Society-Can people change? Why is it so hard for some...
By mzbubblie
@mzbubblie (3839)
United States
January 22, 2007 12:28pm CST
You know, this goes with a topic I posted about interracial dating. How people are so stuck on "THE WAY THINGS USE TO BE"...Now a days there are so many things that has changed, people, technology, beliefs, relationships just to name a few.
Prime example, I'm at work and we have a new procedure they are going to roll out the end of the week and I know I heard at least half the group pout, say smart things, and just down in the dumps...WHY? They didn't say it was a bad thing, it's to help us..
But most the people so use to the "OLD" way that they don't want to "change" to the new way...
I mean I know change can be hard sometimes for some people, but why not give it a try and see if you agree, like, or can get use to it...Which goes back to the very beginning people can be so judgemental or quick to say it's not right on just viewing the book cover not knowing what inside...
Can someone tell me why is it so hard for one to change or at least give things a try or at even see it for what it is?
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29 responses
@infobyaj36 (907)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Although I cannot tell you why it is so hard for some plp to change I can relate to what your saying. My sister in law has three beautiful children from an interracial relationship and now that her and her husband have divorced she has an incredibly hard time dating anyone of her same race because her children are biracial. Men who say they are not racist but when put to the test and introduced to the fact that her children are interracial they become quite different toward her. It is unfair and unreal to me that in this day and age plp are still being judge by their skin color.
@mhd790 (7)
22 Jan 07
In my opinion people tend to prefer things which they are familiar with. Therefore they tend to stick with things they know or are used to, their opinions reflect on how they percieve life was like before. I see it a lot in older people who especially are stereotypical and tend to compare modern things with what it was like in their time, I feel that society should evolve along with people and this is easier to say than put into practice as change tends to be hard, and I for one, prefer taking the easy way out.
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@mhd790 (7)
22 Jan 07
I just wanted to add that people also do not want to try new things, I remeber my French teacher once saying that when we go to foreign countries we tend to not even try speaking their language for fear of being embarassed or are too shy. He went on to say that the people of that country would be more friendly towards you if you attempted to speak their language rather than speaking in english slowly to them.
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@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
23 Jan 07
Everyone desires a change but do not want to be first to experience that change and do not welcome the change at his/her doors.
We are very much insecure in the life.We dont want to sacrifice whatever we have which is known to us , for a new one which is not yet known to us. Hence we like to make that unknown to known but the experiment should be by someother.
This is the secret behind the resistance to changes though everyone desires a change.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Very well said. I agree with you even when you think you not insecure life itself it's very possible...Thank you for responding
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I don't mind giving new things a try, but I have to admit that I am pretty stuck in my ways and routines. *laugh* Now, that doesn't mean that I am not a liberal person when it comes to my beliefs, though. In some ways like my values and morals I am much older than my age, but on the other hand I like to be as open-minded as I possibly can be about other people's lifestyles and decisions, and about the world around me. So I am kind of a mixture of it all! *laugh* But you're right, a lot of people find it very hard to change.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I understand that at least you give it a try. Some things I too agree, I believe in and will not change my thoughts, but such as work related things I love change and that good challenge...Thanks for responding kind of all mixtures..hehehe...
@biotechfreak (97)
• India
23 Jan 07
U know in today's world people are afraid to experiment. I am not saying that the age old customs are humbug or they should be dumped, but I agree with u in thinking that everyone should at least give it a try. Its not that no one wants to change...Many people want to change, but are unable to do so...either because of social environment or lack of confidence.
Everyone keeps getting nostalgic, but no one realizes that it is in mankind's interest to leave the past in past, while looking towards the future.
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Now I am only speaking for myslf but I feel that when there is going to be a change that I might not be able to adjust or do what they asked. I might feel uncomfortable because someone can do it so much better than I and it will make me feel like I can't do my job as good.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I respect that, sometimes change can be for the best no matter what it is...Me, personally...I love a good challenge...thank you for your honest response....
@banta78 (4326)
• India
23 Jan 07
I think some people are stuck up in the past. Call them old fashioned, narrow minded they are so accustomed to the way ofthe life they don't want to giver it up even though it is for good of everyone. Like when economic liberlisation was launehed in India in nineties, people were afraid of uncertain future, loss of jobs as they were so used to government jobs where productivity hardly mattred and you had secure livelihood even though your don't perform and don't update yor skills. So peole like this naturally would resist change as they would have to work doubly hard to get what they want.So affected parties will surely resist as they think of only think short term gains instead oof long term gains. Now one can see wit economic liberlisation, India is doing well as there are more jobs, more accountablitiy, more productivity, better service, value for customers abnd so on.
@linkpointe (1003)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
You...Me...them...can really change. It depends on you if you want to change. It depends on you if you want that kind of life. Afterall, it is us who are doing such situation in our lives. God is just out there to look after us but never did he wish us to suffer. We can make life easier if we are just contented with what we have at present. Not asking. Not looking for much. After all, everything that we are after for are emere material things that can fade in this world but never does the FAITH we have for the one up there. Isn't it wonderful to renew the faith that has been lost in us. We're too busy doing a lot of things everyday. Its time for us to really give time to the ONE above and make our lives beautiful.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I feel that as we get older it is more difficult to adjust to changes since we are so used to doing things the way we have been for many years. People are not willing to go with the changes being made. I see that at my job a lot with the students as they can not adjust to changes at all and some are not willing to do so. They have certain things stuck in their head and they do not feel confident in being able to adjust successfully to the new changes. They may also be afraid of failure or not being able to adjust as quickly as others. I do think people can change but for some people it may be more difficult than others.
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@mariam74 (555)
• Egypt
23 Jan 07
Yes this is a natural thing for many people specially old people they never want to change any habits, but for me I'd like to try anything new and I like technology very much all my money is going to new technology and new things but it differs from person to another for example when I do this and change all my old things with a new things my mom says to me this is a lot of money why you changed you must leave the old things working until it spoils you can buy new things but for me I like to try every new thing so I think that the previous age only doesn't like to change or try new things.
@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
23 Jan 07
I think it's human nature in most people, we are comfortable with things we know and good at and kind of afraid or worried to try new things because even if it's better we may not be good at it as we used to do with old things .. some people still hate computers and think it's hard to use and learn, it's common with old people but it shouldn't be that way with young and middle aged people.
@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Unfortunately, people have a hard time changing the things that they believe in, or doing something different, because sometimes, it is just too much of an effort, or they are too afriad of the outcome. Then, there is always the "if it aint broke, don't fix it" mentality that actually slows society down. Because sometimes, the only way to get something better, is to "break" it. Technically, the main people in society that handle change well, are children. They grow and change so quickly, that they can pretty much handle anything, without complaining. But, older people that are set in their ways, can sometimes be a lost cause. The only thing that you can really do, is say, "trust me, you will like this" and hope that they stop whining, until they try out the new change.
@88caira88 (77)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
Change. Easy to say, difficult to do. I usually do things I am used to do, afraid of taking risks because I'm afraid of failure and rejection. But sometimes I find myself overused to the everyday routine that I do. Thinking what more can I do other than this things that I'm dealing with today. I think part of the reason why people find it difficult to change is that they are afraid of rejection and failure like me. But there's nothing wrong with trying, at least in trying, you can earn something -- experience. Don't be afraid to change, just give it one shot before you judge.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I think that maybe the times are changing so quickly that it is very hard for some people to accept it, learn it, and adapt to it quickly.. I think maybe they are scared to get overwhelmed by so much change coming at them at once. I know I have a hard time adjusting to "alot" of changes at one time, but seem to be able to handle spurts of changes that I can learn quickly and grow from there better.
@enchantedemerald (454)
• United States
23 Jan 07
People are afraid of change because it makes them come out of their comfort zone. It means they have to look at things a little differently and try something new and just the thought of that alone makes people scared and nervous. People do not embrace change very well--some people run from it because of their fears. Familiar is nice and cozy but it also means we close ourselves out from some of the good things that change can bring. My life has had so many changes in it I think of changes as being opportunities or challenges. Changes makes me a little nervous but I am willing to try something new and at least look at others viewpoints.
@mommy2taylor1 (405)
• United States
23 Jan 07
When things change people feel out of control. I know when things changed in the workplace for me-- I was scared when I would hear of the "new" way & I was discouraging of it because "What was wrong with the way we already had?" It's hard to adjust to different ideas-- even if those ideas will make things better. I don't know why, I think for the most part it's human nature to respond to change in that way. Then as I grew up-- I realized that change is a way of life & it happens & it's goign to happen regardless if I like it or not. So--I can either act like a baby and pout and stomp my feet & look like a complete idiot or I can embrass the change & help make it succeed. Of course I chose this one-- & everything always turned out better than it was.. but, it is hard to contemplate change--especially when your younger or older & set in your ways.
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@cool_xanders (121)
• Indonesia
23 Jan 07
Basically people are feeling comfort for what they already have. They find that it is a waste of time, and frightening to faces something new.
They affraid that if they cannot change than they will be replaced.
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@dbeast (1495)
• India
23 Jan 07
hey guys change is permanent but change is not easy to accept.when we get used to a particular process it is difficult for us to come out odf it.eventhough when we are changing to a process which is going to make things easy it is difficult to change from what we already in.this change will take time to set in and once this gets used it will become difficult to go thrugh another is all a matter of the way the mid is set and all it takes to resolve this change is time.