Mohammad & Jesus both are Jews.But Muslims and Christians both hate Jews. Irony?
By kritipen
@kritipen (4082)
United States
January 24, 2007 9:00pm CST
Jesus is clearly a Jew. Mohammed is from a arbic tribe and completely influenced by Jews and their prophets (Large part of Quran is about Prophets from Judaism and Jesus). Both prophets belong to same geographic region. Both take their tenets from one common religion (Judaism). But for some reason both Muslims and Christians hate Jews and both religions fought for one small place (Jerusalem) which is a Jewish temple city to start with. Is it not Irony?
I wish all these people go back in history and read the roots of their faith and be more reasonable and logical before starting any wars or any bad propaganda about other religions and see the true colors of their current religious fanatic leaders. Come out of this quagmire and actually follow the true tenets of their great religions.
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31 responses
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Well, Muhammad wasn't Jewish as far as I know, the tribes in the Levant area and Suadi Arabia were all kinds of people, but for the most part they were pagans and polytheists. There were a lot of jews but Muhammad was not one.
Jesus was a Jew as in he was Hebrew, but he was not Jewish because his birth brought Christianity to the forefront. So as religion goes, he wasn't Jewish. So although they might have had similar cultural roots as Abrahamic faiths, the religions themselves are extremely contradictory and the people after the creation of the religions became distinctively different people.
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@kritipen (4082)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Well, even though Mohammad was not born Jew, most of his preaching consists of prophets that are from Judaism.
There are very few differences that creeped due differences in heir geo-political situations in christianity and Islam.
Even more interesting is quite some tenets of these religions are directly picked up from polytheism that existed before. Another irony is all these religions hate polytheism :-).
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@urbandekay (18278)
26 Jan 07
MrNiceGuy, when you say that Jesus isn't Jewish that is by no means certain. After Christ both Peter and Paul accepted the authority of the brother of Jesus, James the Just. And he certainly saw Christianity as a reforming movement within Judaism.
all the best urban
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@steerpyke (396)
27 Jan 07
Muhammad was from the bedouin tribes of Saudi Arabia and they were not followers of Judahism for the most part. Their religion was akin to paganism in the way that many older culteres were. as for Jesus being a jew, well of course he was. In fact the movement that he was part of were not setting out to create a new religion but were trying to open up the laws of the Sanhedrin and make the Jewish faith more acceptable to gentiles. It was thought that only a more united country could drive out the Romans. For about the first hundred years of its history what we now call christianity was a sub sect of Judaism and its leaders considered themselves Jews.
Christianity only becomes its own identity when the teachings of Paul (not Jesus) were popularised in the Roman Empire hence modern christianity is often called Pauline Christianity.
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@profound2me (182)
• India
5 Feb 07
Jesus by birth It is understood that he is Jew.. and Muhammad as Many have said He is Not JEW...
yes what u said is true, Qu'ran do contain many of the teachings of Jews, we believe in four heavenly books, among them three are given to Jews Prophets, Tawrat the Law revelation given to Prophet Moses, Zaboor the Psalms revelation given to Prophet David and Injeel the Gospel revelation given to Prophet Jesus and the last and final revelation Qu'ran to Last and final messenger Muhammad. We Muslims have no objection in accepting any of the Jewish prophets, we love them we respect them.
Jews says worship Only One GOD, we Muslims say No GOD worthy of Worship Except one true GOD.
Jews says Prayer everyday we Muslims say we pray 5 times a day.
Jews says don't eat pork we Muslims say we don't touch it.
Jews says keep beard, we Muslims all keep beard.
Jews says Circumcision we Muslims all r circumcised.
as such we r going hand in hand together...
the fight is POLITICAL, they kick out the Palestinian and they say this is our promised land and poor Palestinians fighting back for their homeland.. this is nothing to do with religion.
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@urbandekay (18278)
9 Feb 07
I'm just curious why someone who says Muslims all keep beards has a pic without one
all the best urban

@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
11 Feb 07
Good question.
The Qu'ran especifically says that Muslims should respect all religions of the book (aka Abrahamic religions) and hold them in high regard, and yet one lone quote warning the dangers of Zionism (which is not Judaism, but a small extremist sect at the timeofthe prophet) is taken out of context to justify hatred for Jews. Anti-semetic passages on Jews were added into the Bible around 1400.
Anti-semitism is in no way actually a tennet of both religions, but cultural bias that managed to seep in and stain both religions.
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@mikaghi (388)
• United States
6 Feb 07
hatred against jews is because of all the false information against them which has been circulated around for years and years. people need to think twice before they think in negative terms about jews, they deserve the same respect as people of other faiths get.
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@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 07
Dear Kritipen,
Thank you to make this discussion onto surface....
As far as I know Jesus indeed a jew, but not mohammed. Mohammed origin is Arab, The Hasyim-Family to be precise. The arab tribe themselves have a cousin-relationship with Jew.
They have a same ancestor that is Abraham (Ibraheem, arabic). Ibraheem begotten Isack an Ismael. Jews are progeny of Isack and Arab is progeny of Ismael.
The three religion is following the same taught, that is the taught of Abraham. It's slightly wrong to say that Islam source is Judaism. The truth is that this three religions is came from the same source.
I do not know why jews are hated by this two major religion. But as far as I know, jews are rebellion. No wonder, there were so many prophet is descended to this nations. You name it, Isack, Jackob, Moses, Joseph, Danielle and so on.
Jews is nation who have tendency to deviate their way from God. In bible jews called the generation of vipers. They kill their prophets like jesus. They rebelled moses by praying not to God but gold statue of cattle.
They made another holly book beside torah.
As a matter of fact they hate Islam because another prophet they are waited so long was not came from their kind, but from arab which is the second class on that time.
I think I could challenge you back to re-read the history from every angle possible.
From Islamic world we have an abundance fact both dogmatic and scientific to serve.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Thank you. That response is quite elaborate and informative. When I said Both Christians and Muslims are from Jews, I meant that they have very similar origins. Judaism came first from their origins. Then christianity came using same origins and taking some tenets from Judaism. Then cam Islam and same story. Both Christianity and Islam are quite influenced by Judaism. So at end of it all 3 religions have so much in common that we can call them siblings or decendants. Considering this I was hoping there is more love between them.
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 07
I think i'd agree with some part of your comment here, that Jews, Christian and Islam have the same origins.
The question now is, "which origin do you believe they come from?"
I think this question will sparate us once again for our interpretation would be so different.
Islam Origin is from Allah who sent his Prophets and messengers to guide human race so they could manage the earth and universe according to Allah's law.
Christian would claim that their origin is From God The Father, the son and the holly ghost.
And Judaism... i barely know, for i don't have a chance to learn their religion yet.
But believe me, there would be a time where jew, muslim and Christian will love each other as a family, literally. And the time is not very long from this very time.
I don't know when, but please study our each holly books. And read the phenomena all over the world. Then you'll know that the time will come

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
8 Feb 07
I think in the past there have been christians who had hated Jews. I can't speak for muslims because I am not one, and I don't know much about it. But the Bible doesn't really teach the Christians to hate Jews. Rather the Bible teaches to love...
It's bad that such things had happened in the past. But Christians are changing now. we have respect for Jews, and we want to live peacefully with everybody, not least with Jews.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
27 Jan 07
Kritipin, are you saying that the film "Passion of Christ" shows hatred, or even lack of love, between Jews and Christians?
If so, how could this be?
There were no Christians at the time of the crucifixion.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I agree with you. Real religious people doesn't hate any one. But any religion gets it's name from the masses or the priests/preachers of that religion. I heard many people discussing "Passion of christ" and couldn't see so much love between Jews and Christians. Also I see many discussions on Wiping out Israel. That doesn't indicate so much love between Muslims and Jews.

@bobilongo (264)
• Austria
27 Jan 07
It would be absolutely inapropraite to memtion the word hate because you cannot justify the exten to which christains or muslims do hate jews,there is still that feeling that the Jew are wicked simply because they crusify christ people are very sensitive,if they dint killed Jesus I dont think the would be any hatrate.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I am not sure I am very clear about your opinion. Do you believe that Jews killed Jesus, so there is some gap between these people? Even though Hate might not be the right term, you feel that they don't like each other? Could you please clarify your opinion.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Thanks Steerpyke. That was a real good information. These socio political reasons mus have caused some hatred and that becam dormant when the world order changed. But it still lies beneath the surface and some times seems to come out when somebody stirrs emotions the wrong way.
@steerpyke (396)
28 Jan 07
I think the one point that the Christian atittude of hating jews is based on is that it was the (jewish) Sanhedrin that condemed Jesus to die on the cross. This point has been used to lay blame on the jewish race and is really a poor excuse and the reason lie elsewhere. A few points. If you are a Christian then you must believe that Jesus made a willing sacrifice so that he could rise again and so the act of the Sanhedrin must have been pre-ordained.
The dislike of the Jews was born more out of the middle ages when jews in europe where not allowed to own land, so many of them became money lenders and bankers. When western lords got into dept it was easy to stir up trouble on religious grounds, drive the jews out and not have to repay the debt. That was motivated by greed and nothing else.
People need to read their history to get a better understanding of religion and its contexts.

@Lil_miz_ice_x (614)
2 Feb 07
Please don't be so quick to generalise -- I don't know any Christians that hate Jewish people, or any muslims who do, either.
It's not even a percieved thought, so I don't know why you would think such a thing -- maybe I've just lead a sheltered life...?
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Christians don't hate jews. Jews and Christians have a brotherhood/sisterhood. Our biggest difference is the belief in the Messiah. Muslims and Jews is a different story, but I think the animosity there is political, not religious. THey are fighting over land, not religious viewpoints.
@shaanigi (441)
• India
27 Jan 07
i think cyntrow is right.its more of poltics. they don't hate each other but as the teaching of islam goes muslim should not be influenced by the jews coz some of thing what jews do is sin in the view of islam.muslim just belive that what jews do should not be done by them self and when we talk about figthing between them then there is some history which is unable to tell here?
u can go to this link to know more
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Jan 07
Interesting to note that almost all Christians that have responded have done so to say they don't hate Jews but noticeably few or no Muslims! Generally, Christians don't hate Jews. But Muslims? Not for me to say.
all the best urban
@keepinghome (270)
• United States
6 Feb 07
I personally do not know of any Christians that Hate Jews...if one did, than by default he'd not be a Christian
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
1 Feb 07
mohamed was not a jew! i am a christian and do not hate anyone remember jesu swas jewish !I do not accept the teachings of the quoran as fact but hate no one
@Lil_miz_ice_x (614)
2 Feb 07
You're actually right, Mohammed was not a jew...but I don't think that's what he/she means...
And I don't think that Christians *or* Muslims hate Jewish people, either!
@edie_jazz (19)
• Qatar
9 Feb 07
Musim don't argue without refernce ok see this
want proof that Jesus was Muslim see this There is no proof that he was cruicified and DR.Zakir proved from the BIBLE where he said that JESUS was not cruicifed.
see also this with refernce of the THE HOLY BIBLE and THE HOLY QURAN
AS it is in Quran "THERE IS NO COMPULSION IN RELIGION " so this and decide which religion is true. LOVE U ALL .MAY ALLAH(GOD) GUIDE ALL OF US.
@edie_jazz (19)
• Qatar
9 Feb 07
see this JESUS(PBUH) was not crucified and he was a muslim
proved by BIBLE
JESUS was not crucified he is one of the MIGHT Messengers.
i think it is enough if we prove to u from BIBLE that JESUS WAS not crucified and he is a muslim
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
29 Jan 07
Yes, all things change because they are handed down through many human hands, and they are made up of humans! And anything powerful, especially if it's "of the people" will be infiltrated and used.. (for politics and power). And christianity, for example has absorbed some greek/gnostic (pagan) ideas (like "hell").
Both the Hebrew (Jew today, which is slang) and the Arabic descended from Abraham. So yes, they are 'half-brothers'! But they have had conflict for centuries!
Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah (world rescuer) but the 'Jews' do not believe the Messiah has come yet. Christians of course believe Christ is returning at a world climactically dangerous time.. And Christ said that would not occur until Israel recognized him.. At which time too, the armies of the world will surround Israel and Christ will come to intervene and prevent "the elements melting with a fervent heat" and bring back paradise after mankind (and angel) has learned an unavoidable lesson.. As you might discern, this is different from the world's "be 'good' and go to heaven" or "be 'bad' and go to hell".
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
29 Jan 07
P.S. - I think only some christians hate Jews. And I'm not sure how many Muslims do... This, I guess is normal, as all groups have their really bad apples..
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I am a Christian, and I don't hate Jews. What made you think Christians hate Jews? I've never heard of that.
I don't think problems like WWII, for example, had anything to do with Christianity. The day Hitler is thought of as Christian will be the day rain falls up and clouds freese.
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Sorry dude, I never thought Hitler is christian and world war 2 is because of hate between christians and jews. Just to clarify the issue, WWII is because Hitler thought he is aryan and his race is above others and targeted the next majority race in his country i.e., Jews. Then e went on conquerng the world (tried).
I saw quite a few discussions on TVs (Particularly after passion of Christ), also as Steerpyke pointed out in his comments above) there was hatred between Jews and Christians due to other socio political reasons. I was referring to that.
I am glad to know that you do not hate Jews. That is one less in the hate mongers. The lesser the better.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
Jews are the people who come from the tribe of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob or Israel who has 12 sons who consists the 12 tribes of Israel.
The Lord Jesus Christ came from the tribe of Judah as foretold in the Old Testament and therefore He is a Jew, and of course, an Israelite. He came from Sem of Noe.
Mohammed is not a Jew. I have not heard of his origin or whether he came from Sem, Japhet, or Ham. I don't think he ever came from Sem.
I am a Christian, I do not hate the Jews. I also do not hate Muslims, or anybody belonging to any religion.
@irwanyzan (88)
• Malaysia
6 Feb 07
Cool knowledge you have. Maybe i can add some more. Who is Jacob dad? I'm sure you know him. Do you know who is his brother? He havehas a brother from different mum and same dad. I mean, jacob grandfather have 2 wife. I'm sure you also know who is Jacob grandfather. That is where Muhammad from... maybe you can do more research in Al-Quran. make the comparative and, see wether it suit you.
@AsimKhan (79)
• India
27 Jan 07
Both of them do not hate Jews but Jews hate them. They treated their Prophets very badly and also kept waging wars on them. So once they were completely cleared from the holy land but they came back. I think we can't see what is there with our eyes. As from the below statment what can you make out from the below quote by Ariel Sharon October 3 2001 After WTC, "Everytime we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you somethin very clear: Don't worry about America pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it".
@kritipen (4082)
• United States
27 Jan 07
That is very surprising. I didn't come across this statement before. Well it is a very interesting idea by Sharon. Any how I am more interested in how people feel about each other than politicians (I don't hate politicians but I don't go by their words).
@smkwan2007 (1036)
• Hong Kong
27 Jan 07
In my place, most poor people hate the wealth ones. They think the rich people takes advatage from the public and that is why they become so wealthy. Yet it is the factories, shops and firms run by the wealthy people which employ us so that we can survive. This is also an irony. Many global wealthy men, I am informed, are Jews. It is not hard to imagine why so many people, including Muslims and Christians hate Jews. May be those Christians or Muslims who don't like Jews, only consider Jesus and Mohammad as saints, they just forget the nationality of these two people.