The Alien Agenda
By register
@register (1064)
13 responses
@MINDY0882 (2302)
• United States
7 Oct 06
U never know whats realy out there. I have never seen anything but I guess I would say I belive there may be something else out there
@shounak (370)
• India
26 Oct 06
In popular culture and conspiracy theories, life forms, especially intelligent life forms, that are of extraterrestrial origin, i.e. not coming from the Earth, are referred to collectively as aliens or sometimes visitors.
This usage is clearly anthropocentric: when humans in fictional accounts accomplish interstellar travel and land on a planet elsewhere in the universe, the local inhabitants of these other planets are usually still referred to as "alien," even though they are the native life form and the humans are the intruders. In general they are seen as unfriendly life forms. This may be seen as a reversion to the classic meaning of "alien" (see Foreigner ) as referring to "other," in contrast to "us" in the context of the writer's frame of reference.
@Alloy42 (372)
• United States
26 Oct 06
I think when/if it is conclusivle proven that life exists on other planets, there are going to be some serious consequences for some of Earth's major religions!
If WE were created in God's image and THEY aren't EXACTLY like US, then who created them? I can see the issues with homosexuality etc. being forgotten in favor of preaching against our newly discovered galactic neighbors:-(
@zahir_dk (1693)
• India
12 Oct 06
Comments of a Guy who claims that he has seen a UFO
Age: 47
Occupation: Management
Jan. 1995 - Near Swindon England. I was driving along at about 9:30pm in the evening - when I saw an aircraft off to my left with its landing lights on, approaching me. It was too far away and dark - to see its outline. I continued to drive along the dual carriage way road. Traffic was light. I had the car radio on. It was raining slightly. As I began to drive up an incline in the road ahead - suddenly a huge black shape passed across the road - about 100 yards ahead and about 100 feet up - I guess. Size I would say about 3 football pitches in size. I slowed down - but for some reason continued to drive at about 40 mph. Several cars passed me from the opposite direction - none seemed to slow or be aware of this object. Soon I was almost underneath it. I turned the radio off and wound my driver side window down. I listened - there was no noise at all. I watched as it passed over me silently. It was a strange diamond shape - Pointed at both ends - but with the pointed ends cut square. The underneath was interlaced with what looked like hundreds of small pipes and ducts - like the back of a refrigerator. Also the underside showed about 20 or so twinkling lights mostly white but some orange and red. I watched as it passed in front of me - it then turned and passed along parallel to me on the other side of the carriageway - as I watched - it passed over a field and I saw the sheep running and scattering in the field. Then the craft shone a solid looking beam of purple light down onto the sheep. I saw it light the sheep and field. Then it passed slowly on. I took my eyes away for a moment to check the road ahead. When I looked back - it was gone. The dashboard clock in the car showed 9:35 pm - I checked this with my watch - both said the same. So no apparent magnetic interference. One point - in order to pass in front of me and then turn as it did - it must have deliberately changed course from its original line of flight - when I first saw it approaching with three bright lights on its front. (If the lights were the same thing of course) I also saw one bright light underneath it, near the front(?) as it passed over me. One other point, I was driving down to visit my mother who was very ill in the hospital at the time. Was I tired/perhaps hullucinating? Dont know, but those are the facts.
@zahir_dk (1693)
• India
12 Oct 06
Dont know whether Aliens are real or not... But saw a pic where it is shown that a UFO was seen. If this is true it means that they do exist...
@shounak (370)
• India
26 Oct 06
Extraterrestrial life is life that may exist and originate outside the planet Earth, the only place in the universe currently known by humans to support life. Its existence is currently hypothetical; there is yet no evidence of extraterrestrial life that has been widely accepted by the scientific community.
Most scientists hold that if extraterrestrial life exists, its evolution would have occurred independently in different places in the universe. An alternative hypothesis, held by a minority, is panspermia, which suggests that life in the universe could have stemmed from a smaller number of points of origin, and then spread across the universe, from habitable planet to habitable planet. These two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive.
Speculative forms of extraterrestrial life range from humanoid and monstrous beings seen in works of science fiction to life at the much smaller scale of bacteria.
Extraterrestrial life forms, especially intelligent ones, are often referred to in popular culture as aliens or ETs. The putative study and theorisation of ET life is known as astrobiology or xenobiology.
@coolme_kiran (992)
• India
12 Oct 06
yes i believe aliens are real.we are not alone in this world and there are millions of life supporting planets in our galaxy alone.