An angry Four month old..
By wmaharper
@wmaharper (2316)
United States
January 21, 2007 4:41pm CST
I have a wonderful four month old little boy, and I love him... but I swear he already has a temper. I know, I know, he's too young to be showing his temper (is what I'm told) but today, when I put him down, he arched his back and SCREAMED, and cried and carried on until I picked him up again, as soon as I picked him up he quieted. Then later, when he woke up from his nap, I thought he wanted to nurse (he usually does) and he arched his back and screamed at me again! Then later when I tried to put him in his car seat, he pushed his legs straight, until he was standing up, and I had to push him down into his car seat (dont' worry not hard..) to get him to sit down, and the whole time he was screaming at me. Now, people always tell you, every child is differnt, (and it is SO true), but I don't recall my first one asserting himself this much at such an early age. Have I just forgotten, or do children really start to show signs of a temper at this age?
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14 responses
@mansha (6298)
• India
22 Jan 07
lol, is it my baby you are describing or yours, mine is now seven month but my god what a temper since she was born. She had difficult one month initially so I blamed it on that,but god those stiff egs, I used to hold them and then make her sit in the rocker seat. She absolutley refused to lie down after her third month and I worried aboput ehr back all she wanted was to make her sit all the time now she can sit so she wants to do everything standing straight up. two days back my hubby's cousine came and wantd to do something on my computer, this young lady started screaming at her at first just as a warning and then it kept increasing in its tone and assertion, after ten minutes or so I understood what was the problem, he was sitting on the chair, I sit on. Now she keeps scratching y face early in the mornming to wake me up and keeps sayin eh eh all the time till I get up. She can really scold you with this eh like anything. God I feel she should just now grow up and leave for school-I bet she also wants the same as she keeps watching her brother do that daily and has started making a fuss in the morning to go to him when he is all dressed up for school.

@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Ha! I do that alot as well, we just got a double stroller not too long ago.. and I find I am always pushing it one handed, because the other hand I have the baby in. *sigh* hopefully it's just a stage taht he'll outgrow. (:
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes, it's amazing how fast they grow...Sometimes I wish mine would stay babies forever...*sigh*
@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
My son was like that from the very day we brought him home from the hospital. I don't think I would call it a temper ... but he definitely had more needs than our first son did, and was going to tell us about them. When I changed his diaper, he'd grip the rails on the chaing table, arch his back, and scream till he was blue in the face. We could almost never put him down, he'd scream and scream ... I used to joke that I'd bouthg a double stroller for nothing, since I was always pushing one child in the double and carrying the baby. I think it's more temperament than temper.
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@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I truly believe that some children start showing a temper at a very early age.... My daughter and nephew are almost the exact same age. My daughter was always very calm and easy going, but my nephew would throw tantrums at even 4-5 months old! If he was not happy, he'd scream at the top of his lungs! If my dd was not happy, she'd whimper and cry a little, but she never really screamed like he did.
As they grew up, he was definitely the one with the temper and my daughter is still calm and quiet (for the most part! lol!). They are 16 now and as opposite as can be!
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes I think it's amazing how early they start to show signs of one. THanks for your response.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
21 Jan 07
My youngest (1 month) will scream bloody murder. Once I pick up her she is quiet right away. I know my middle child used to throw tantrums like you describe, but I don't remember when (she is almost 6). He just knows what he wants & he wants his mommy ;)
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
YEs, I am very surprised at how opinionated he is, at such a young age. Thanks.
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@armywifey (882)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Since babies this age are too young to verbalize what they are feeling they have to resort to these things to make you understand that they are not happy. It is just a normal thing and you have nothing to worry about. As your son gets older and is able to communicate his feelings and needs in other ways these things will become less frequent.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
23 Jan 07
YEs, I agree, as he gets older he'll do much better ... hopefully!
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
Oh, I remember those reactions! Especially the straight legs! Frustrating, isn't it?!!
I don't really consider it a temper though... not that I'm saying babies "can't" have a temper... I'm sure they can. I actually believe that babies get VERY frustrated with us and it would seem that what your little boy is doing is "trying to get his point across." I mean, at his young age, he doesn't have spoken language to tell you he wants to be held (or doesn't), wants to eat (or doesn't), wants to go in the car (or doesn't), so he's using whatever means he has to convey his needs. I think I'd scream too if I couldn't get people around me to understand what I need or want LOL
Seriously, though, I think that when they are old enough to walk and talk and then persist with the screaming and physical reactions (like kicking, pinching, biting or throwing themselves on the floor), THEN you've got a temper problem. But at four months, I sort of think that it's the only self-expression he's got.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes, I agree, It's the only way he can tell me he is unhappy, just wish he wouldn't be so vocal about it at times! Lol. . I'm hoping it's just a phase, we dodged a bullet with our oldest, I don't know how lucky we'll be with this one.. My hubby and I both had/have a temper (thankfully we don't loose it now though..) (:
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
22 Jan 07
My son has been a fit thrower since about 3 months old. If we put him down for a nap and he didn't want to, he would roll over onto his stomach and start swinging his arms, hitting his mattress and such. He will be a year old next week and as you can imagine, he still throws fits every time he doesn't get his way. Naptime has recently become a struggle again. I put him down in his crib, he just pops back up. He screams for 5-10 minutes every time its time to go night night.
I always tell him he has his aunt's temper. Besides the fit throwing, though, he is a very good baby. Since he was about 3 months old, he has slept all the way through the night for 7+ hours. It's just getting him to sleep thats the problem.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes, My son sleeps wonderfully too, and I am very thankful for that.. his older brother didn't start sleeping through the night until he was almost 1 year old... It's amazing how they know what to do, and how to react to show you how angry, upset or frustrated they are. Thanks for your response.
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
22 Jan 07
Well, ages are different now. It seems that not long ago all children that were born had a similar reaction (all of them) to everthing. Today's kids... well, they are something else. I had my son walking by the age of 6 months old and all doctors used to ask me why I had done such a crime. Well, stay at home to listen to him screaming! Don't worry! It will become worse and suddenly one day it will get better.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Ha! yes, I think your right, it will problaby get worse before it gets better...hopefully it doesnt take too long.
@siddhupotluri (225)
• India
22 Jan 07
its really surprising that such a small baby has got short temper..
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
22 Jan 07
His being 4 months old doesn't mean he cannot show anger, he just can't use words to solve problems so he cannot propose alternatives to what you are trying to do with him.
It sounds like he is going through one of the "balance" stages.
Somewhere between 3 months and 6 months, there are a series of stages that are particularly frustrating for babies. At 4 months a baby starts getting a bit bored. Think about it. You eat, you sleep, you can kind of see things off in the distance but they are a bit blurry. You brain is struggling to work with this and is telling the body, "if you get closer this might owr better"...but you can't move in any particular direction. Lots of kids get really picky when that starts happening.
I don't know if hehas any teeth there might be a couple giving him fits as well. But don't worry too much. Sounds like he's pretty healthy. You might start a journal and keep nots on his development. Sounds like he might have a heightened emotional character. He might be quite precocious!
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes, thanks for your input. I don't think he's teething yet, but it could be an underlying problem, but I do think I recall my oldest one hitting this stage at about 6 months... where he got really frustrated because he couldn't do much. Thanks again!
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
22 Jan 07
sorry, you get a -.. add something to a conversation if you are going to reply, otherwise you get a minus. Thanks.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
i think that sometimes they just know that this is the way to get your attention and its just the only way they can communicate with us. so if something is really bothering them or they are just cranky and need sleep or hungry or need changing or burping they let us know the only way they know how. and its probably frusterating for them to not be able to tell us directly what they need/want.
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@feeding11 (222)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Maybe you should start feeding him a little cereal as well. Then don't run to him when he screams, but put him on a play blanket for him to play and gaze at all of the fun toys. It already seems as though he is attached and only wants to be carried around. You are going to have to get him out of this now before you really start pulling your hair out. He may not like it at first, but if you play with him on the floor across from him he'll feel secure enough to eventually keep himself occupied.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Well he's already started on the solid foods. and I really don't carry him that much, much less than I did with his older one.. In fact, when he was a newbie, I felt horrible, because I was always having to let him cry for a couple of minutes, because we were potty training our two year old at the time, and I would be cleaning the inevitable pee off the floor when he needed me.. So I don't think it's anything that really could have been preventable. *sigh*
@Mommiewendy (106)
• United States
23 Jan 07
My 10 month old son did that at your sons age too, he still does lol. I don't believe he's too young to have a temper at all! My little man will throw a fit if he does not get what he wants! He usually just wants me to pick him up and then he's fine.