How well do your pets get along with eachother?
@theproperator (2429)
United States
31 responses
@jwfarrimond (4473)
12 Jun 07
I just added a young male cat to my feline household which consists of two 11 year old females who don't exactly get on together either, but they now seem to have banded together to oppose the newcomer. He's very friendly, and he's shown no aggression towards the two older cats, so I'm hoping that they will accept him in time. It's early days yet he's only been here since last Thursday so there is still plenty of time for them to at least tolerate him.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Aw--your two babies are adorable --I have two cats and they pretty much get along with one another--every once in a while they'll be a growl or two..but oh, are they ever jealous for my attention---if I talk to my one cat Kissy, no matter where he is..even sound asleep all of a sudden he has to come racing over to me, and quite literally pushes Kissy aside...goodness he doesn't even like me talking on the phone to someone!!
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@Bev1986 (1425)
• United States
25 Jan 07
We have two cats and a dog. Our oldest cat is 10 and she is a loner. She does not like the other cat or the dog. The dog is 6 and the other cat is 5. They get along wonderfully! In fact, they often play together and sleep together. It's so cute to see the cat licking the dog's face!
The older cat basically just ignores the other two and if they get too close, she hisses at them. My older cat kind of looks like the picture in your icon!

@theproperator (2429)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Yes, my cat is mostly a little aloof from the dog, but will only scratch at him if the dog is too persistant about trying to play (which means "gnaw on the cat and poke him with your nose, to the dog). Usually, he will give the dog a "warning paw" and lay his ears back, which the dog mostly pays attention to now that he is older and wiser.
@natrlvr2 (383)
• United States
18 Feb 07
Right now I have 2 cats,2 dogs and 2 fish.During my entire life(47 yrs.) my cats/dogs have always got along.They have ALWAYS loved one another. My newest edition(Ryder,9 month old pup)gets along great with my cats(took awhile for the cats though,LOL)it's just that sometimes he gets carried away and chases them.If the cats did ltike it,they would have put him in his place,LOL-like in the beginning.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
18 Feb 07
It was the same with my dog and cat; once the dog calmed down a bit, they got along fine.
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
23 Jun 07
We don't have multiple pets but we have a small cute dog (he is part chiwawa and part tibetan spaniel). Eight months ago, my brother in-law came to live with us after he sold his house and was waiting to finish some stuff before moving to Hawaii. So he brought with him his two boxers. A female and a male. The male was very old and the female was young. There were problems between our dog and the female dog but no issues with the older one. But that was just in the beginning , after some time they got along very well.
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
24 Jun 07
Older pets seem to go one of two ways, either they are very cranky around any new animal, or they seem like they couldn't care less. I guess it is all in their experience.
@elhogan (10)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
Heh, one of my cats is a complete jerk who torments the other cat.
The jerk, or Ty-Ty is very smart and very cute, but usually his jerkiness is more apparant. For example, my other cat, Onyx would just be sleeping in her cat tree and all of a sudden Ty-Ty would jump on her and start biting her neck. She of course hisses and yowls at him, and I yell at them both.
Onyx is always swatting at Ty-Ty, and Ty-Ty is always chasing her around the house, trying to catch her and bite her.
The only time when they play nice is when they're sleeping... on opposite sides of the room.
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Is Ty-ty younger? I cat-sat my friend's kitten once and he just drove my cat up the wall trying to play with him. This was before I had the dog...
@bunnylady01 (483)
• United States
25 Jan 07
Our cat and 2 dogs get along great. They have never had a fight. We also have house rabbits and the cat loves playing and sleeping with them. He will even sleep by their cage when they are in for the night. We also have 2 prairie dogs and the cats likes to play with them too, although the prairie dogs can get testy rather quickly. The dogs don't seem to want much to do with the prairie dogs as they are really festy and run araound alot. We have always introduced every pet to each other and never had a problem.
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Wow, you have a full house! That's amazing that they all get along so well. You must pay lots of attention to them for them to be so happy.
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
30 Jan 07
I have 4 dogs and 8 cats and they get along just fine. They sleep together, play and sometimes eat together. But none of the animals can go near Jasper or Freckles when they are eating because that's when they fight. But they don't hurt each other. I have pics of my big dog Jasper and my cat Suzie sleeping together in his box. I would show you but I don't have a scanner right now. When I do get a new one I will upload some pics. They are so cute. :)
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
25 Jan 07
My two cats stayed scared of the dog the entire time they all lived in the same house, they would wait till the dog was sleeping till they would come out of my moms room to eat or drink. or untill the dog went outside. The dog was there first so i'm not sure why they never got used to the dog. but now the dog has since passed away and now the two cats roam the house freely, but they dont get as much excersize cause they are not running away from the dog! so they are both heavy cats. each one of them weighs as much or a little more then my 6 month old baby!
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Yeah, some cats never get used to dogs. My dog compleatly traumatized my friend's cat that was staying at my house when I first got the dog. He was just running up to her to try to play and she panacied and climbed the drapes all the way to the ceiling!. She was so scared that she peed when I climbed up to try to get her down. Needless to say, I got rid of the drapes and my friend found someone else to take care of her poor cat from then on.
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I have 2 cats. A 2 1/2 yr old female named daisy and a 6 1/2 month old male named zigmond...or ziggy....zig...what ever you wanna call him......any ways Daisy and zig didnt always like eachother..... or rather id say that daisy didnt like zig. daisy was the first cat in the house and i think she liked it that way...then i got jake at 8weeks....she hated him for the longest time.....but then they started getting along....then he didnt come home one nite.....i think so kinna critter got him :( and she was sad for a long time...then i got zig which was jakes brother from the litter after his....thinking that daisy would like to have him and my husband work during the day and i didnt want her to be lonely........well she hated him....and never started to like him....would hide or hiss at him and was very passive when it came to getting what she wanted....she stopped sleeping with us and cuddling with us on the couch and would walk away if zig came to the food was sorta sad.......zig wanted all the attention and daisy let him have it...i tried to give her loves but the only place she would take them was in the bathroom sink! yeah funny...ever been to ?? funny cats on there some where.....anyways...... so we just moved to a new place.....a bit bigger and an extra room and bathroom and now she is back to normal....and she likes zig!!!! she sleeps with us and cuddles and wrestles zig and runs around the house with him chasing eachother back and forth! i love it! i love that they get along now! its great! i guess she just needed more space........
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@theproperator (2429)
• United States
26 Jan 07
That's great that they are getting along now, I guess the change of scenery did help. Sorry to hear about your other kitten, though.
@jennybeans (912)
• United States
1 Feb 07
I have a male husky and a female tortoise shell calico cat. We had the cat first, and when we brought the puppy home, she was taken aback by his bold behavior and constant need to check her out. After he started to grow, he would chase her around and tackle her, but now that he's about three times her size he can't do that anymore. He tries to, but she won't have it. I have to chase him away from her a lot in the morning, but then by afternoon he loses interest in her all over again. When he doesn't play nice, however, she swats him, and that seems to do the trick
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Sounds a lot like my two! Although my dog was never a puppy (while I've had him, that is) so the cat did not have to deal with full-on "puppy exuberence."
@Lush_heidi (994)
• United States
1 Feb 07
well two of my cats are in love with each other,minnie and louie, and well muffin hates louie but tolerates minnie. Poor Louie! he doesnt even bother muffin and he growls,hisses and slaps him!
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@mugzy528 (800)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Well I have a Kitten that just loves My Blue Front Amazon and he loves her I have never seen anything like it in my life The Cat will sit on the Birds Pearch and eat with the Bird,Sleep on top of his cage with him. No one Believes us until I show them Pictures of them Togther. They get along so well together but the Bird does not like my other Cat.
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@badkat83 (1620)
• United States
27 Feb 07
i have 3 cats and 1 dog. all my cats just love the dog. now 2 of my cats are girls and 1 a boy. the 1 girl cat does not like the boy. he tries so hard to play with her but she wants nothing to do with him. it is funny to watch them, cause he will stalk her and jump on her from behind and she screaches like a girl. too funny.
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@mamashane (1140)
• United States
11 Mar 07
We have 3 dogs, 1 cat, fish and 2 guinea pigs. 2 of our dogs are labs. The oldest is 14 and she doesn't do a whole lot anymore but is sweet as pie and doesn't mind the other animals much. The 2nd lab is just under a year old and he's just a big playful ding dong and he gets along great with the other animals. The 3rd dog is a 2 year old dacshund (weiner dog) and he's a trouble maker but he does it in a playful way. He chases the cat, drags her across the floor by her ear and he gets up by the fish tank and teases the fish. He claws at the glass and licks it. It's pretty funny. He also loves the guinea pigs, licking them and trying to play with them.
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@royrules1 (180)
• India
15 Mar 07
i have a two dogs and a parrot and i live them a lot and my parrot speaks well she whistles and passes nice comments at time which is really interesting uh !
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
10 Mar 07
I have cats and dogs and they get along great. They have established a pecking order so we don't have problems beyong the introductions. When I foster dogs the cats make themselves scarce as every single foster dog I have ever had has chased them. I have male dogs, and only foster females, so that works out well. They like having new 'friends' come to stay.
@kimberlymarie (203)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I have 2 dogs, a cat and 13 rats.
The dogs are generally good friends. One of our dogs is a 4 month old puppy who has been with us 2 months. His older sister is 3 years old, and used to being our only dog. She's adapted well to having a new brother, though, and loves to play. They play most of the day! They have spats, but what siblings don't?
The cat tolerates the older dog fine. They even "box" occasionally. However, the cat doesn't much like the little guy yet. The dog is curious about the cat, and the cat wants him to stay away.
The rats are in 3 groups - 7, 5 and 1. They get alone with their cage mates well. The dogs are constantly curious about the rats. We do not allow open interactions between the dogs and cat and the rats for safety issues.
We generally let them work things out, as long as there's no one injured! The puppy is crated a bit more then the older dog, to give her time to recover. It works out well.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
3 Apr 07
my 5 cats all for the most part,get along.
once in awhile,there's a squabble here and there about a toy or a blanket,but they're pretty good.
if they start fighting,they get separated until they calm down.i have a brother and sister who are the usual offenders when there is fighting.
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