Open disscussion to clarify the different between islam and christian
By BlueDream
@BlueDream (151)
January 25, 2007 1:43am CST
as you can see today the war between islam and christian already started. the whole world had been trying so hard to avoid the war, but day after day it become something like mission impossible.
i believe that islam and christian came from the same source. most of the story in bible are quran are same (unless at the certain point, at least the title are same).
For example the creation of earth and heaven, Adam Eve(Hawa) and the tree, The king solomon(sulaiman), Abraham(ibrahim), Joseph(Yusuf),... etc
Islam and Christian(not include one who believe in the theory of natural selection by darwin) believe that Adam is the first human.
Islam and Christian believe that angle and satan exist.
King Solomon is the greatest emperor, Joseph is the most handsome man in the world, and so on.
Islam and Christian believe that the name of God is 'Allah'.
Forgive me if i'm wrong the different is 'Jesus'(Isa)
Islam believe that jesus is only the prophet and messenger of God, But Christian believe that jesus is son of God.
Islam believe that Marry(Mariam) pregnant because it is only the supernatural thing by God, as adam born without mother and father, as eve born without mother. But christian believe that Marry married with God.
Islam believe that jesus not died in the cross, but christian do believe.
Beside that.... what else?
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16 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
25 Jan 07
I think you have a number of facts wrong but some of what you say makes sense, if I understand you correctly. There are as you say a lot of similarities between the bible and the Qur'an and this is not surprising nor are the differances. First let's address the errors, as I see them. For Christians, at least for some of them, the story of Adam and Eve is allegorical, revealing a deep truth about human nature not about history. Christians believe refer to God as 'our father' using his name rarely, in which case they use, Abba (meaning father) Yahweh or Jehovah but not Allah, respectful as the term maybe. It is interesting to note that Muhammed's father worshipped a pagan moon god called something very similar to Allah. Christian's do not believe that Mary married God but that Mary conceived immaculately, it may be that here is fundamentally very little difference in Muslim and Christian accounts of the conception of Jesus.
Early Arab Christians quarrelled about the exact nature of Jesus and a number of different views where prevalent at the time of Muhammad's early life and it is known that he would have been acquainted with these disputes. Jesus himself refers to himself as the servant (not slave) of God, as being one with the father but he also states quite clearly that the Father is greater than the Son. The doctrine of the Trinity was decided upon some 300 years after Christ and not all Christians are Trinitarians, that is to say not all Christians accept the doctrine of the Trinity.
Some Muslim scholars argue that Qur'anic interpreted strictly has more in common with Christianity than Islam as it is practised. But Christianity is also a long way from a strict interpretation of the words of Jesus. Changes have been introduced Catholic and Orthodox churches, specifically the doctrine of the Trinity, the doctrine of Papal infallibility, the veneration of Mary and saints.
What fundamentally important differances then remain? As I see it very few. The Islamic notion that some fake Jesus took the place of the real Jesus on the cross, this to Christians is Blasphemy. Since the nature of Jesus is perfect it is totally out of character and incoherent with his teachings to have this kind of deception. Furthermore, Christianity revolves around such sacrifice,. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life." This is surely the most holy act ever. The teachings of Christ and Muhammad differ also in that Jesus taught forgiveness and peace and whilst Muhammad also teaches similar virtues he is also open to more warlike interpretations.
May we all live in peace.
all the best urban
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@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
26 Jan 07
The story about jesus is not islam notion, but told by quran.
why should God so loved the world?
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@urbandekay (18278)
26 Jan 07
BlueDream, no, the references to Jesus come from the testaments of his disciples via oral traditions, which present a more consistent and coherent account of Jesus than does the Qur'an. God so loved the world because he made it and God is love.
all the best urban
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@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 07
God creates all the things in the whole universe; earth, planets, sun, heaven, all the living things ... etc. what is so speceial about the earth world. God can creates another world that more then 1000 times beauty then this earth. thats mean your God is not powerfull.
how about if i say that the christian is not the religion but most likely an ideology.

@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
Islam believes in Mohammed; Christians follow the Lord Jesus Christ and His testament is the New Testament.
Christ founded His church on the day of Pentecost in about the year 33 (Acts Chapter 2). Mohammed started Islam in his flight to Mecca in about the year 600.
Islam and Christianity have their doctrines or teachngs in the Quran and the Holy Bible, respectively, and they will never be unified unless all Muslims who beieve in the Quran and of course Mohammed will turn their back to such belief which is quite impossible to happen. There will always be Christians until the end of the world and so there's no hope that all Christians turn their back against God - this is impossible. Individual Christians like me for example may backslide (may it be not), but not all.
I am a Christian and I follow the Holy Bible. Our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to preach the Word and so I do. Our Lord commands us to be in peace with all men and so I do. God does not compel anybody to believe in Him and I also do not compel anybody even to read my posts. God gives us wisdom and free will that we have the freedom of choice. If you believe in Islam, go ahead, God will not interfer.
Muslims and Christians came from the same source as all men came from Adam of God, but Islam and Christianity did not come from the same source as Islam came from Mohammed and Christianity came from Christ.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 07
Islam is not came from Mohammed, He is only the messanger of God. Islam is from God of the whole universe. and we also believe christianity not came from chirst but from the same God. This is what we call RELIGION FROM HEAVEN, as well as Jew.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
Judism, christianity and islam are all children of the same father. All are divine religions and all come from the same God. Why muslims refer to Him as Allah and christians (english speaking) refer to Him as God (Arab christians still call Him Allah as a matter of fact), proves my point.
Arsenia, I understand you are a translater of the bible. May I ask you what word is used in the Aramic scriptures for 'The God'.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 07
But the Creater cannot become father to his creatures.
Robot is not children of human.

@kabella50 (309)
• United States
31 Jan 07
the Quran says there should be no compulsion in religion.Who really cares about those differences?we all believe I one God no matter what we call him,we all bow down to the Master and Creator of all the worlds.I love every body who loves to be in God presence,regardless to how they pray,if they love God their should be no problems.

@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
1 Feb 07
There is no compulsion in religion. You know why? Coz the GUIDANCE belongs to God. The only thing that we have to do is to tell the truth, that's all. The other things we just surrender to God
@guitarchick88 (46)
• United States
3 Feb 07
d difference is, Muhammad is NOT in our Bible. He DOESNT exist to us.. as in Islam, Jesus is there. But yea I've heard Muhammad is a false prophet too.. i dunno, just heard it. Cuz how come he doesnt even exist in our holy book.. and his teachings are kind of the treatment of women(drastically obvious)..and sum other. dunno. dont flame me as ive only heard this.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
4 Feb 07
You will not be blamed if you don't know.
Do you believe that the bible as it exist today haven't had any changes?
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
7 Feb 07
Dear UrbanDekay, what i am tring to tell on what I've posted above is that, mohammed do exist on the Bible.
I believe that Jesus speak with FULL autorithy of God and he is special. I admire him --as a noble man and prophet--.
Every prophets and apostles are speak with FULL Autorithy of God to guide and save men from evil temptation.
The problem is on us, the follower of them. As common man, we always made our desire of flesh as our god. We diverge what the prophets had taught to us.
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Feb 07
Tambangmas, in part, what you say is true. Jesus is unlike Moses since Moses and Muhammad and others called prophet are fallible humans, they may be trust-worthy but are not perfect. Jesus is perfect and unlike the others speaks with the FULL authority of God. His life and works are perfect and thus his teachings take precedence over previous and later scriptures.
all the best urban

@UmmBinyamin (419)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Well no jesus is not the son of god he is one of the prophets who did not bow down to Allah when he was supposed to and he did not die on a cross and Allah is the only god he has no sons daughter,wifes,parents,grandparents so on and so forth he he is by his self with no partnes
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
18 Feb 07
I now what you mean ahade1, but you don't understand what i'm doing. I want the myLot community open their mind

@win780 (38)
• Singapore
2 Feb 07
Christian and Islam have the same root, but the separation of the root started from Abraham. Christian and Islam called Abraham the Father of Faith, because he is going to offer his first born (Isaac) to God when God tested him. But if you read carefully, Isaac is not the only child of Abraham, He has another child called Ishmael and God will also make a great nation out of Ishmael's descendants. And Islam have their root traced back to Ishmael. So this is where the differences started.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
2 Feb 07
Are you talking about the Geneology or the teaching brought by all the prophets in the human history. If you think the Geneology made the teaching different, I would like to suggest you to think twice. If the geneology make the different, this could mean "Judism, Christian, and Islam is not religion but ideology." But the truth is only one, out side there, in the heaven, there is God.
Please take it positive. I don't mean to blame you.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
2 Feb 07
Before i answer this question, I wanted to know, what you understand in term of Prophets or Messenger from God.
@win780 (38)
• Singapore
2 Feb 07
I understand your point. I do believe that there is only one God, and God will appeared in different form to different people.
What I am trying to say is that if you understand the middle eastern culture, you will know why they (Christian and Muslim) would start war with each other. They are always talking about birth right and blessing from God.
Does Geneology made teaching different? I would not say yes or no to this question. You can see from the world out there. When there is a certain powerful person leading a group, any group, does it change what the group do?

@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
31 Jan 07
To be honest with you, who CARES what the differences are. Focus on the likenesses and see how the many religions can work together to create a world of peace and love amongst us. Everyone will view their world differently, seeing similar things but never identical. That doesn't make one right and one wrong, that makes 2 versions of one thing.
I get so angry at all those people out there claiming to be the know all. If that were the truth, then THEY would be God.
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
4 Feb 07
Hi hockeygal4ever,
Nice comments of you. I absolutely agree with you. I hope god bless you and all of your family
@SirPyan (429)
• Malaysia
1 Feb 07
Personally, if we are referring to the cause of war or havoc, it would not have anything to do with the "core" belief. The religion brought by either Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all other prophets are actually come from one source, one supreme entity, one creator Himself. And I believe either the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims realize this.
But the problem is, the way each religion "understand" the teaching.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
7 Feb 07
What I find interesting after reading this whole discussion... is that even religious people cannot agree on everything about God and Jesus.
So how the heck do you expect non-religious people to understand it and believe in it?
The very reason that we question religion is that we do not understand it. Non-religious people do not believe in anything with blind faith. We need to understand it first.
But when I question it... those religious people who preach forgiveness... jump all over me with revenge in their little forgiven heart.
God and Jesus don't forgive. They are killing me.
My poor little star has lost two points in 24 hours.
That should be prove enough that Christians don't practise what they preach.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 07
God give us 'Brain' not to sleep, but to think. If all the things we can get easily, better God let us stay at paradise.
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@tanahmelayu (14)
• Malaysia
31 Jan 07
Christian? they start the war and they try to stop it... Yes BlueDream, Christian and Islam came from the same source... That's why, if you read the Koran
"He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it and He revealed the Tauratand Injeel aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Furqan " (aal-'Imran: 3)
However, they've changed the content in the Bible(injeel)... and that's what actually you have now!
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
1 Feb 07
Yes, and it's not only Islam, Christian and Judism came from the source, but all prophets since Adam has sent to us with the same religion and the same teaching. They try to tell people about the most important thing. "Outsde there there is God, God of the universe, He is the One and only". There are too many prophets. 25 of them are :
3)Nuh (Noah)
6)Ibrahim (Abraham)
9)Ishaq (Isac)
10)Ya'kub (Jacob)
11)Yusuf (Joseph)
15)Musa (Mose)
18)Sulaiman (Solomon)
24)Isa (Jesus)
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
4 Feb 07
same to you mr suitsme, right though. and i'm also thinking there is another option for God instead came to earth as a man. the best option.
"better God leave us at paradise so that we live in harmony and don't have to worry, or to think about anything".
but after i think twice, it must be the reason why we have to live in this planet of earth for a little while. could you please study the story about Adam and Eve from your holy book(unless you didn't believe it).
and the other thing, God come to earth as a man is not necessary at all. By doing this, it shows to me how weak God is. But i believe that God is not weak.
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
5 Feb 07
This is not the way to show the compassion.
But the question is why should we sent down to this planet of earth? Why God provided us with brain to think, hearth to feel, and sense? Why should God create the two distinct things; good and bad, right and wrong? After all this we as human have to choose one from the two things? i repeat "why?"
This is just like exam. The earth as examination hall. Who pass the exam will be given rewards.
I repeat, God come to earth as man to show which one is true and which one is false is not the way to show the compassion. it's waisting.
Same thing if you are teacher. is it the way to show your compassion to your student by come to student in the exam hall and tell them the answers of all question?
@BlueDream (151)
• Malaysia
10 Feb 07
Until Jesus return to earth to tell the truth, right tambangmas?
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
Yep... I believe it so...
If you like to know how is Jesus return in his second coming, please visit:
Caution: This site is from Muslim perspective
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
Based on what I know of, Christians believe in the existence of God and following His ways by reading the bible. While Muslims only believe in Allah meaning God and they read Koran which is the counterpart of the bible. Why not just stick to what you believe yourself hence to avoid confusion. I think both islam and christian do believe in God and the only diffrence is their respective church rituals.
@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 07
Yes... I agree with you charm88. Totally agree...
After all Allah had descended one special Verses concerning what you have said, as follow:
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
#1. Say: O ye that reject faith!
#2. I worship that which ye not worship.
#3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
#4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship.
#5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
#6. To you be your way, and me Mine.
(Koran 109:1-6, The Unbelievers)
@whacks (774)
• Philippines
14 Feb 07
The difference between Islam and Christianity is simply in their founders and doctrines. Islam was founded by Mohammed and the doctrines are laid down in the Koran. On the other hand, Christianity originated from Christ and the doctrines are laid down in the Holy Bible.
The Koran is existing; the Holy Bible is existing. These two cannot be merged. They have different and distinct doctrines. They have different and distinct followers. The Muslims follow the Koran. The Christians follow the Holy Bible. People have their own right to believe and to follow what they want. There might be similarities in the doctrines but that does not mean that they are same and Muslims and Christians are brothers. Of course, all people are children of God thru Adam. But not all people are children of God in Christ.