India heped Jesus to became this much great among belivers. Isnt it?
By prasadr
@prasadr (871)
January 21, 2007 2:10pm CST
Why Jesus became this much great among belivers? See, jesus was a spiritual person who get awakened from a sacred land os schollers ans Yogis -- ANCIENT INDIA. Thats the land which holds the keys to all the questions. And since a person like skill and knowledge was rare in his country, people get attracted to hm. If we go through his acts, it was not more greater than sucn things happened in india which was performed by spiritual indian persons. And if u just rely on his stoties and belive it, Then see what loard krishna had done in india. The mystcal feats that lord hanuman did...
SO am saying that jesus become great by his that 28 years in India with the name "Essa" or "Saint Essa". He was great, but just great among people in ancient india.
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29 responses
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
22 Jan 07
Where Jesus got His teachings from is totally not relevant. You could consider that if he and the Father are the same (he's the blueprint of hte Father) that His teachings are entirely His own and don't stem from any culture.
What is more important how do you react to His teachings? This reminds me of the story my yogateacher told me: He was attending a class by a Tibetan buddhist monk (one of his teachers) who said: Oh Yes Tibet it's all peace man we have such a great religion. So how come Tibet is full of murders, thieves and so on. Why don't we practice what we believe in.
So I'm saying not the origin of the teachings is important but how practice them.
Peace be with you.
@wasim989 (2298)
• India
22 Jan 07
Jesus(peace be upon him) is a beloved messenger of God and Krishna is a god of Hinduism whereas Jesus is accepted in both Christianity and Islam whereas Krishna is acccepted only in Hinduism so I don't think they both are same because Jesus belogs to a line of Prohet Ibrahim who believes in one god only while Hindus believes in so many god so there is no similarity between jesus and krishna.
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@berry9 (590)
• India
22 Jan 07
Hinduism has so many Gods because it just seperates each good quality to a god.Just like your leg cant do all that your hand does.your tongue cant do what your nose does.It is all a part of one man.Similarly different good qualities are seperated as different gods.
In hinduism we have god for wealth,education,strength etc.
This is all a part of one God but you ask from the part you actually want for your need.
petrol is a fuel present on earth but you wont get it in every place you dig.only some parts of the world has this supply fuel.
it is the same way.still it is the part of the world.AM I RIGHT?
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@venu_eie2003 (34)
• India
22 Jan 07
This topic starts with jesus..then why are coming to hinduism. All you are saying that in christin jesus is the only god and for hinduism there are different god for weatlth ...why we are such gods means we are treating everything around us as god's property. But u are not the same. Ok.First of all be comman to all. All are same. No one can prove who and where the god is. There is only one thing like "Above all of us there is one super power that is god". Ok
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
22 Jan 07
Jesus never came to India, please learn the facts before you air out your very weird opinions on Jesus
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@kaliputran (134)
• India
22 Jan 07
yes thats right.. i believe jesus is an avatar of sree krishna.. spirituality every man can achieve it.. but there is a lot of work..

@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jan 07
Stop trying to squeeze Jesus into your own religeon. You can't get a quart in a pint pot
all the best urban

@pradesh13 (287)
• India
22 Jan 07
Thanks for the Information. I was not knowing that.
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jan 07
Having read both the Bhagvad Gita and the Bible I have to disagree with you. First there is no evidence that Jesus ever visited India, his only route at that time would have been perilous in the extreme. I think you are a little jelous and perhaps a little nationally chauvinistic, wanting India to take the credit for Jesus. India does not hold the key to all questions, early Greek sailors made contact with early Indian tribes, who where phallic cultists at he time and there can be no doubt that Greek philosophy heavily influenced Indian thinking. Scholars agree that the Bhagvad Gita is influenced by Early Christians. Nor was ancient Palestine short of holy men at the time, consider John the Baptist to name but one. Whilst India has produced some spiritual masters and great thinkers, many who claim this are bogus. Finally, we need to consider the character of Krishna and Christ. Krishna is heroic, a great leader and fighter, concerning his enemies. But this is so different to Jesus the perfect human. Love, sacrifice and peace define him more than warlike tendencies.
all the best urban
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@sreedhar (576)
• India
22 Jan 07
Thanks for starting the topic. I tried to start a disscussion on this topic several times but was unsuccesful in my endovers to create a awareness.
But i think it is all getting heated up here. Lets all talk about it without any ill feelings keeping our minds open to any new information we may find
I have also read a boo "Jesus in india" ,which speaks about jesus coming to india, nepal, and other eastern countries to learn the art of meditation and yoga.
As is wrongly pointed out here, saying that the philosophy of jesus doesnt exist in krishna as the only thing he did was waging wars is wrong. The concepts of charity, oneness with god( therefore Jesus told himself to be the son of god, as we all humans are) are the true backbone of hinduism.
I dont mean to support any religion but knowings and disscussing facts and our opinions about them is not wrong.
Bible though a really holy book, it cannot be fully trusted as it is an historical record and not the original word of god as is prophesised by many nowadays and is liable for argument same like ramayana and geeta.
And Talking about bible, it doesnot give us any insight into the early life of jesus crist, which leaves one with a freedom to hypothesise something.
So lets disscuss this topic with avery open mind without the narrow barriers of relion of any religion, and not make this place another place to fight abot religions.
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
22 Jan 07
I find this discussion pretty interesting. Googling I found an interesting statement that according to Luke 4:16 Jesus could never have been in India during his childhood because he was reared in Nazareth. To me this makes sense because if he was riased by Jewish parents he would come into manhood at age 13. And for his initiation he had to be in the presence of family members whom I presume all lived near Nazareth.
And what abut the prophesies? Since they speak of Jesus would they have been inspired by tachings from India too? So what is the truth?
What I find fascinating in this discussion is how many people are intrigued by the person (or god or teacher or king or judge or prophet) Jesus.
@gfsunder (83)
• India
24 Jan 07
You 've got it a little wrong. Jesus was Jew whose forefather was Abraham. Abraham married Sarah, his legal wife. He did not have any children until he was more than a hundred years old. Isaac was only then. The descendants of Isaac are the Jews...Jesus. When Abraham could not get children out of Sarah, he had other relationships illegally. These people are the gentiles...the Muslims, the Hindus and all others. When Jesus comes again, He will redeem only those who believe in Him...they will go to Heaven until He will bring His people again on this Earth for a thousand years. For the rest us...I don't have to tell you what will happen to the Bible.
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
24 Jan 07
Just what I said in a comment in this discussion. Nobody took in accont the genealogical line mentioned in Matthew.
I don't agree with the rest of your comment regarding to what Jesus when he comes back on earth but that is a different discussion.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I think that most religions have very similar beliefs but call things differently... what some call God, others call Jehovah or something else... what some call the Holy Spirit, others call something else... and the same for Jesus. I honestly think that we all have nearly the same belief, yet think we're so different.

@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jan 07
How can you believe that Krishna and Muhammad where warlike, smiting their enemies so fundamentally different from Jesus
al the best urban
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
22 Jan 07
Read the bible there's one True God. Ps. 83:18,
Matt. 6:9,10- The Lords Prayer.

@viveknk (27)
• India
22 Jan 07
yes! is even said that jesus had got the wisdom from a sage in himalayas in ancient time.anyhow this seems to be a religion of many secrecies!!!oneday jesus himself would come(if it could happen!) & solve them and that could be the end of all mysteries & confusions.
@urbandekay (18278)
23 Jan 07
Where is it said Jesus got wisdom from a sage? Not in the bible
all the best urban
@HighPriestess (739)
• Melbourne, Florida
21 Jan 07
I don't believe the same as most Christians. I in fact believe that Jesus and Krisna was the same spirit. I believe that Christ is a title, and that we are all trying to achieve the same level as the great ones. Somewhere along the way Jesus started being worshipped as a God, and I do not agree with this. We are all children of God, and Jesus showed us the way to return to the father.
@sweetstranger1 (44)
22 Jan 07
I agree with you. I feel as though they came down on earth for the same reasons, and therefore must have had some connection with their spirits, if not, as you said had the same spirit. I also agree that we are all children of God, as were Krishna and Jesus, I do not believe that they should be referred to as God themseleves, though I know that Krishna is more strongly associated with being a form of God compared to Jesus. However all humans can be considered as images of God, so in that sense it would be different.
@jaya1123 (122)
• India
22 Jan 07
one thing u have forgotten is u are talking about GOD not about a man.The GOD who made you, who has given u brain. Use your brain properly so that u can realize GOD.JESUS is not an ordinary person. HE came to this world to save HIS children from their sins.
Eventhough right now u don't agree....after this ...some day definetly you have answer HIM
@rein2410 (809)
• Australia
22 Jan 07
In the bible, from where he was 12 years old then the bible never told the story when he was 13-29 years old, and he appear again when he got babtized then start the miracles. there are many stories saying that Jesus was in India when He was 13-29 years old but there is no evidence on this and I wont say I dont believe in it, but I wont say I acutally believe in it. All I can say is Jesus Christ is my saviour and he sacrificed His life to saved us to wipe away our sins and our useless life. That is all I am willing to believe and I do not care where He was but the fact He is willing to give life for us should be considered. Who cares about what He did in that 15 years, for what I know He did always good thing and never sinned.
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
22 Jan 07
And no one has mentioned so far the genealogical tree mentioned inteh first chapeter of Matthew.
You are right: what Jesus is (for you) matters.
@bartolo (29)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Jan 07
Please my dear friend, if Jesus Christ would be thankful to anyone for the success of Christianity it will not be to you Indians or any other country which you think He learned His teachings. He will greatly thank God for giving Him the blessings of knowledge and wisdom which he imparted to us through His teachings. His teachings which is widely accepted regardless of race, color or culture because His wisdom doesn't come from the ideas of men but from God Himself. He speak of universality, whether you are the Chosen people or the "Gentiles" we are all equal in the eyes of God.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I, too believe that Yeshua (Jesus) headed to India to learn.
However, tradition tells us it couldn't have been 28 years, because he was still in the area of Judea until around the age of 12, and he was crucified at 33. 33-12=21 possible years spent travelling and learning. There's no doubt that he was a great and wise man. He may even have been an avatar. He was certainly enlightened as the Krishna and the Buddha were.
@rakeshwad (82)
• India
22 Jan 07
I believe there is only one god and we all know him in different names. So making difference in them is wastage of time.
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
22 Jan 07
Where in the bible did you read this about Jesus? I never heard of it... This information should be in all bibles!