
@tellus (1441)
January 23, 2007 11:56am CST
Just a small question, how many of you people out there know the Finnish band Lordi? I have heard they are breaking all over the world.
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3 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
23 Jan 07
Lordi are great! They won the Eurovision Song Contest this year and, since then have been played a lot on UK radio. Their appearance is "unusua;" to say the least, and they were definately a refrshing change to win the Contest as it is usually wn my very bland "Muzak".
@cristi20 (2139)
• Romania
23 Jan 07
hi there to you!I've just heard of them on the Eurovision song contest when they won the first place with their nice play on Hard Rock Hallelujah...i didn't heard much from them last year or now!!perhaps this is due to the fact i'm not a rock fan either.I prefer other styles although..wish you a nice day!
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26 Jan 07
Lordi have been together for over 10 years, I think. People are only just beginning to notice them, unless you're like me, and actively search to discover new bands. They got noticed in the UK (and the rest of Europe) when they won last year's Eurovision Song Contest.