Would you deny your child if she/he is different?

@aslygirl (531)
January 25, 2007 7:26am CST
I just wonder to some parents who sometimes deny their child because its different from they are, or sometimes has an abnormalities.Are you like them?
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3 responses
@shiela15 (286)
• Australia
25 Jan 07
I'm not a mother but I have this way of thinking that denying your child's abnormality will cause no good. You make the child believe on what's really not. Abnormalities may seem observable but it won't matter to you anyway because for all you know your child is special and just like other mothers, you love your child with all your life. Abnormality of a child isn't that a big question. It's how you help your child all the way, love for what/she is and understands his/her capabilities. For when the child realize that it's you who believe him/her the most of it's best, the child will be confident enough that she/he not far different from others. It's reciprocal trust that that you and your child had in between.
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@aslygirl (531)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Your opinion is good!A special child needs more love, attention and of course trust!
@mbarryton (1872)
• United States
25 Jan 07
i love my children for who they are if they would've had been different id love them just the same i mean we are all different in ways, the parents that deny their children because they are different are to me parents that are afraid to be talked about it shouldn't be that way God put us on earth as equals regardless of or differences it should stay that way
@aslygirl (531)
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
Im glad your not one of them.Denying child is the biggest mistake that a parent would be done!Enjoy your parenthood!Godbless!
• India
3 Jul 07
I would never deny my child just because he/she was different. Actually since I don't have a child who is different I should say that I hope I have the strength to accept my child the way he/she is.