Keira Knightley Sues Over Aneroxia Allegations

Keira Knightley - Keira Knightley Anorexia Allegations
@weee_ann (1453)
January 23, 2007 12:17am CST
Keira Knightley, 21, is taking English tabloid the Daily Mail to court, The Online Press Gazette reports. The Pirates of the Caribbean star claims the newspaper indicated that she tried to mislead the public about whether she had an eating disorder. The problem started on Jan. 11 when London's Daily Mail ran an article, accompanied by a bikini shot of Knightley looking extra skinny, remarking on her slim appearance. The article went on to report at teenage girl's death from aneroxia, indicating that Knightley's physical appearance may have influenced her in some way. By implying that Knightley also suffers from anorexia, the paper is in effect calling her a liar, because she has publicly stated that she doesn't suffer from the disease."Ms. Knightley has publicly denied suggestions that she might be anorexic or have a similar eating disorder, including in a prominent way at a well-publicized press conference.... in London last summer," said Simon Smith, who represents Knightley. Smith continued on to say that in the proceedings they "will show that she does not have anorexia; and further will challenge the suggestions that she is responsible and to blame for the tragic death of the teenage girl by setting a bad example."The case is expected to reach court later this year or early 2008 if it does not settle.
1 response
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
23 Jan 07
Saying that Kiera Knightley's remarakbly skeletal appearance influenced a girl to go to drastic lengths to achieve a *media endorsed figure* doesn't imply she's anorexic. It accurately brings up the problem that celebrities have bodies unreachable by most normal people, but are still paraded about as what people are supposed to look like. Yes, the media and the people the media exposes us to constantly are a large part of the anorexia problem!
@weee_ann (1453)
• Philippines
23 Jan 07
You're right.