Divorce should be banned...
By kritipen
@kritipen (4082)
United States
January 24, 2007 5:31pm CST
I quote from Jesus sayings
1. "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
2. "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery."
We should ban Divorce. Not only that, we should also ban the people from religion who don't follow the tenets of their religion.
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93 responses
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
I disagree with your statement. There is really no difference between a divorce and an annulment. It is just a different word for basically the same thing. If a man beats his wife would you expect her to stay with him for the rest of her life? Or if she were to leave him, then do you think she should stay single and never look for love again? And this works vice versa as well. What if one spouse cheated on the other, is that ok? Do you think Jesus would approve of these situations? Does it not say in the bible that God helps those who help themselves? I believe if the trust in a marriage is broken and those two people move on (separately) and manage to find someone who treats them the way they deserve that God would not look down at them and call them sinners.
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@dreamsncharms (1340)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I don't think Jesus would like to see men molesting their children and beating their wives and the wife sitting there letting them and doing nothing about it. go preach your baloney someplace else. you could not possibly be human and feel that a woman who is being abused and or the children should not leave and file for a divorce because Jesus said so. That is nice that you are religious, but think for yourself without blaming and find answers in the bible.
Would you like your sister to be beaten daily and not get a divorce? How about your daughter. What if your daughter calls to tell you she fears for her life? Are you going to advise her to stay with her husband in that case? Come on people.. We all read about and hear about these things on the news, the internet and and in the papers about the men killing their wives and the children! I guess those woman should not have gotten a divorce either, right? So all of the woman's shelters should be closed I guess since woman should not have the right to leave a man. They should stay until he kills her.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Was it not Jesus who preached that we should forgive others. Was it not Jesus who changed many bad people, so why not rectify and correct the spouce and make a good person from him/her. That was what Jesus did to many people who were bad. Everyone deserves a second chance to be corrected.
If we follow Jesus and adore and praise his many deeds, why not we follow in his footsteps strictly.
Why do we change His principles according to our needs because we cannot follow them.
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@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I think..what man had created..he can find the solution..and change he certainly can.
God will not look down upon them...i didnt say that...we strive to have a better society based on good religious principles....not all though which cannot be applied.
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@captainambosky (117)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I don't think divorce should be banned and I definantly don't think people who are divorced shoul be banned from their religion.Lying is a sin,have you ever lied?Remember our Lord said"Healthy people don't need a doctor-sick people do.I have come to call sinners,not those who think they are good enough." Mark 2:17

@captainambosky (117)
• United States
25 Jan 07
What about tatoos, or smoking, or drinking? There are a lot of sins that we cannot take back. And just because you lied and then told the truth it doesn't change the initial act that was origanlly done. If people were perfect we wouldn't need Jesus. We wouldn't need the forgivness he offers. There is only One unforgivable sin and divorce isn't it.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
You cannot correct one wrong by making another wrong. If spouces fight it is wrong, how can u correct it with another wrong-divorce.
Because we commit wrongs like drinking, we cannot balance it with divorce. i.e justifying ourselves with another wrong. Ex:that boy beat so i too beat. It will not correct the mistake
Drinking, smoking can be taken back i.e corrected
And these are corrected with right. Not like divorce. Correcting a marriage which is wrong with divorce which is also a wrong.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
24 Jan 07
As far as we know at this point we only get one chance at life, one must spend that life being happy, if you are not happy in a marriage which happens it is a persons duty to get out and find their happiness, or your wasting a treasured gift that you have been given....
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Children don't suffer from divorce, children suffer from being shoved into homes where the parents don't love eachother and spend the entire time screaming at eachother because love obviously doesn't reside there.
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@caper111 (163)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
I personally don't believe in divorce. I am married and it is for life. But I don't believe anybody should be banned from religion. I am a catholic and I believe very strongly in my religion, but I don't go to church. I pray in my own way and my own time. And I don't think that makes me a bad Christian. My husband's grandfather used to say he didn't need a middleman, he would talk to God himself. And I feel the same way.
@mishald (176)
• India
25 Jan 07
we all know what the bible says. but what sense does it make being stuck in a relationship in which you r not happy. if the partners cannot work out their problems it is better for them to go their own separate ways rather than being stuck in a loveless marriage.
@eunixia (387)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Divorce should not be banned. I actually think that we are living in a healthier times as far as relationships are concerned, and I don't necessarily view divorce as being a bad thing. Unhappy people should not be forced to stay together. People make mistakes and some people can actually learn from their mistakes. Rather than having to suffer in it for the rest of their lives, they have the opportunity of finding happiness in another marriage.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
25 Jan 07
There are times when divorce is very necessary and I am sure that God would not want two people to stay together if they did not love each other or wanted to be together. He would not want two people together beating the heck out of each other or doing other cruel things. Committing adultery is only when two people are still married and one or both is cheating each other. Divorce should not be banned. I think two people should try and work things out, whether with a marriage counselor or with other type of help before choosing divorce if possible.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I come from a broken home. My parents divorced when I was 13 and honestly I am glad they did. It was awefull living in that home with the both of them constantly fighting everyday. No matter how hard my mother tried to please my father he was never happy. Luckily he was not a wife beater but still emotionally my mother was done and couldent handle the emotional abuse any more.
If divorce was not allowed I would have grown up in a very bad home. A home that I wouldent have wanted to go to after school and probibly have runaway from to avoid hearing my parents fight.
To ban divorce would be another way to try to take away FREE WILL. You dont know who a person really is once you live with them for a few years then and only then you realise who they are. Why tie yourself to a wife beater, or a child molester?
Sometimes these things dont show up untill after you have been married to them for afew years and then you start to see the nasty side and it only gets worse over time.
Thanks to divorce it has let kids grow up with out the abuse, without the fighting, and have the ability to live normal healthy lives.

@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I understand that there can be nothing more horrific for children to stand and see all the abuse. On the other side it is not good that children suffer due to divorce.
What i said was, we should ban divorce. I did not say that woman need to suffer abuse while still staying in the marriage.
Abuse has been happening from ages. But woman are no longer taking it. They are fighting for their rights. And these days, woman are also at fault when it comes to failed marriage. People are less careful in choosing and maintaining their marital relationship because they know there is an easy way out-divorce.
So to stop abuse and also divorce, why dont we bring in new rules and total overhaul of the marital system.
If a child misbehaves, we correct, we dont abandon. So is the case here. We cannot correct grown ups, i think this is where LAW can act. I mean we taking the easy route-divorce.
If we have made so much progress in science, why not strive to make laws which will make the society more ethical.
I dont again mean woman should stay abused, stop divorce and also abuse, if we can really think, we can come out with something productive.
You cannot correct one wrong by making another wrong. If spouces fight it is wrong, how can u correct it with another wrong-divorce.
Ex:that boy beat, so i too beat. It will not correct the mistake
If we make friends, there is no ceremony like marriage and oath,
if we have children, there is no ceremony and oath,
if we have boy friends and girl friends, there is no ceremony and oath,
Then why is it only in marriage that we have Oath.
Why cant we do without it. Because it is sacred, not a contract, that we can resign and divorce.
Then there neednt be marriage in relgious places or places of worship.

@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Fortunately this country is not run by religion. There are some countries in the world where religious rules are law and you can be punished for not observing their rules.
You can't ban something because it is against your personal religious beliefs. That could be easily abused and its not fair that you force someone to observe your beliefs.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
A country might not be run by religion, but it is definitely influenced by religion. Example: there are no holidays for islamic, buddhist or hindu religions in U.S.A altough there is substantial population, but there are holidays for christian festivals like christmas, easter etc.
Dont you think religion has a bearing on the rules of the country.
Son those counties wich are ruled by religion also run on the same principles, the difference being they are stricer.
With time, change creeps into every society, so lets wait.
Irrespective of whether it is mentioned in religion or not, if we look at an ideal society, dont you think not having divorce, no smoking, no drinking etc would be its characteristics.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
25 Jan 07
Oh my - how vengeful and unforgiving. What if you are a woman who is being battered by her husband or who has a husband who abuses their children? I'm sorry, but every time I read a post like yours it only serves to make me more and more glad that I am not religious. And frankly, I would never want to belong to any religion that would ban an innocent person for living their own life.
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I feel bad for all of those women and children that you have just killed because you won't allow divorce. I feel bad for all those children who lose a mom/dad because of abuse in the home..not only that, I feel bad for those traumatized children that have to watch their parent die at the hands of a parent.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Then why do you think Jesus said so about divorse. Was Jesus insensitive to all these, He definitely wasnt. Or were these problems non-existent at that time. But God says thing for all eternity, not only for those times. If he told for all eternity then dont you think we shoul rectify the underlying problem than introduce divorce.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Abusive people aren't going to change..if they're going to kill someone..they're going to do it, regardless of whether or not they're working on an underlying problem. Abusive partners hardly 'recover' it just isn't done.

@whozefa (448)
• India
25 Jan 07
thats right "Marriages Are Made in Heaven" if this is true then who discovered this Divorce....i do agree with you that it should be banned, as people are misusing the relationship with the divorce law to get them separated,
it should be removed from all the laws..
all the country should banned it.
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
In response to this comment you made to me:
Was it not Jesus who changed many bad people, so why not rectify and correct the spouce and make a good person from him/her.
Do you think we are capable of doing what Jesus did? He created miracles, I know I for one am unable to do this. There is no way I can MAKE a person change, people have to change because they want to. I don't believe there are too many people who get divorced in an abusive relationship after it happened "ONE" time. Abusive relationships go on for years and years and years. It's not as though the abuser is not given a second,third and fiftieth chance to change his ways. If someone does something wrong once or even twice, it is very easy for us to forgive and forget, however when this person repeatedly makes the same mistake over and over then it becomes quite apparent that they are not sorry for what they are doing therefore how can we forgive them?
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
That was very moving. I didnt mean that people ought to judged they are bad if they divorced. That is the law in place. So we will opt for that. I just wanted to stop abuse and also divorce. We obviously cannot stop divorce and still be in an abusive relationship. Thank you. You are best. Stay strong and Good luck.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
25 Jan 07
in an ideal world it would be nice to get things right first time..
not everyone has this privilage..
i tried so hard in 11 years of an almost loveless, celibate marriage to keep things going and believe me..when you have buse from more than one member of the family and the community for years and years and you are not very strong physically...it just doesn't work..i became so ill.i had to leave for the sake of my life..
we made the most amicable divorce..
i always tell my son..to love and resoect his father..who adores him..and i am building my self confidence on the basis of love and forgiveness and moving on..
no one gets married to divorce..and i went through years of hell before i opted out..i didn't just leave on an impulse..
i believe each case as being individual..i prayed every day and night for the abuse to end.and gave love back for hatred and contempt..my body and heart couldn't cope any more..and i am going to be judged for that?

@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
"what God has joined together"
Yes, I do believe that those who were joined by God should not be separated,but remember that not all marriage are joined by God, there are a lot of marriage that are actually joined by people alone. Fix marriage are not joined by God they were joined by people who had intentions other than the love that is supposed to be the binding force of marriage.There are those who marry for money, security, fame etc. There are those still who mary becuase they are in-between circumstances,abused or harrassed. Forced marriage are not joined by God, although they have been given the rituals of marriage it does not mean that GOd actually accepted thier marriage and have joined them so.
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
im qouting in the context of fix marriages, and that i am also pointing out that there should be some exemptions not just banning marriage for any reason at all.

@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Jan 07
I am not blaming your country, but too much of freedom and too much of wealth make people to act like a drunkard and as a result the whole social fabric is spoiled. One in million, one can see divorce cases in India. A man cannot divorce a woman, because she snores. A woamn cannot divorce a man, because he is not back home by 6 p.m.There are 1000's of silly reasons and also to gain tax benefits I suppose people divorce. I fully appreciate your discussion and you have my full support for the views expressed by you.

@rameshgopal365 (918)
• India
25 Jan 07
May be christians ban from divorce.
I'm not here talking about caste/community.
I'm an Hindu who's not opposing divorce as its a matter of both hearts!
@hitzphillygirl (1235)
• United States
25 Jan 07
That might work if we were all close minded Christians. However, not everyone is. So, no, divorce should not be banned.

@hitzphillygirl (1235)
• United States
25 Jan 07
There are some problems that can't be fixed. What's better? Living in an unhappy marriage, or ending an unhappy marriage?

@shk1983 (142)
• India
25 Jan 07
when the point of return comes then the divorce is compulsory. otherwise like india, for the divorce cases the judge has to postmone the date until it reaches the around 4-5 years..
in that mean time, if they understand eachother clearly then cancel the case or give divorce.
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
25 Jan 07
in 4 to 5 years many marriages would be so bad that it wouldnt make it to court again they would just go in different ways, or worse wind up killing each other.if its a case where the man or woman is abusive either verbally or physically the only thing to do is divorce.
@auburndreams (838)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Marriage should be banned. That way we end the divorce problem too.
@MntlWard (878)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Who's to say that God has joined together every two married people? Do you think God matches victims up with abusers?
Sometimes people make bad choices that they don't realize are bad choices until after the wedding. Bad spouses do tend to be on their best behavior until the papers are signed.