Childbirth... Natural vs. C-Section
By miteemiget
@miteemiget (31)
United States
January 22, 2007 4:27pm CST
I am absolutely scared to death to have a natural delivery. Although I do plan to have an epidural. I also plan to ask my Dr, if I have a choice, or if c-section is a last resort only....
I've been told that it's not childbirth if you have a c-section, and that I'd be missing out on the miracle.
I am not having this child just to experience the miracle of childbirth... And as far as I'm concerned THE MIRACLE IS THE BABY, not how it comes out of my body.
I would like all Mom's view on this subject. I am an information freak, and want to know as much as possible before the delivery.
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66 responses
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Jan 07
hi, well i wasn't scared until i actually went into labour, i had an epidural but it obviously didn't work for me as the pain was unbearable. :( but don't worry, i was just unlucky with the epidural and maybe if it did work for me, then the pain wouldn't have been so bad. you could be lucky tho if you took that option. good luck! :)
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@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Well I went in thinking I would have my son the natural way. I got an epidural and everything was going good. Then his heart rate started going down and they were putting oxygen on me to get to him and it wasn't helping. So they had to do an emergency c-section. My doctors won't let you choose c-section as a choice the first time but with the second baby they will give you a choice. C-section hurts worse I think but it's really not as bad as people say. I was up walking around the next day (not as fast as the other girls that did it naturally in the next few rooms but I was walking) and they got to go home before me too. But when I have another one I will probably ask for a c-section just because I already know what that's like.
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@miteemiget (31)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I'm glad everything turned out OK with you and your son...
Was it hard to deal with a newborn while healing from the c-section?
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Hi! I know everyone else has covered the pain aspects, etc. I just want to say that natural childbirth is better for the baby because as it is pushed out through the birth canal, it causes the fluids in the lungs to be pushed out, too, so the baby breathes better. This doesn't happen with c-section babies and they sometimes have more difficulty clearing their lungs. Just something to think about. :-)
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Oh, I am a mom and I had a natural childbirth (with pitocin and no epidural - but that's a different story LOL). When it's all said and done, it's all worth it.
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@LPastor (61)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I am not a mom yet, but I think that the only reason I would get a C-section (when the time comes) is if it WAS a last resort and something was going to happen to me or the baby if I did go through with having it naturally. This also eliminates that scar you would wind up with, even though you'd likely still have the stretch marks (LOL)
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@ahuggins000 (6)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Well i am not a mother but but i am a father of two that watched my wife have both of our kids. We have a 17 month old adn a 7 month old. I ask her what she perferred and she said a c section. it was less painful and the baby was born in less than 5 minutes. with her natural birth the epideral wore off and she felt everything. i felt so sorry for her. i would definetly recommend the c section even though the doctor will say that this is a last resort.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
23 Jan 07
i am not married and not a mom yet. but my boyfriend and i had been talking about this and we're both excited actually.
i have ischemia (sort of a heart disorder). i can have my baby delivered naturally but somehow, my doctor said that it's a bit risky for me since i have irregular heart beats and i get tired so easily. so sometimes, it scares us both. but he says if my life is at risk, i'd rather have the c-section. but honestly, i want to give birth naturally and experience "it" really. but it will still all depend on what will happen in the future.
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@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Yes the miracle is the baby but I wouldn't ever want a C-section ever again because that shot in my back liked to killed me. My natural births were easy because two pushes and the baby was out, so I was lucky.
@tildy12 (760)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I had been scared of Natural birth since I was little I said when I get pregnant I would prefer to have a C Section.When I had my Daughter it was through a Natural birth delivery.It was painful but when I saw her I forgot about the pain I was in.
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@jayarajgr (816)
• India
23 Jan 07
The question is, are you married? If yes is the answer discuss this with your partner and get his views on this. Watching some videos will defenitely help. I guess its painful, but there are plenty of ladies going for it, in fact the majority of them.
@pattio62 (3)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I wanted a c-section all along but they said I couldn't have one unless it was necessary. Well, thank goodness my baby was breech (although it took them 19+ hours of labor to figure that out) and I got to have a c-section. It was really quick and easy and so was the recovery time. For my second pregancy, I was able to choose and of course I asked for another c-section. That one was really a cakewalk since I didn't have to go through all the labor first and my recovery was just as fast. My scar (they were able to use the same incision site both times) was hardly noticable after a couple of years and now you can't see it at all. I didn't miss out on anything - I was not tired at all and can remember everything. Pictures of me after the baby was born show me with hair and makeup still in place!
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@rapolu_cs (1184)
• India
23 Jan 07
C-section......i really donot recommend but some times it is a must it all depends on the situation. Natural is good for the baby and or the mother. only in some cases this is a bit dangerous. but i wish u the best.
@chumm525 (169)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
good day! i go for a natural delivery, i have a 2 kids w/c i gave birth in a natural delivery, it is a natural delivery but it is also the painless one, and the C-section ca took you 3 or more months for you to be fully recover than in natural delivery. and if you are working, you can report earlier to your job if you have a natural delivery than having into C-Section.
But the better way is to ask your OB-GYNE, which way can you use,because one expecting moms want a natural delivery but they cant so their OB-GYNE advice them to use a C-Section instead.
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@nicole84 (31)
• United States
23 Jan 07
i was born through c-section and it is still childbirth. You are right the miracle is the baby not how it comes out. I am scared to have natural delivey too and i think that c-sections are the way to go. My mother tried to do the natural way the first time and it was not possible, she decided just to opt for a c-section with the rest of us and she was very happy with that decision. Its not about the labor it is about doing what is best for your body and your baby.
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@mythmoh (3984)
• United States
23 Jan 07
i would always go for natural birth.though it is painful at that time but the recovery time is very much less in natural birth.i had natural birth and i insisted mydoctor to try for that to the last minute.There are lot of restrictions like you should not lift weights etc for some days after having it.
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@birthlady (5609)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Hi! Check my website, Auntie Natal 911: 9 Months, 1 Purpose, 1 Goal: Healthy Mothers make Healthy Babies!
30 Years' Experience!
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I agree that the miracle is the baby and now how it comes out of the body. I had to have 2 c-secions; one wan an emergency, the 2nd was scheduled because of placental problems.
However, I've heard the sections are much more dangerous, scar tissue, it's a major surgery, etc.
I was scared of natural childbirth, and w/2 children, I've never had to do it. But, it's supposed to be safer.
I would definitely opt for the epidural. And, know that hospitals monitor mom and baby with great attention.
@diwill1222 (1)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I had four children all natural no meds at all. It was the most wonderful experiences of my life. They were all different. My first one i didn't even know i was in labor, my mom had to tell me. My second and third came together (twins), i went ot the bathrooma nd the first ones head came out in the toilet, no labor pains at all. My third was almost 10 lbs and got stuck, she popped my hip out of socket and then slid right out. Everyone has a different experience with childbirth. It doesn't matter how the baby comes out, what matters is the health of the child when it is out. Some people are just not built for child bearing and some aren't able to stand a lot of pain. The choice is yours and the babies daddies opinion would help too after all it is his support and your comfort that matters. Hope this helps
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@slavena (87)
• Canada
23 Jan 07
I believe that the natural way is the best way to go, when you go the natural way you have a special bond with your child that no one else will ever have. I do strongly believe that it is a miracle. I know many ladies that have had a c-section and they all wish that they could have done it naturally. My advice to you would be to go natural and not have a c-section unless you HAVE TO.
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