Womens satisfaction???

United Arab Emirates
January 23, 2007 12:51am CST
How we can calculate womens got satisfaction from a man.What is the main thing for the satisfaction???
2 responses
@niitesh (1653)
• India
23 Jan 07
satisfaction is reflected from your personal life? if the women is calm and gentle she is satisfied while if she starts acting cocky there is something wrong which needs to be worked out
• United Arab Emirates
23 Jan 07
No man, am a single. Thanx
• United States
22 Jun 07
I am in no way trying to pass myself off as an expert, but from personal experience I know that when my first GF used to come it was obvious. And no it wasn't faked. She would tense up and then get really loose and she would tell me to stop for a few seconds to regain herself. Also, after the third time she came it was so wet down there that there is no way she could fake that.