do you also hate reading or receiving chain letters on your e-mail???

January 23, 2007 11:12pm CST
I'm so disgusted everytime i receive chain letters on my e-mail or thru text. Why do people need to send such junk telling that i will have bad luck or my love ones will suffer from illness if i fail to forward it to others. Honestly, I believe its just a waste of time which i hope those people will soon realize. What's worse is that they even use God's name on order to attract readers!!! Personally, when i read messages with subject about GOd, I become interested in reading then only to find out that -here we go again- another chain letter telling me that if i do love God i'll send it to as many people as i can. I think its crazy coz how could one show their love of God by one press of a finger????!!! if i send it, does that prove anything??!!! i think these people need to focus more on things that really matter instead of threatening people. Why dont they just send inspiring messages, encourage people to pray & love others and God WITHOUT CONDITION!!!
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6 responses
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
11 Dec 07
Hi, I do like if the mail is something worthy for me.In other cases I would just block it or just request that I am not interested if again they sent it that is really bad. I will to bear it with a curse.
• Philippines
12 Dec 07
really? you're not usual.. coz i think it's such a waste of time to read it all and choose something worthy. how many percent of it is worth for you?
@Jemina (5770)
23 Sep 07
I do hate that. My brother always sends me chain letters and I sometimes just delete them because it annoys me that towards the end of the letter it says that if you don't pass it on you will get badluck, etc,etc. Also sometimes the list of people who have already received the email is as long as one kilometer and the main message is only one paragraph. Duh! At times though I like some of the messages and I forward them. But I just copy and paste the main message without the "pass it on" ritual.
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
we're exactly thesame regarding this chain letters.. it annoys me so much!
@darckj (885)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
i hate it too! arrrggghhh.. do they themselves read the bible? if they love God, then they should not use God's name in vain.. its the rule, right? i receive many of them in texts... its so sad that they will tell you that your loved one will die or have illness.. they do it to blackmail and threaten others.. i just hate it..
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
yeah, right...
2 people like this
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
i really hate it. they just waste my time. i'm fed up of that. even in text messages..
• Philippines
8 Aug 07
i too receiving that kind of text messeges, it's very annoying!
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
12 Feb 07
I just ignore those kinds of emails. Not worth my time. I cant always avoid it getting on my email so i just try to set high spam level on email and they normally go to bulk mail all the time. That way i dont need them all in my inbox.
• Philippines
12 Feb 07
but sometimes, it was forwarded by my friends (from my e-mails address book) so i can't send it to spam...
@emquinsat (1058)
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
Those are spams. I hate chain letters. This wish you bad things if you don't send them. Its just a scheme to fish for email address since you'd be sending it with all the email addresses included.
• Philippines
9 Feb 07
yes, thats true..
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