Islam and the rules(Shariya)
By AsimKhan
@AsimKhan (79)
January 23, 2007 7:24pm CST
I would like to take this oppurtunity to discuss Islam here and if anybody has any questions please ask so that I can clear any doubts in your heart about Islam.
Please forgive me if I am wrong and also I ask forgiveness from allah if I misinterpret anything here, do guide me if you find anything wrong.
Islam is the religion of peace.
That means to surrender to Allah the almighty and not humans so those who want peace with Muslims should not think that we are following any religion which says to have peace with those who attack your peace, take your land, kill your people directly or indirectly(US is always supporting Isreal and hence is at war with Muslims for decades(not a hiddden fact)) so why do they say they are not against Islam and then they say Islamic terrorist Osama.
Islam is the surrender oneself to the creator and to worship only one but Allah and Prophet Mohammed(May peace be upon him) is his messenger.
To follow islam is very easy as it is very close to life.
But the west has made the meaning of life so complex that now we Muslims are running away from the preachings of Islam.
Q1. Why do Men grow Beard.
A. Growing beard is Sunna.
Q2. What is Sunna?
A. Sunna is the way Prophet Mohammed(May peace be upon him) lived his life, everything he did regularly is Sunna.
So like in this age we grow our hair, body like our favourite star, its the same Muslim do as the Hero for them is Prophet Mohammed (May peace be upon him).
Q3. Then why not mustach?
A. Beacause if you grow mustach it comes below lips and when you eat food you may have problems and from my point of view men look nice without mustach.
Q4. Women wear Hijab(Burka)?
A. It was not there in Islam until Allah the creator of all of us told women to cover from face till toe and men to cover from waist till knees. So if you ask me what is the hijab for men you may come to know.
Q5. Why hijab? Creator knows better!!!!!
A. Yes, If we take it by the universal terms the Manual is made by the person or company who manufactures it so Allah is the creator he know better then us.
Ok now what I feel, is that women is made beautiful so everuthing in a women attracts men, and now women also!!!!
Yes to put an end to this greed Allah the creator ordered to cover so that we can protect ourselfs from the bad eyes of this world.
Q6. Why are muslims always associated with Killings though?
A. Islam is religion of peace. Yes, it is true and Allah who knows better has made 3 things Imaan, namaz and jehad compulsory to every Muslims rest like zakat (charity) comes when Muslims have some X amt. Haj again same.
But these 3 things would always be there.
Now what is jehad?
Jehad is to fight the wrong or evil. It is not linked to any religion and caste, country. Anyone who is against Islam and the Shariya comes under this, so if you are in US, then to cross the street is jehad, as then you have to close your eyes to all the naked womens passing by you. then it is the jehad with oneself against evil. the same follows.
Now about the current situation.........
US was the friends of Saddam when he took over by killing royal family, when Iraq attacked Iran, until they had their accounts in US and Swiss. But then when Saddam become big and started understaning like a child who grows up. he thought of independence from US and then US killed him also.
Afganistan, US helped Taliban until they fought Soviet Union to make Russia. So these old friends are now fows, so they are fighting now. But the main question is if they were wrong then why did US backed them(Terorist)?
OK one more question these people are targeting US people so why should we take any tension, let them fight.
But no Mr. Bush says if my house is burning then the whole world is burning, he was able to see the wounds of India when it was fighting the same people in Kashmir??????????????
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2 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I thank God that we do not live under Sharia and I wish those suffering under its rules that cripple human and civil rights could free themselves. Sharia countries have some of the worst human rights records ever. If Islam is the religion of peace and acceptance, why do you need to legislate religion? It doesn't make sense, its used for corrupt purposes. The fundamentals of Sharia law are the flashpoint of conflict between Islam and the rest of the world.
Here is an article about sharias effects:
And I'll take a stab at Afghanistan for you.
Afghanistan was taken over by the Soviets during the Cold War, so the US gave money to the Pakistani secret intelligence which then used it to fund Afghani fighters to repel the Soviets (which was obviously a good thing for all parties involved, minus the Soviets). This did not include bin laden, nor is that relevant since fighting a ground war against Soviet forces is obviously different than terrorism or spreading hateful ideology like Osama does now.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I will gladly run as far and fast as I can.
If it was given by god, then why does it result in such terrible things?
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@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
24 Jan 07
Brother mr.NiceGuy, in my opinion, we couldn't run. How far and fast we could. could someone past through the door of heaven.
'73 ways, only one is true.' our prophet told us that one day islam would seperate to 73 ideologies, but only one is the truth way - for those who take quran and sunnah as guidance, they are on the right way. i don't know where osama bin laden supposed to be.

@pioneergladiator1 (1088)
• Pakistan
24 Jan 07
Nice topic and discussio brother Jazak Allah khair
may Allah reward u for that