Would you disapprove of someone because of weight

United States
January 22, 2007 5:18pm CST
Would you stop liking a friend or girlfriend/boyfriend Husband/Wife simply because they gained weight. I know this is an issue people face and was wondering how you feel about someone weight. I have two aunts one who's husband goes out of is way to make sure his wife doesn't gain weight. The second one his wife is over weight and yes they both use to make fun of over weight people. But he seems not to have an issue with weight now since his wife is over weight he still loves her.
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14 responses
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
22 Jan 07
Oh my goodness, i would really like to think that I would be less callous than that! I have had weight issues my entire life, and just this past month am gaining back far more than I had wished to of the weight that I had lost last summer. Thankfully, I'm still a good 60 pounds lighter than I used to be, lol! I never, ever want to go back to that size. But I would not stop loving someone just because they gained weight. In fact, I really could care less what someone looks like if they love me with all of their heart. I just want to find that person to love. That is more important to me than what is on the outside. I am really glad to hear that your second uncle has stopped making jokes about overweight people and still loves his wife now that she has gained weight. That is a really sweet story, in it's way! ^_^
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
22 Jan 07
NO WAY! I have friends of all sizes and shapes. Some are over weight and some are under weight. If someone would not want a friend because of weight then they are not worth having as a friend to begin with.
@korek222 (701)
• Poland
23 Jan 07
You are right - such a people are the worse! It's not the look that decides is a person is friendship worth so we cant base our opinion on the appearence of other person!
@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I would never judge anyone based upon their weight - be it thin or heavy. I am heavy myself and am trying to lose the weight but I know the stuggle that overweight people have. Once I lose my weight (which I will eventually do!!!) I still will not judge a person based on being heavy. It takes a lot of work to lose the weight and I look up to anyone that tries to do this.
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@AnnieD (20)
• United States
23 Jan 07
I am overweight and haven't lost any friends over it. Truth is, I am comfortable with my large presence. After all, there is more of me to love!
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
I like the friends I have for their personality, not because of what they look like or what they own. People need to learn that it is what is on the inside that counts. When we open a present, who spends hours admiring the wrapping paper? In my opinion, this is how we are as people. The outside (what we look like) is only the wrapping paper. The best part is what's inside.
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@burieks (127)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
definitely not! physical characteristic must not be the basis in loving or making friends with someone. it should be attitude and character of the person. i have several friends who are overweight and none of us left them because of that. they are also loved by their husbands or wives.
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@sunrisekn (1466)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Gosh, I hope not. I gained 34 pounds whnI was pregnant with my son and I haven't lost it yet. Thank goodness that's not the case here. He loves me skinny or chubby. I love him skinny or shubby. He quit smoking and gained 30 pounds. He looks awesome either way.
• United States
24 Jan 07
I think it is vile to condem or laugh at an over weight person. A person is inside the body. They are no different inside than a thin person. My husband is overweight, but the kindest sweetest guy. I love him very much just as he is. In fact, there is lots more to love. I am not fat, so don't think that I am saying this because you think I am. Look at my photo. It is only a couple of months old. So, I would never stop being friends with anyone because of a weight issue.
• United States
24 Jan 07
My ex made such an issue of weight that I went on a crash diet and lost too much. I looked gaunt and tired. My face was sunk in and my ribs showed.
• China
24 Jan 07
Never, I think everyone deserve respect from others, some of my friends and my families are over weight, so what? weight doesn't make them be stupid and fool, why should i disapprove of them because of weight, some advice of them are great and helpful, they love me and care about me, so do I. It is so stupid to look down on people who are too weight....
@korek222 (701)
• Poland
23 Jan 07
I must say that people with overweight are (from my personal experiences) more polite and friendly that the others! They are always nice and good friends on which you can rely so i would never stop liking someone becasue of their wieght. Well i would actually never stop liking someone because some part of their appearence changed!
@katty0004 (386)
• United States
23 Jan 07
No . I have a lot of friend over weight , my mom is and she trys hard to lose weight , her meds make her gain and they having been changing them ,
@eliezl (610)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
its not very nice to judge someone basing on appearance. we should respect each other's differences and focus on a person's personality rather on physical form. physical form fades over time whereas personality of a person stays forever. its what matters most. judging someone because they are different and funny looking is called discrimination which is one of the most common problems of the world these days. if people would simply love and accept for who and what we are, i guess issues about weight such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, depression wouldnt have happened. we should love a person for who and what she or he is cause if we are in their situation for sure, we wouldnt like that either. sometimes karma has a way to teach us lessons ^_^
@Mayuko (1268)
• United States
6 Jul 12
I would never disapprove of someone because of their weight -- and not just because I am overweight myself. If my friend gained weight, I'd probably feel bad for them because most people don't want to be fat. But I wouldn't be mad, disgusted or stop being their friend simply because they gained weight. As for a boyfriend/husband, I doubt I'd disapprove either, but this is different. With a friend, it's just about sharing interests and enjoying their company. But with a husband, it's about that and there is also a question of attraction. I wouldn't say I'm not attracted to overweight guys. I think if I met a guy who was overweight but I really liked his personality, then I could probably see myself with him. But it also depends on how overweight he is. If he were about 50 pounds overweight, maybe I wouldn't mind, but when you get to numbers like 100 pounds overweight, then I just don't think I would be attracted to him. He'd have to be absolutely perfect in every other way and even then, I'd probably be with him if he was making an effort to lose weight. So if I'm dating a guy or married and I notice he's gaining weight, it probably wouldn't bother me very much. But if he continues to gain, then I'd probably still love him, but I don't know if I'd still be attracted to him. But I think it's one of those things where you don't know how you'll react until you're in the situation.