Spanking a CRIME!!!!????
By pookie92
@pookie92 (1714)
United States
January 22, 2007 9:38am CST
They are considering passing a law in California that would make spanking or swatting your child an actual CRIME that you can be arrested for. I don't spank my kids, don't have to, but I know a few that could use it. Do you think this is going too far? Do parents have ANY rights?
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54 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
23 Jan 07
From what I understand with this law this includes spanking, a swat, or even a smack on the hand. Which means if a mother has her child in a store and sees the child reaching for a knife and swats his hand and tells him no she'll be arrested for swatting the hand. That isn't right.
Whether or not you believe in spanking, do you really want the government telling us how to raise our kids? They have made it already so that parents are afraid to be parents, adding more laws is just going to make it harder for them. All ready people are complaining about the newest generations coming up, how they are out of control. Most of this is due to the fact that no matter what parents do they seem to get someone in their face. They worry about punishing their child in any form because someone could yell child abuse. It's time the government backed off. Let parents be parents, kids be kids, and the government go after real crimes.
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@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes, I agree. I think kids, do of course, need to be taught moral reasons to behave. However, along the way, before morals totally "kick in", a swat never hurt anyone. And, sometimes it's ok to fear being punished - in my opinion.
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I Agree with you 100% if we all let our kids do what they want and if they were going to get in trouble and had to go to jail then the goverment states that a crime is a crime then the goverment is conviting the same crime punishment.. we are not allowed to spank our children but the goverment can pass laws to send our children to jail if we can not spank our children than way does the goverment get to?
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@lisado (1227)
• United States
22 Jan 07
This has always been a hot button with me. I think part of the reason kids run wild like they do is because a lot of parents are afraid to punish their kids. They scream child abuse and that's all there is. Parent HAS to be guilty (not like the little darling would fib or make something worse than it was).
We were spanked growing up and I know that if I hadn't been I am sure I would have gotten into a lot of trouble that I avoided because I knew my parents wouldn't hesitate to spank. My brother and sister are the same way. We knew what would happen if we skipped school, or whatever, so we didn't do it.
Spanking and child abuse are NOT the same! Leaving bruises on your child and swatting them on the backside are two totally different things. I see nothing wrong with a swat if the child needs it, especially if nothing else has worked.
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@starr4all (2863)
22 Jan 07
I'm in total agreement with you! Todays kids get away with so much and they know that if they don't like their punishment, then they can call social services. My mom would spank me if I got out of line. It only took a couple of times for me to realize that if I didn't want to get spanked, then I needed to behave. I do think spanking isn't always the answer but it should be an option. I also think their is a big difference between swatting the child on the bottom and leaving bruises all over.
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@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Lisado, I definitely agree with you. And, Pookie, hmmm, like you, I wonder why the child abuse increased in Sweden. Problably the kids were so unruley that their parents couldn't handle them anymore, became so stressed and filled with anxiety and didn't know how to take out their total frustrations. Do you think?
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Ithing that making it a law is stupid. It points out that the lawmakers have too much time on their hands and want to meddle in our lives. Next it will be that we can't yell at the children. Parents should be able to raise their children and if they become abusive with the spanking then there are laws agains that. We do not need "Big Brother" watching over us and tellisng us what to do every minute of the day.
@mnflower (1299)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I think that it is ridiculous to pass such a law...there is child abuse and then there is a swat on the butt once in a great while for misbehavior..I think they need to step back and look at how the kids are walking all over there parents right now as it is..What is this going to do for our kids but give them the sense that no matter what they do they won't be punished..cause taking things away from them don't work, you can't set them down for time out that is abuse...what is left for parents to do to teach there kids right from wrong..I am not saying do it all the time that is just wrong but at times I feel a quick swat on the buttocks wouldn't hurt a child at all/...
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I definitely agree. So many children walk all over their parents. I hate hearing a parent giving a command and the child saying "no". Especially when the parent sits back and does nothing. We study history for everything, what about the history of how children used to obey and respect their elders. (Mind you, I'm not talking of obeying a child predator or something of the sort.)
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@armywifey (882)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I don't think they are making spanking in general illegal. I was reading that they were making it illegal to spank a child under the age of 2 years old. I do agree with that, I don't think a child under that age should be spanked under any circumstances. I think they they are to young to understand what spanking really means and there are other ways that would be much better to punish a child that age such as taking away a privilege or just time out.
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@pookie92 (1714)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I agree with you, there are various degrees of spanking, and most parents aren't beating their kids. I got spanked a lot when I was a kid, and that is why I don't spank mine. I did give my middle one a swat once or twice though. It does get their attention.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I worry about how Spankingwill be defined. I had a friend who was eating in a restrauant with his young (3-5 yr old) grandson. The grandson finished and wanted more and they told him no. he got down from the table and walked over to another couple who were eating and had some French Fries left and started to take some from the plate. The grandfatehr got up and took the boy by the arm and brought him back to the table. The boy started to screem that hewas being hurt and would not quiet down so the Grandfather gave him a swat (spanking) and set himin the chair. Two days later he received a summonds in the mailto appear at Social Services aspart of an invesgation into Child Abuse. He had to get statements from people in the restraunt and it was determined that he did not use excessie force in dealing with the child. It seems that a Social Worker wasin the restrauant and reported it. It cost him a couple of days off work and the stress of dealing with it, because someone thought that heshould have talked and reasoned with the child. If someone reports abuse it is up to Social Services to decide if they will invesgate or not. Do you want a group that makes the rules and can change them deciding if you are spanking or swating your child?
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@dunce002917 (226)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Well my parents never spanked me when I was growing up but the fear of being spanked lead me to the right direction. This new law is another way of taking more power away from parents to discipline their kids. I don't know about you guys but kids today seem to have too much freedonm for their own good. And there are a lot that needed a good spanking. However, I do not condone corporal punishment as the only means of punishment. Mabe taking away some priviledges would help and some minor (note: minor) spanking is required. Maybe the law should define what excessive spanking is. The kids also need to prove that they are being excessively spanked. Not to call kids liars but some do just to show their parents how "protected" they are.
@remaster74 (4064)
• Greece
22 Jan 07
I think they won't refer to the just a spank at the but. I think they mean the real spanking that most parents even let their children disabled by mistake. Children have rights and parents do so. I think in order to avoid that most parents have to see a therapist for their children and how to treat them.
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@hikaruch4n (339)
• Australia
24 Jan 07
If there's such law in my country, my ex-private teacher will be one to be arrested first lol...But I agree that spanking and swatting are bad way to teach children
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
22 Jan 07
This already exists for us..That is no one is allowed to spank a child..Seems pretty child that a child can speak out..carry on..shout, scream, kick and do all kinds of awful things and no one can discipline them.
The bible says "spare the rod and spoil the child"
It's no wonder our children are in the mess they are now a days.
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@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
23 Jan 07
"Ciniful", I do not think spanking is, or should be, the only form of discipline. My parents used multiple forms on my sister and me. I do the same w/my children. And, yes, the occasional spanking happens as well. But, it's not just a hit, nor is it a hard; it's a warning (or several),an explanation, and then a spanking. Then, a verbal reinforcement of why the spanking occured. And, aside from that, there is alays a lot of hugs, kisses, tickles, and positive physical contact.
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@yahooguy (508)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
cinciful...have youve ever seen the show super nanny??? there are some childen who hit theire mothers just because they dont bring their cookies on time and i mean you honestly think those kind of children can b contoled by mental power....god..your kind of naive
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
23 Jan 07
This law is for children age 3 and under. I have given a tap on the hand to a 3 year old when they repeatedly pick up an item that I have repeatedly told them not to pick up. I do not believe that a child ages 3 and under can fully understand why they are getting spanked. When you firmly tell a toddler "NO" and remove them from the situation they understand it is wrong.
I have often seen people swatting the bottom of a young child as if they would beat a rug on a clothesline. I believe that this ruling pertains more to those people.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Jan 07
hi, i don't think that is right but im not in usa, in UK it's not like that, but we do say it is wrong! children shouldn't be smacked for nothing, the only time a child should be is when there in danger or doing something that they shouldn't be!
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I think that Spanking is a Crime is uttterly ridiculas now days it is the children who are boss and I don't belive it should be that way.. I have spanked my children not to the point of brusing them but to the point that they understood that I was the parent not them.. In Society now days a parent does not have any rights and I think that is all wrong
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Bravo, Sweet!
It does get old seeing these moms go on the Maury show hollering they're scared of their child. Gimme a break.
If they swatted that kid's behind when they were little, the kid wouldn't be knocking them around as a teen or preteen.
It's not fair to the children either. How can people expect to let their kids do whatever then at a certain age expect their kids to conform to these sudden rules thrown at them?
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
I'd rather my kid get a swat from me than pop off to someone that doesn't care about him and will stomp him. Better to teach your own kids yourself, IMO.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
Well, look at it academically.
If you hit your child on the head, it's child abuse. But, change the location and it's not? Does that make any sense?
I agree with the law. I'm in Ontario, Canada .. it's been law here for ages. You don't need to hit your children to parent them, and no one should have the legal right to hit another person. Being the parent of a child does not exclude someone from the law. If anything, parents should be held to a higher authority when it comes to abuse, since they've taken on a commitment to protect their children ... and instead are the ones inflicting the pain.
No, parents shouldn't have the 'right' to hit their children .... regardless of location.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Before I retired I was a High School Principal. In our state they passed a law that said no Corporal Punishment - no spanking children in school. The school I worked for already had such a policy and it was no problem when the Law was changed, except the attitude of the students. there was a fight and I step in and grabbed one fo the studetns before he could hit another student. That student wanted to call social services to report me for abuse because I heldhis arm and would not let him hit another student. I was inflicting Corporal Punishment on him. The attitude of some of the students was that I could do nothing to them. The knowledge that the students were protected from punishment enboldened them to push the limits because "I could do notheing to them".
In a small rural community the police had problems with crime and when a suspect would flee the police were to fire two warning shots and them try to disable the suspect. there was such a problem with the warning shots returning and hitting a hous or car that the new Police Chief changed the orders to You dientify yourself and if you have to draw your weapon you shoot to kill. Crime went down. then a police officer was suspended for drawing hsi weapon and firing a warning shot. The national media picked up the story and the national out cry forced the local town council to over rule the Chief and require the warning shots and shoot to disable rule put back in. Crime wen up to a rate higher than before. No one except the police officer who was suspended was ever impacted by the policy. But what criminal was going to be the one to test the shoot to kill policy. Criminals went some where else to commit crime. Some times the threat is all that is needed to make things work. The threat of a spanking may be all that is needed for a child to good.
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@hikarushidou (843)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
My mom spank us when my sisters and brother and I were kids. And now I thank her for doing that to me. Coz I have a nephew now who didnt get spanked and he's such a spoiled brat that his mom always cries because she can't control him anymore. Id rather be spanked for the right reasons than grow up like that being hated by everybody.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
23 Jan 07
That is so totally true. It's better to train your children when they're young. As you said, the child got older and now the mom cannot control him. I think they better, and they need to, get the children under control while they are still little.
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@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
I believe that sometimes spanking is regrettable, but it also is sometimes necessary. I don't think by a parent doing this constitutes it as a form of abuse. I think there is a big difference between beating a child, & spanking them quite honestly.
I know that if I am to have children in the future.. I would firstly start with time outs. I feel by doing this it would allow me as a parent to think things over, as would it do the same for the child as well. To me smacking your child should kind of be the last resort though. Especially if you had talked things over with them repeatedly & they are not learning anything from the situation.. But sometimes even then you should find another way to help your child learn that what they are doing is wrong. To me there are certain times where spanking is appropriate! But hitting a child with an excessive force is not at all acceptable!
I don't feel it is the governments job though how to tell people how to discipline there children! And anyone with a brain or any common sense would most definitely know that there is a huge difference between a parent hitting there child, & spanking them. I think most people these days confuse the two. At least in my opinion..
I think it's sad to watch parents these days.. As I know how difficult it is to be in there position.. Because it seems that a lot of people these days are trying to tell others how to raise there own children! I think by just a parent raising there child right that they are setting a great example by just doing that! I honestly do not believe we need to have even more of our freedom restricted by another law being put in to action!
I do believe that more parents should have rights! To me it's a parent choice whether or not they want to spank there child. But I think people who do.. do this should be criminalized. The only people who should are the people who actually abuse there children.. Something should be done about those type of people! Not the good parents out there in this world who may whack there child on the butt a few times.. To me this is not assault! . . To put this law in to effect is just ridiculous in my humble opinion! . .
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@jhoanee (598)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
i really thought that theres a law in the states about spanking can get parents into jail..coz my sis was there now and she was advice by her friends regarding spanking her kids. its not allowed specially in public you commit crime on doing that?does parents dont have the right to discipline their kids?i think they have the rights to do that for as long as it wont hurt the kid too much.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
23 Jan 07
It's gone too far. If they are going to arrest all the parents tha spank their children, who is going to take care of all the children when mommy and daddy are in jail? How are they going to jail all these people? This should be interesting to watch.
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@burnaby31 (46)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
yes i think spanking is a form of child abuse depending on what the child had done to deserve it but it is wrong to hit your childeren.
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@teasahsurprise (3)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I dont think there's anything wrong with disciplining your child. However, there is a difference between BEATING your child and CORRECTING your child...parents should understand the difference before deciding to have children.
Just my thoughts. :-D
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@honeyangel (1991)
25 Jan 07
i got a smacked bottom when i was younger and it didnt do me any harm,ill smack my 2 as last resort and that only after ive take away toys,grounded them and if they still play up then its a smack bottom or on the hand.i would never smack them out side as u can be charge with child abuse in the uk.i read a story about a dad who smaked his daughter in the dentist because she was jumping about the chair and he got charge for im very carefull out side