other religions. I actually have 2 friends that are Muslim and they are very wonderful, kind and sweet friends.
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• Pakistan
2 Feb 07
i have already clerified that a true Muslim necer indulges in killing innocent people!!
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
31 Jan 07
Of course it is incorrect to say that all Muslims are terrorists or indeed that all terrorists are Muslims. The problem would seem to be that Imams and leaders within the Muslim communities in Europe usually fail to strongly condemn the various outrages committed by terrorists. It would also seem to be the case that preachers at mosques in Britain speak out against Gay people, equal rights for women and demand that women who don't wear the hijab should be beaten. http://www.channel4.com/news/dispatches/article.jsp?id=1066 So when the vast majority of tolerant people who believe in the motto "live and let live" see this, they wonder where is the face of moderate Islam.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
8 Feb 07
It is always easy to get a roamer and pass it on
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
21 Jan 07
yes i share your views. not all muslims are terrorist. people shouldnt make stereotypes and generalizations. there are really good muslims and i have been friends with them. i hope this misconception of muslims will be put to a stop.
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• Pakistan
21 Jan 07
Hmm. Thats gud that u have such a nice opinion about the muslims thanks alot for ur response.
• United States
1 Feb 07
There is no "article" needed. The actions of the community around us show and justify his feelings.
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• Pakistan
1 Feb 07
A Muslim must stand guard to all the Evil forces and actiøns that are going around wherever he is wether his homeland or anywhere else! And what u both said that this misconception is created by Muslims themselves is totaly Wrong! A Muslim muslim must not kill or even hurt innocent people! But when it comes to evil a Muslim must take appropirate action
@ashjoe76 (1422)
• India
31 Jan 07
The media is to be blamed for circulating certain misconceptions. But sensitive should never lower themselves to buying whatever nonsense is in circulation. More education, awareness and personal faith - these can change the situation, I guess.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
No one in their right mind says that all Muslim are terrorists. Muslims like anyone else want to live a peaceful life. I think however, what makes people so angry is that good Muslims and their organizations are silent and do not speak up against terrorists and violence. All we hear is that Islam is a religion of peace, and yet there is killing and bombing going on every day. Can anyone explain to me why Shia and Sunni blow each other up on a regular basis? The last bombing in a Shia market took 132 innocent lives, men, women and children. Can you explain why Hamas and Fatah kill and bomb each other. Can you explain why Hezbollah kidnapped Israeli soldiers and was directly responsible for the last violent outbreak in Lebanon. In Afghanistan there is no peace because sympathetic villagers support the Taliban who were ousted. You know, maybe there is a lot of propaganda in Muslim countries blaming the US for all the evils in the world. I have spoken to muslims who actually believe 9/11 was done by the Americans themselves,or by the Jews (of course). How can anyone believe this when there is unmistakable proof, names of the peole who hijacked the planes, videotapes which they made, etc. I think there would be less anger against muslims if they did not spread such propaganda. I want to believe that Islam is a good and just religion, but how can I.
• India
13 Feb 07
i am agree with you.
• Pakistan
16 Feb 07
Thanks for responding
• India
6 Feb 07
all the muslims are not terrorists. but the worst form of terrorism today is Islamic terrorism. Hazarat Mohhammed gave made some rules or norms to which all the muslims had to follow. all these norms were the guidelines of what to do and what to not to do. it was described in Quran. all that was for the welfare of socity. but now terrorists have modified it in their own way. but muslims also will have to understand that anything written in any book is just according to the conditions and situations or cirumstances of that time. for example if Quran says not to stop child birth, it was the demand of that time bcz where islam came to existence, was a desert, and any storm was able to demolish the entire villages. so at that time it was a common belief that ' more the people , more the courage and less the chances of destruction of the whole community'. but now when the population is crossing the line of danger, resources are less and demand for these resources is increasing, is it necessory to follow that rule of quran. the biggest reason of islamic terrorism is the illiteracy of muslim youths and ignorance of the real teachings of Quraan. this illiteracy is only bcz of big families and poor livings.
• Pakistan
8 Feb 07
I am sorry brother but I totally disagree with you.The speciality of islam is that it is a religion for all types of human beings and for all the times to come.It has answers to every human problems, thats why in my places Allah has narrated o'people instead of O'Muslims.As you said about the child birth Islam is not a religion that changes with time its for all the times that passed for all the times to come so heres what quran says about child birth:don't kill your children for the fear of food it is he who gives food to you and will give to them: sorry i forgot the exact text i'll provide it to you latter yet its the summary.If you are a muslim kindly first correct your believes then comment and if not then try to avoid commenting on something about which you don't know specially something as sensitive as religion issue.Sorry if I sounded harsh but it really was important to clearify
• Pakistan
8 Feb 07
Yeah! the exact referrence is Syra AL-AN'AM(THE CATTLE)Verse no:151
@smartnrich (1067)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 07
Well done brother.For more information to all members here, please visit here.enjoy your reading. www.harunyahya.com/terorrism1.php www.harunyahya.com/defeat01.php www.harunyahya.com/m_video_terorrism.php www.islamdenouncesterorrism.com
1 person likes this
• Pakistan
16 Feb 07
Thanks for ur kind response! Jazak Allah Khair
• Norway
23 Jan 07
U have written a great article may Allah reward u for that it was really a gud article
@maizer99 (149)
• Jordan
2 Feb 07
yes now many people say islam is terroirsts these people who say this about islam they dont know anything about islam so if there is a clever person want to talk about something he must study the subject he want to talk about but unfurtantliy no one talk about islam read about it so i think you have to read on islam about holly quran then you can talk about islam
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• Pakistan
8 Feb 07
Yeah!thats a very sensitive and painful issue, yet these kind of monoplies against muslims can not stop the spread of Islam as it is the only true religion and people are entering in it without any use of force. Never mind we are not afraid of such tricks against us as Allah is with us abnd will InshAllah make these people pay for what they are doing. Further i would like to quote somrthing from quran: Allah says in Quranin sura Al-Ma'ida , verses40,41,42, "...If anyone kills a humanbeing-unless it be (punishment)for murder or for spreading corruption on earth-it shall be as though he had killed all mankind;whereas, if anyone saves a life, it shall be as though he had saved the lives of all mankind" I don't know any other religion who syas this...Islam is the most peace loving religion.
@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
9 Feb 07
If you don't know any other religion that says this, then you don't know much. Christianity has always said it. The Jews before the Christians were very much against the shedding of innocent blood. You quote this verse out of the Quran, yet it is Muslims who are doing the majority of killing in the world today. So how can you say Islam is a peace-loving religion? Furthermore it is well known that Muhammed himself engaged in warfare on a number of occasions.
• Singapore
12 Feb 07
Its no longer a physical warfare anymore......, its all a pshycological warfare rather than a physical warfare......, physical warfare comes after the government has brain washed people with what they want to portray of anyone. Like muslims are being portraid that they r terrorists and people r being brain washed as they r supporting the people who r killing innocent people in the name of terrorism. I dont know abt anyone else but it seems to me more like a pshycological warfare rather than a physical one and wht motives lay beind it are very much clear to see.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
5 Feb 07
First I agree, not all muslims are terrorists. The fact that there are muslim terrorists does not condem all muslims. And before I forget what is the correct : Mohammad or Muhammad ? I've seen both and don't know. Muhammad the best man? What is the ISBN of this book'100 best men you quoted in your message. So I will buy the book and look for its arguments. After you answer I will post here some history about the Best Man.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Then why are most terrorists muslims? I mean we can say it over and over again, that terrorists aren't true muslims, but then why do they and their supporters all over the Middle East say they are? "Muslims are asked to take the True msg of Allah to each and evry corner of the globe and if any body steps in betwen then definetly we wil fight to save and promote the image of Islam. " If you are goiong to fight to promote the image of Islam, then that itself is a problem. That is part of the problem that Islam has with other religions today.
@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
5 Feb 07
You keep telling us that Islam is a relgion of peace, but then you also keep telling us that true Muslims must fight evil. Is that what terrorists are doing? Is that what the Taleban did? You need to get real. You keep posting stuff about how good Islam is, and how bad everyone else is, but you never face the truth about modern Islam - which is that it promotes terrorism. Until you are prepared to accept this, you will never be believed when you say Islam is peaceful.
• Philippines
6 Feb 07
I don't think Muslims are all terrorist, maybe the only reason why they are accused as terrorist is because they are always involved in bombings.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
5 Feb 07
I am not a muslim myself and I believe that you religion is promoting terrorism. But there seem others who are using your religion to promote terrorism. That is why Islam is being drag to what is observed by other non muslims. I feel sad that this is happening to your religion. I hope that someday we all christian and muslims and other religion could co-exist peacefully as what all religions advocates.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
8 Feb 07
While it is true that all muslims are not terrorist... It is also true that all terrorists are muslims. When we went to war with Germany... we did not care if they were good German or bad German. And the story was the same with Japon. Now... the Middle East people are very lucky that we do live in a civilise world full of whimps. Because if the 9/11 had happened in 1945... The Americans would have nuke the whole Middle East in one day.