Is Christ really a God?
By syscon8192
@syscon8192 (16)
17 responses
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
The Holy Bible says God SENT His only begotten Son... Nobody can send someone who does not exist. This simply means that the Son who is Jesus Christ has been with the Father who is God. No human being is God.
In the Holy Bible, there are verses which prove that Jesus Christ is God and beware of this because many versions did not translate the Bible correctly as regards this matter so that they can lead away people from believing that the Lord Jesus Christ is God.
However, it is true that the Word became flesh. In this temporary being, He was in flesh, a man like us, for the purpose of taking away the sin of the world. He became man to be able to take away our sins. If He were God, He could not have done this. But His being as a man is just temporary - only while He was on earth.
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
Yes, I agree. The Lord Jesus Christ is God and that is proven by the Holy Bible.
@5berries (120)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Boy that's a little harsh. Don't you think that it is up to God to decide who are his followers? I do not believe Jesus is God and I very much believe in the Bible and am very much a Christian. No where in the Bible did Jesus say we had to believe he was God, he said we had to believe he was our Savior. If you believe in the Bible so much then why are you not using it to show us what you mean?
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
JESUS CHRIST is GOD. no doubt about it. the best evidence to support this fact is the BIBLE. it tells us that JESUS CHRIST is GOD.

@1stPeter318 (12)
• United States
28 Jan 07
It mite help your position to be more specific. Where does the Bible say that Jesus is God, and why do you believe what it says?
@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
My friend, I believe that Jesus is not God, neither is he the physical son of God. And, I agree with you towards the fact that Jesus is the true Messiah. I believe he is one of the mightiest Prophets sent to the face of the Earth. He was a true Messiah.
How can he be God when he doesn't even have the qualities of a God? Can you please name a quality that Jesus has that God also has?
@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Hi, I think it's improper to say something without proving it. I have given quotes from the Bible, maybe you should be interested in responding to the comments made by me because I am also looking into whether Jesus is God or not. If you say Bible supports, then please give the facts. Thanks.

@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
In the whole Bible, there is not a statement by Jesus Christ where he himself says "I am God" or "Worship Me". For some mysterious reason, Christians have started to worship Jesus as God even though the Moses said in the Bible, "Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD."
IF Jesus is God, then why do Christians create images and idols of him in their Churches? Doesn't it say in the 10 commandments that thou shalt not make any graven images? Also, I am asking the Christians if Jesus is God, then they are sinning because they are creating graven images of their own god.
IF Jesus is God, then it doesn't make any sense when he is hungry. I mean, can you imagine a hungry god? I quote from Mark 11:12 : "
The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry."
Can you imagine a god who is hungry? God is supposed to feed us but here we find Jesus being hungry.
IF Jesus is God, then it doesn't make any sense when he doesn't even know that which tree would bear fruit in which season. Can you imagine a god who, first of all, has no idea of whether a tree can bear a fruit out of season, and then the same god curses that tree for not bearing the fruit out of season.
Please refer to Mark 11:12-14 on the story of what Jesus the god does to a tree. the tree who is only following the law of nature is cursed by the god jesus just for following the law of nature.
IF Jesus is God, then it doesn't make any sense when he cries? I mean, can you imagine a god that cries? It is absolutely wrong to call Jesus a god if he does not fit the qualities of a god. I quote John 11:35 : "Jesus wept."
IF Jesus is God, then he is a sleepy god. Can you imagine a god who sleeps? I quote Matthew 8:24 : "Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping." I just don't get why Christians are trying so hard to make Jesus a god even though he has no quality of a god.
Can you believe it? How Christians and Churches are making Jesus god and not reading their scriptures and realizing that their own Bible tells them that Jesus could not have been God since HE does not have the qualities of a God.
Also, please do note that I am not mocking Christianity or any individual or any person, but rather I think that to have an intellectual debate, we must have solid proof and I have given enough proofs.
Please do comment and respond. Thanks.
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
I believe that Christ is God. The most explicit statement by Jesus that He is God is when He said " I am and my Father are one" (John 10:30). The jews understood what He mean that is why they tried to stone Him that He is saying that He is God (John 10:30-32). I agree that REAL christians should not be creating graven images. NO early christian has every did in the history of the bible.
Jesus got hungry, wept, and sleep because these are normal thing that happen to the flesh. It was written in John :14 that the Word was MADE FLESH and dwell among us. It doesn't say the Jesus' spirit is the one who wept, hungry and sleep. The body of Christ is flesh but inside the body, that is the spirit, is God.
Jesus has existed even before He was given a flesh to dwell into. The earliest account is in Genesis when God said "let US made man according to OUR image..." signifying a co-creator. The most explicit statement of God regarding His son Jesus Christ was written in Proverbs 30:4 "....what is His SON'S name if thou canst tell?"
@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Hi, neo_apocalypse:
I would like to further respond to your comment, but due to less time, I was just grabbed by the statement you made about God being in his Creation.
Let's analyze this. If God is in his creation, then there must be some similarities between God and his Creation. So, IF God is in his creation, then let's create a scenario.
Can God lie?
- No
But it is God, he is in his creation, his creation lies, why can't God lie then?
- ""your answer"" .... ?
Can God create something so big that nobody can move it?
- Yes
So even God can't move it?
- ""your answer"" .... ?
Now I want you to realize that God is not in his creation because of the fact that if we say that God is in his creation, then the atheists can clearly say that your God can do the same thing as it's creation, whereas, God is eternal.
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
It is a common misconception that God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. The bible states the weaknesses of God-- He cannot lie, He cannot break judgment, He does not dwell in temples made by hand; you are right that He is not in everyone. But His weaknesses, however, show His greatness as written in I Corinthians 1:5 "..and the weakness of God is stronger than man".

@celinlocario (334)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
Christ is God. Many say Jesus Christ to be man but the Holy Bible proves that He is God. I believe in God and the Holy Bible as the Word of God and it is the truth.
@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
31 Jan 07
my believe is that Jesus is messagner of God and not even son of God
@marlaf (93)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
Jesus Christ is the only son of our creator. sometimes we interchange those terms. but that's alright. you can call Jesus as God as Lord. but the main thing you must understand is that it's only through Jesus that we can go to God our father. we must accept Jesus as our savior and as the one who sacrificed his life for the sake of us so that we can communicate to God again and ofcourse, God did that because He loves us. :)
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
30 Jan 07
To 5berries,
Let me start the discussion with a simple question? After the creation what is the 2nd creation.
@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I guess it depends on what religion you are talking about. In Christianity people believe that Christ is one with God, but is not a god himself. In Judaism, they believe that Christ was a great prophet, but that he was just an ordinary man. In the Catholic viewpoint, Jesus isn't technically a god, but he is. The way that they explain it is that Jesus is ONE with God, but isn't God himself. I know it sounds strange, but that is how they taught us.
@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Answering John 10:30
Please refer to the following URL where I have written the response regrading John 10:30, where Jesus states I and the Father are One.
(I had to link to another website because apparently there is a paste limit, and I have tried for at least 5 times to post this response but it was not working.)
@neo_apocalypse (344)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
Very well said and I agree with you. The Father is indeed greater than all, even than Jesus. I also agree with you that Jesus share common view, want, etc. with the Father. But you miss the context why Jews tried to stone Him. They understand what Jesus want to say. Isn't also written that the "Word was made flesh and dwell among us"?
@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
The part you are talking about where "Word was made flesh and dwell among us" is actually from John 1:14.
To clarify this point with you, I am just going to ask you a simple question: Did Jesus say those words or are those the words of John?
Thank You.

@roque20 (518)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
for me, christ is God it is being stated in the Bible. just read the Holy Bible then you will discover the answer to your questions. if they dont believe that christ is God then they dont believe in Christ and they are not Christians. what do you think?
@wackywayne7 (2)
31 Jan 07
the bible says that jesus is the christ the son of the living god the word christ actually means anointed one.
@hegde_parvathi (77)
• India
28 Jan 07
Christ is a god an incarnation of god came here to show mankind to lead peace ful life
@alextki (923)
• India
30 Jan 07
Im a cathelic christian.. i have a strong believe in jesus christ.. i never say that jesus is not a god.. he is my god.. he is my saviour.. i have a strong believe in my regilion.. i strongly believe that without jesus im nothing.. keep posting.. :)