What Does The Rest Of The World Think About American Football?

United States
January 21, 2007 6:41pm CST
Hello everyone. This weekend here in America, the Chicage Bears will be playing the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts will be playing the New England Patriots to see who will go to the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl has turned in to what seems like a National Holiday. More food will be sold on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day except for Thanksgiving Day. People will buy new televisions for the game. The cost of a advertisement during the Super Bowl will cost over a million dollars for a 30 second spot. There will be Super Bowl parties everywhere. My question to people outside of the United States is this: Is Super Bowl Sunday a big deal in your country? And if it is, what will you be doing on that day? And how much do you really know about American football? Lloyd
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