By sendil143
@sendil143 (183)
January 22, 2007 6:36am CST
Hey ...juat a light haught nothing meant to be serious...
My first question regarding this issue us that --- Why
do people smoke?Eventhough we can find all kinds of
tags like Smoking Kills, Smoking is Injurious to health,
Why do people go for smoking?One more question which
I feel It is necessary to ---
Do smokers care about those tags or have they ever
cared to read these tags?Each and every one of us know
taht smoking is injurious to health, It causes a variety health
cannot be listed here...
Affects lungs (at scientific level decreasing the oxygen caring
capacity of bronchi) .
A famous saying of the decade goes "A cigarette reduces the
life of heman being by 2 mins"Its boots activity at the early
sates of smoking by improving the activity of brain but
prolonged smoking causes depression...
Over the buring end of cigarette over 4000 chemicals are
being burnt ...did u know this...
The nicotine affects the neurons in brain.
Lets have a discussion on this.
I want to know what other feel regarding this issue ....
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46 responses
@lilone (169)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
Every person that smokes will have their own reason as to why they smoke and why they started.But smoking in a big part is an addiction to nicotien.Once you have been smoking long enough it is something your body cant go with out.The reason i may not be the best reason but first and forth most i am addicted to it.Secondly smoking for me is a stress relever.When a smoker is understress is is proven that having a smoke will lower your blood pressure and calm you down.I wont get all teniqual on the matter because i dont know all the facts off by heart.but when i do...ill be back lol
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@DrPipper (11)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Hi Sedil143,
I hope this is not too inflamatory (pun not intended
;-) ), but the answer is simple. The same reasons I continue my bad habits are the same reasons you, or anyone else, continue yours/theirs. Some people eat poorly, others don't excercise, some people ignore their financial health by overspending with credit cards or not saving for retirement. We all have bad habits, and the same (or very similar) excuses I use are probably the ones you use. Being anti smoking is very trendy now, but there are more people that eat fast food than smoke. There are more people in America (where I'm from) that are killing themselves financially wth tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt than smoke. How about we attack them for their poor habits too? Just kidding :-). Understanding self is key to understanding others.
I hope noone takes this the wrong way. just my 2 pips. Hope it helps in some way :-)
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@anirbanb4u (239)
• India
22 Jan 07
To be very frnak....I dmoke and in spite of knowing all those things as it is written on the ciggarete cases, stilllli really crae i fig to them. I dont love smoking, nor do i find any real nice taste in engulfing the smoke, but still it refreshes my mind from tensions, stresses, depressions and MOST OF ALL ITS MY COMPANAION OF LONLINESS. I know no matter how much i try i cant live it.....even if it kills me.....i wld prefer that i have been killed by myself only.
@maru_047in (1007)
• India
23 Jan 07
i think it is thrilling and once gone into that it ll not leave them for every reason they smoke and some do it for style and some do it for their mental reason as far as i know.
@dbeast (1495)
• India
22 Jan 07
one of the most disgusting habits is smoking.not only does it affect the person indulging in this it also harms others by passive smoking.small children get affected due to this.this brings about asthma and many respiratory disorders for children who are exposed to passive smoking.and i dont think the smokers give a damn about the tags that it is injuriious.these people start for fun thinking that it is cool but later they get addicted becoming impossible for them to get rid of the habit.people should really take efforts in trying to stop this habit.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I was just wondering do you go out of your house. That could kill you because there is so much polution in the air that it clogs your lungs and makes it hard to breath.
@praiseitem (515)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
To hate smokers is pretty harsh don't you think. Hate is a pretty strong statement. Think about those words. "I HATE SMOKERS." There are millions of smokers in this world, if you HATE them all then I can't see you having any room left in your heart to LOVE.
@erdsethu (165)
• India
23 Jan 07
every smokers know they loose their helth bcz of smoking
but the thing is that they cant be without smoking 0nce they fel into it trap.
in personel experiance my father is a chain smoker
he had experiencedf the effects of smoking
but he cant leave it
most of the smokers say that they smoke bcz theyget tensed,so as to relax them they smoke
not only smoking is injurious also there are still more
do u know that
@pshicokill3r (553)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
I am not a smoker and I don't understand why some people smoke. I think that it's very relaxing for them. I tried it and didn't like it.
@sandip_becee04 (39)
• India
23 Jan 07
Well, a very good & interesting topic to discuss with. I was also a chain smoker even few months ago, now reduced extensively compared to that & decided to leave smoking. Now, I find that, it was nothing but a bad habit and the habit gradually became an addiction. I think, each and every people who smokes, are aware of the tags describing the adverse effect of smoking. but, all are not aware of the facts, how extensively it can damage the internals of our body, what kind of diseases it may cause. so, they dont care about those tags or warnings untill they are having some serious physical problems because of smoking.
There are various answrs to the question, why people smoke at all?
In my openion, some people smoke due to their lonely lifestyle, some do it cause they are already addicted in smoking, & etc etc; but, whatever be the reasons, main reason is the environment, friends or colleagues with whom someone spends more time and obviously the willingness to smoke, and lifestyle are the key reasons to get indulged in smoking.
however, knowingly they do smoke... but, all are not well aware about the kinds of actual damages may happen...
so, friends, share your views and knowledges about this issue...
@waleediftikhar619 (75)
• India
23 Jan 07
people get smoking because they often r bored and want to enjoy sometng. but many people r not aware of hundred of affects
@pradesh13 (287)
• India
23 Jan 07
Yes I do agree with you , its not only injurious for those who smoke but it is more hazardous for the passive smokers, passive smokers in the sense those who dont smoke but are accompanying the people who are smoking in front of them. Smoking will cause variety of respiratory disturbances in our body including lung cancer. Pregnant females who smoke actively/passively will have babies with smaller birth weights. so its very risky.
@occasus (27)
• Italy
23 Jan 07
People consider that damages caused by smoke will never happen to them.
They consider it a remote possibility, so not few young people start smoking, because they think to become cooler.
Then addiction starts and the body needs nicotine, so it's more and more difficult to stop.
@vadderina (2)
• Malaysia
23 Jan 07
people smoke because it can help them to release stress..and they do really care about their health as well..they know smoking can caused fatal decease to to their health... but the problems is, it is hard to quit smoking... i not gonna say they are addicted.. it just some bad habit that hard to leave ..
@hot2handle (39)
• India
23 Jan 07
smoking makes people go high . aftrr smokin people forget their problems and indulge into some other world which is tensionfree
@meet_abhinesh (39)
• India
23 Jan 07
see...peop do read those lines and they are fully aware of the fact that smoking is injurious to heallth ,,,still they smoke ...i too smoke and i m aware of its hazards too....still smoking is cool and getting high is cooler so i fagg and i always do so :)
@pradeep_ranjan (613)
• India
23 Jan 07
Generally it start as a fun or try. Later it became a habit and once one get habitual it is hard to quit and stop worry about tags. and not all smoker die with cause of smoking.