Death Penalty or Life Imprisonment?

@raijin (10345)
January 21, 2007 10:59am CST
Some say that, death penalty is a form of out of date punishment, immoral and unsuitable for Christian states. While others say that, a capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly. Which executioner is more humane, he who kills in a few minutes or he who drags the life out of you in the course of many years? I see this as both equally immoral, for it both have the same object - to take away life. The state is not God, it has not the right to take away what it cannot restore what it wants to.. What is your stand on this matter? Do you agree or disagree on this subject?
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2 responses
@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
22 Jan 07
Sorry but I can't see your point.. I'm against capital punishment for many reasons, most important if there was an error it can never be corrected. but how can be life imprisonment equally immoral? what should we do with killers, rapists and terrorists? just set them free.. they must be isolated from the community and if we think that killing them is immoral no matter what they did there's no other choice but to lock them away for life.. at least they may be set free when they are much older and have changed or became harmless enough to release into the streets again.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
My point is, that criminals should not be given life sentence, for they also still have a chance to repent and reflect on what they've done in the past. Like those old inmates that cannot do harm and hurt someone anymore, do you still think they they'd still be in jail? Don't they still deserve to spend their remaining life outside, with the society?
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
22 Jan 07
Yes, that is true. But how can we be called human, children of God, if we judge other people like criminals do?
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@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
25 Jan 07
Ok I think I said the same thing .. although it's called "life imprisonment" it doesn't mean that they can't get amnesty and it happens all of the time especially for old people, they can appeal any time and it's up to the judges to say if they are safe to be out or not.. i think the current system of "life imprisonment" is ok, it does allow amnesty under strict conditions and I do oppose capital punishment.
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@korek222 (701)
• Poland
23 Jan 07
Life inrprisonment is for me a serious waste of resources! Guy who serves all his life in prison and has to be feeden by our taxes for doing nothing is not a good option to spend our money on! It would be better tyo spend that money on education or making new work places!