By acdc0805
@acdc0805 (979)
United States
October 6, 2006 7:34pm CST
What do you do when you see a child as being neglected? But don't want to have confrontation about it-arguments/fights etc. Is there a better way to deal with it? I know a 3 year old who is being severely neglected-and I have a really hard time dealing with it personally, but don't know wht to do. Neither does my husband.
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29 responses
@fritz27 (1136)
• United States
7 Oct 06
jeez, you opened a can of worms here for me!!!!
i work with special needs kids and they are some of the most neglected people. we have a boy who's had maybe 1/2 dozen baths since school started august 28th. he comes to school dirty, smelly and with discusting clothes on. we've reported the family to youth services and they tell us they are short handed and can't help. do you really want to know what i want to do to the agency and those parents!!! call the police and a youth agency. maybe yours is better than ours. remember that 3 yr. old will grow up to think neglect is a way of life and do the same to his. report them every day if you must. in the end, you'll feel better. and you will have the gratification of knowing you helped a child.
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@acdc0805 (979)
• United States
7 Oct 06
Yah I'm really afraid that when she grows up, thats how her children will be treated.
Sorry about opening up that can for ya. LOL
but i'm just really stuck, and it frustrates me. she has no discipline or anything and it sbecause she fends for herself all day long. Man I could feel like I could just go on and on about this.

@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
14 Oct 06
I really believe when we see something like this that we have a responsibility to report it to the authorities for investigation. Emotional abuse/neglect is just as bad as physical abuse and has long term consequences. Act now before it is too late for this poor young child.

@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
25 Oct 06
I didn't mention the police at all but said 'the authorities' because if there is nothing wrong, no harm will come from someone checking. Unfortunately if it is the parents who are abusing/neglecting the child then leaving it to them means that nothing other than further abuse/neglect will happen.
Every child has the right to a peaceful and happy childhood, filled with love and under no circumstances should they be subject to neglect or abuse.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
25 Oct 06
Who made it your responsibility to report to the police? Yes it is a horrible thing to do to a child, but I have seen it so many times that people call the authorities on normal families because the person has some preconceived notion. I think people should mind their own business and let parents deal with their own.
@grump0ne (979)
• United States
25 Oct 06
sry siren but it is everyones responsibilty to protect the children that cannot protect themselfs. If it turns out to be nothing than write a letter of apology to the family. If you suspect neglet or abuse, report it. so many people dont do this, they just turn their head, maybe you wouldnt read about terrible things happening to kids so much if people would get involve. would rather be wrong than sorry later.
@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
7 Oct 06
Call CPS or the police if its life-threatening, about it and they'll investigate immediately. Be sure to give them details about what you feel the neglect is. Unfortunately, if you're in the USA if the child has food, clothes and a place to sleep, they usually don't do much. Now if the child is left unattended or is physically abused that weighs more in their decision to do something. If you're having a hard time dealing with it, you must do something to involve people to help. Even letting a pastor know and get advice too. Do something. That child's life may depend on You.
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@acdc0805 (979)
• United States
7 Oct 06
its not really life threatening. The child is forced to stay in her room all day-and fend for herself basically. The child has an extremely hard time socializing, and is not well-kept-grooming like...if ya know what i mean...her hair is always in knots, i don't know if she gets bathed, but once a week...and only ever wants to watch tv-because she has one in her room-her room is very tiny, and she only has enough room to maybe lay down on the floor-yes its that tiny....i don't know-if she's being abused in any way, but i jsut know that she shows serious signs of neglect, and it hurts me soooo bad. thanks for ur ideas, i appreciate it!!!
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
22 Oct 06
As a teacher I have a legal responsibility to report any suspected abuse or neglect to social services. I have had to do it maybe 4 or 5 times over the years. It has never been pleasant. They tell you that when you report you will remain annonymous, but that isn't true. Every time I've had to do it the parents have come back on me and raised holy hell. Thing is, if another such situation presented itself to me, I'd report it again. I couldn't bear the burden of knowing a child was severely injured, damaged for life, or killed because I didn't want to get involved.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
22 Oct 06
Call them regardless of it is life threating or not. There is so many form of neglect and not all are life threating but all are just as harmfull. The safty of the child is what has to come first.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
22 Oct 06
Call you local Child Protection agency. You are allowed to call as an anoninmous caller and let them know what is going on. They will investigate and NO one has to know it was you. some times first time parents dont know what to do and need help and that is a great way to get them help, because those agencies have access to resources.
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@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
25 Oct 06
First of all, try to find out why the kid is been neglected. I know a case that wasn't as it seemed and the child lost a mother that adored him. Anyway, if you are sure about it, then talk to the children care center. There are many organisations to talk to as well. But it would be best if you talked to the parents first, directly, whether you like to confont them or not. You're trying to do good and you should be proud about it.
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
29 Jan 07
You can make an anonymous claim to child services and the parents will never know who turned them in. There is no excuse for not taking care of a child. It is really not that hard to meet their basic needs even if you are poor. I am a mandatory reporter so I would be obligated to make the call.
@DeborahWY (306)
• Singapore
14 Oct 06
Neglect is a form of abuse... and she's only 3 years old! Please report to your local social agency or police and help her before it is too late.
@Stiletto (4579)
22 Oct 06
You have a moral (and legal) duty to report it to the appropriate authorities. Of course this may make life difficult for you as far as your relationship with the child's family is concerned but really does that matter when you weigh it up against doing something about child abuse? Too many children suffer awful childhoods because adults turn a blind eye or don't want to get involved.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
25 Oct 06
If I see a child that is really neglected, I would be on the phone with the police instantly.
@itsfourme (31)
25 Oct 06
ring the police and tell them your fears they will act upon it you would feel very bad it you did nothing and the child was at harm
@shaggydog (647)
• Canada
25 Oct 06
@hush5605 (674)
• United States
25 Oct 06
I'd report it..that child's life may depend on someone alerting authorities that there are signs of neglect - give them details and let them make the determination whether or not they should investigate. Don't sit back and wait for someone else to do it - chances are they are waiting for someone else to do it too...if nothing is done, at least you have a clear conscience and have done everything in your power to help the little one.
@sherijmccane (905)
• United States
25 Oct 06
The best thing for you to do is call Child Protective Services and they will take it from there. You cant let it keep going on because then you are neglecting to doing the right thing
@angelshellbelle (79)
• United States
24 Oct 06
You need to act on it and find a professional of sorts that you can trust to go in and find out whats happening. Making a 3 year old fend for themself is just way too young. A child needs love and attention and not shoved off into a bedroom to watch tv 24/7. You can put an annonymous phone call into CPS or your local police officer and find out what you can do to help. Or like some others have said call an abuse hotline.
@edm2000eclipse (1003)
• United States
24 Oct 06
if it is really that bad call cps. the child may be better off. talking to the parents will not help. they will just deny it.
@kcbabez14 (967)
• United States
24 Oct 06
i would straight up call the cops or cps and keep doing it until the children are safe.. i understand that you don't want to get into the middle of it but if you ask them not to metion your name or anything they will abid by it!