Support our Troops
By mrstexb
@mrstexb (40)
United States
January 24, 2007 2:17pm CST
I get real agrivated with everyone who says we shouldn't be overseas, we shouldn't be fighting this war, there are no WMD (weapons of mass destruction) Do you people just really not care about what happends to this country?? I know for a fact that on Sept 11 every person in this country was wanting revenge. So what's the deal?? Tired of it? Is it going on too long?? Should we just pull out because no one is interested? Well some of us are. I stand behind every soldier, salior, marine and airman that we have overseas right now...I would also be one of the first ones to stand right beside them. I know this is a tender subject with a lot of people and that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion....How do you feel??
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10 responses
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
2 Feb 07
What does disagreeing with the Iraqi war have to do with supporting the troops? It is possible to be against the war and still support our troops. The other question I want to ask you is what does Sept 11th have to do with Iraq?
I am not an American, so my opinion on this matter doesn't count for much, but in Canada I get flack because I am for the war in Afghanistan against the war in Iraq, but believe that regardless of the reasons for the war the people fighting the war should not be blamed for it, it is those in control that should be. Even here in Canada some people believe that being pro Afghanistan war means you are automatically pro the Iraq war, which is crazy, one is justified and sanctioned by the UN, while the other is a unilateral military action against a country that was not a threat against the US at the time.
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@jwfarrimond (4473)
2 Apr 07
There are British soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well. In Afghanistan they are in Helman province, where they are involved in daily combat with the Taliban. But I'll bet not of this ever gets reported on by the American news media.
@ebfh2006 (175)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I personally think that it is possible to be against this war and support our troops at the same time. I am totally against this war. I think we have no business over there. As I have said in other posts, it is not just terrorism.Islam and Iraq are in a state of civil war and our presence just makes matters worse. If we would have put more man power into Afghanistan right from the start or after we got Sadam we would probably have Bin Laden by now.
I do fully support our troops. They are just following orders and doing their jobs. They are in a situation that they should not be in.
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
2 Feb 07
I feel we still have a lot of ignorant Americans who are clueless to what is really going on. While many more are beginning to realize and see that Iraq had nothing to do with September 11. Many more Americans don't even realize that there is still conflict going on in Afghanistan, and that we minimized our efforts there, while we fight an unjust war in Iraq that in actuality created a haven for terrorists to infiltrate the country. I stand behind every troop, I'm married to one, and have lived this life for over 18 years. What we never expected was to ever have a Commander in Chief who would be allowed to illegally and unjustly abuse his power to engage our troops in a war based on lies. Our troops do not sign up ever thinking that the American people would allow a President to abuse his powers and not demand that he is held accountable for misusing our troops.
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@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
24 Jan 07
We definitely have to stand behind our troops. We need to support them in anyway. Even if someone is against the war. I look to the military people as heroes. They don't have to be there, but joined to keep America what it is. I definitely respect that. I try to pray for their safety; I've sent items for care packages. I think anything anyone can do to support them is great and very appreciated.
@SwayingThunder (444)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Amen sister. :-) I have a son over there and it makes me angry when I hear everyone saying that we have no business over there. Bush is bad...yada yada yada. Most of them are horribly misinformed as to why we are there in the first place. And like you said; on Sept 11 everyone was saying go go go but now it's was just a set-up. grrrrrrr I for one applaude you for standing up. And I know my son does too. :-)
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
27 May 07
I stand behind our troops, think about them and pray for them every single day. I am thinking and praying even more this Memorial week.
I care what happens, I have children and grandchildren who have to live here long after I am gone.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I also stand behind our troops.
I know a lot of people think we are in Iraq for the wrong reasons but I do not agree with that philosophy.
Given the information that we had to go on at the time, and the fact that Saddam would not adhere to the U.N.'s sanctions{all 17 or was it 18 of them} then we were right to go.
Now that Saddam is gone, it is our duty to give the Iraqi people the chance to choose how they want to run their country.
If we leave before Iraq is stable, then we will have done a huge disservice to them. Iran and Syria are both hoping that we leave so that they can pick over the bones.
There are many Iraqis who are depending on us to finish what we started and who will most likely be murdered if we leave too soon.
Now that we are there, it is our job to make Iraq better for the Iraqi people than it was before we arrived.
I so often hear poeple say that this is only about the oil, or that President Bush is somehow getting rich from this war. I don't believe that is the case, and I don't believe enough people are bothering to keep informed of the true facts.
I keep hearing how everyone hates America, well that's ok. We are used to being hated, even by those that we have helped. Especially by those that we have helped.
I have nothing against the Iraqi people, or any other people. I meant the ordinary people, the people who like everyone else just wants to go to their jobs, take care of their families and just live their lives.
Terrorists, on the other hand, are fair game.
Terrorism is a very real and pervasive threat to everyone, not just Americans. The sooner people realise that, the better off we will all be. Terrorists and their leaders need to be weeded out and dealt with no matter where they are or who they claim to represent. No matter where they are hiding.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
2 Apr 07
My heart is torn at this time. I am marrying a soldier in the Army and I stand behind him 100%. I however have mixed feelings about this war. part of me feels it is senseless. Mostly because I have already went through one deployment with my fiance and now preparing to do another in a couple of months. We are getting married next month and it will be bitter sweet. Because as soon as we get married, in June he will be deploying again. I think that the onset of this war was misguided, 9/11 was Osama Bin Ladin, not Hussein. There have been no weapons of mass destruction found. However, we are attempting to liberate the people over there and I am sure that this is a positive. Hussein was a tyrant who had oppressed Iraq and his memory still lives on within the extremist forces over there. So, to say the least I am torn on my feelings. I know many of us at home, mothers, fathers, children, friends and family of soldiers are anxiously awaiting the end of this war so we can have our loved ones home. Whatever the case may be we are over there and it is important that we support our guys and gals over there so they don't feel they are fighting a senseless war. I don't know if this helps your discussion, but this is my honest feelings on it.
@Lvdeckape (320)
• United States
27 May 07
AMEN GIRLFRIEND!!! Thank you for saying that and FINALLY someone has said something to back them up!! I am SO tired of people saying "say NO to war" "bring them home NOW", its like yes we hate that we are at war right now and yes we do want them home now and all that but it is like we must understand that if we pull out now do you seriously think they will be like "oh ok, thats enough fighting, lets all go home now" HA, no way! They will come onto our territory and fight us on our own land and kill us and take what we have fought for, for a very very long time! I support our Military 110% and will continue to do so and I will be doing flips when they do finally come home but for right now I will cotinue to keep each and every one of them in my prayers and respect them and love them all and wish for their safe return!!
We love you all!!
Thanks for your support and this message MrsTexb!!xxx