Silver Salts (Ion)combined with Peroxide, Micropore Gel, Citric Acid, Trisamine

July 1, 2006 10:17am CST
Just purchased Ionic White for teeth whitening. I am sceptical using this product as it contains all of the above to be used with a light to activate. I'm trying to find out if this combination is safe to use without swallowing - although I think it can't help get into your system from under the tonge. Their website is - It states not to use with braces - what about silver fillings - would the mercury levels start leaking? This product is patent pending. Nobody there has returned my call as yet.
1 response
• United States
1 Jul 06
Here is some information I was able to find for you. Please let me know if this was helpful. at the bottom this one has reviews from other users Good Luck!