HELP! I need advise...
By sexysilver
@sexysilver (928)
United States
January 25, 2007 5:19pm CST
... for my best friend. She suffers from depression & bipolar. But her Dr took her off her medications because she got pregnant. Since being off her medications she has attempted suicide twice, and been hospitalized. Her doctor refuses to get her back on her medicines because of the pregnancy & her husband refuses to help talk to her doctor. She called me crying because she wants the baby, but is really depressed & realizes she needs her meds, but can't have them until after the baby is born or is aborted. Abortion is outta the question though because (one) she wants the baby & (two) her husband threatened to charge her with murder charges & have her locked up if she aborted the baby. He even told her she'll have the baby no matter how depressed & suicidal she gets "or else".
How can I comfort her? I have 2 kids & a third on the way, so I now that mommy love a mom feels for her baby. Is it even legal for her husband to "force" pregnancy on her if it threatens her safety/well-being/life? I've heard of "pregnancy-safe antidepressants" - why won't her Dr try those?
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29 responses
@destinycole (827)
26 Jan 07
Oh dear what a dilemma, what country are you in? there may be a Ethical committee that you can get advice from or your friend could try safe natural alternatives.
DO NOT use Herbs or Aromatherapy without the person providing the treatment knows she is pregnant.
If you can find a reiki site on line they could do some distance healing, I would do it myself for free, but I am only level one and I would want to read up about pregnancy and reiki before I attempted that.
There are many Wiccan's out there who like myself are training in reiki I would love to put you in touch with one, but they naturally curious about who they take care of, for obvious reasons, ie. bad press.
I am just wondering if you can get into Sedna's Shrine I suffer from depression and that site has really helped me when I am down.
You can try one thing next time you see your friend, give her a hug, because Reiki Energy is within all of us hun.
All you have to do is show her that you love her unconditionally and a hug goes a long way to help to heal. There is also Westbury Reiki my friend runs that site, she will do sessions with your friend, or teach you but you will have to pay. Its her business and I would not like to impose on her and ask her for freebies, that would be up to her hun.
I wish I could help further, Idril is a master and in her 2nd Level of Wicca, but please don't be afraid of Wicca, we are really lovely people and despite assumptions we do not worship the devil and we do not dance naked around a woodland fire :D
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Thanks. I'll support her inwhatever she decides & I hope her husband will too.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Sounds to me like she needs another doctor. Does she go to therapy? There are a lot of natural remedies for depression as well. Check out the local library for the books or the book store. She can even go to a church and get help as well. She could join a local group for depression. Check with the hospital for information on groups that could help her out. You have a lot on your plate and it is hard for one person to always be there when a friend is in need. She needs to talk with others that are depressed like her. Best of luck to you all.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Abortion opinions aside...her husband can not have her charged with murder if she aborts the pregnancy...unless she is beyond the legal gestation and then the abortion would be considered illegal and murder.
As for meds...most doctors do not like a woman to take any medication during pregnancy. My advice would be that she needs to talk to her doctor. If this doctor will not listen, then I would seek another doctor. If she is early along in her pregnancy, she can still ba accepted by another doctor. I would personally seek another doctor.
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@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
26 Jan 07
My goodness!She needs to be strong for her baby!A mother can do anything for her kids.I hope that she will be fine.She dont need to be depressed and think of ending her life.Tell her that she needs to fight that depression.Let her take some vitamins to lessen stress and she can sleep well in the night.Her husband need to comfort her too.You can talk to her under the phone and just let her feel that she is not alone.I guess it can help too since she needs a friend to talk too!
@wins902007 (133)
• Romania
26 Jan 07
if ur her only friend u should help her cope. why not bring the case to the right person? not all doctor are good
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@nicky35 (747)
26 Jan 07
i think she needs to change her doctor,there must be something she can take,they cant expect her to just cope,its a real illness shes suffering from and it sounds like she isnt being taken seriously.her doctor sounds rubbish,if she was on the medication she and the baby will live and without it they could both die,so its plain to see that its safer to be on medication than without it.print this reply out and give it to her doctor."doctor you are killing her and the baby by stopping her medication"
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Thank you so much for replying. Yes, depression & bipolar are both very serious illnesses. Most doctors I have seen for myself used a weaning process should they want the patient to discontinue their medication (for whatever reason). But her psych used a "cold-turkey" process to get her off her meds. Shortly after that she was hospitalized.
Personally, I think the medication could/would do more good than harm.
@randyequal (439)
• China
26 Jan 07
Oh, My God! Your best friend is really in a very bad situation...There are so many docters in USA, why don't you suggest your friend to consult another doctor if she can take some meds. I think the docter are trying to protect the baby, but he needs to think out of a way to protect the mother...try to find another doctor and ask for some suggestions
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Yes there are many dr's here in the US, but her options were very limited until recently because her only insurance was through medicaid, but her husband's insurance recently went through & she's on it & now she has many more options.
@AmbiePam (96505)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Let me start off by saying, I am bipolar. And encouraging her to abort the baby would be an absolute disaster, even though some people who have replied think that would solve the problem. She has said she wants the baby. If the baby (not it) were aborted, when she was back on her medications she would be so upset that she allowed someone to perform an abortion. I have had to go off medication it is so unbelievably scary. I imagine her husband knows how she would regret the abortion so he is trying to set it up to be an impossible option for her. As the father, he DOES have rights. In some states, it is illegal if the father wants the child and the parents are married, for the women to abort. Uusally feminists throw a fit and the woman is not prosecuted, but the fact of the matter is, right now, she is not in her right mind due to bipolar. What she says about aborting the baby is something she apparently would never say normally.
My advice is to find another doctor who would prescribe anti-depressants who would NOT harm the baby. Have someone with her at all times. Getting rid of a baby would be trying to treat the symptom of a manic depression induced illness. That makes no sense at all.
I write this with a force because of the responses of some other myLot members. You are a caring, wonderfu friend, and I pray that something will happen to help all the people involved.
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
She actually has older children & to see her with them is wonderful - you would never think that she was bi-polar looking at her with them. She absolutley glows. They are her whole world.
Actually, the only irratinal thing I've seen her do concerning her kids is spending thousands for their first Chrstmases. LOL
@chromecowgirl37 (283)
• United States
26 Jan 07
She should talk to her doctor about other meds. I was on Depakote throughout my pregnancy and while nursing. This is one of the few medications that is safe during pregnancy. She also needs to get away from her husband, but that is another issue. She may need to talk to a different doctor. I don't know where she lives, but I can recommend an outstanding psychatrist in the San Diego area.
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Her doctor said he would only prescribe the meds again if "it got serious enough" - HELLO SHE HAD TWO SUCIDE ATTEMPTS & WAS HOSPITALZED! How much more serious does it meed to get? So I've talked to her & she agreed that with the new insurance she got (she was on medicaid) she's going to get a new psych all together. We live in Texas, but thank you for the offer of recommending a pysch in the San Diego area.
@slavena (87)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
I know a girl who suffered from depression and bi-polar. I know it's very difficult especially without meds. I think maybe your friend should go to a different doctor to get a second opinion, because it's not good for she has attempted sucide twice. What her husband is doing isn't right either, she should go to a lawyer and ask about that!
@cjayden (110)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I have a friend that suffers from the same and just had a baby in December. She was on medication the whole time she was pregnant, her doctor told her it was better for her to have a jumpy baby than for her to be without her medication. Her baby was born healthy and he is doing just great. Maybe your friend needs to find a different doctor and get a second opinion.
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Do you remember what medication your friend was on? She is getting a new pysch. I'm happy your friend had a healthy baby. :)
@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
26 Jan 07
First of all, her husband can not bring murder charges against her for abortion. It's a legal practice. He also can't get her "locked up" for having an abortion. She should not fear that.
Also, he cannot force her to carry the baby. If she wants to have an abortion, it is entirely her choice. It may not be a wise decision, because most women go into a deep depression after having an abortion.
The only thing that you can do for your friend is to be there and listen to her. Perhaps she should go to another doctor and get a second opinion. I'm not sure if there are pregnancy safe antidepressants but she should do something. She should be in therapy if she can't be put on medication.
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
We've been looking for a new psych, but we didn't consider a counselor - thank you for bringing up that option!
I'll talk to her about how abortions can also intensify depression.
I have the same depression & bipolar issues that she has (maybe that's why we get along so well - we understand the issues that depression & bipolar bring into our lives) and after I miscarried one of my babies due to a horrific car accident I was devastated, it was probably one of my worst episodes.
@lifeis2good (1183)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I know exactly how she feels as I am a rapid cycler Bipolar with Severe Anxiety and I have 2 children. So I had to go through a lot with dealing on finding something that would be safe enough for me to take while pregnant and not end up in the mental hospital again. Here's a site that you can visit for more information about psychiatric medications. Hope you find some helpful information!!!!
Wishing her all the best because it's a tough situation to be in!!!
And I have to agree with most of the others that the father can't force her to have the child - it's her body, mind & soul here so it's her choice!!!!
@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Thank you so much for the website.
She has already been hospitalized during her pregnancy (due to a mistake at her psych's office & her meds not being able to be re-filled on time for quite awhile), but it was like a week before she found out she was pregnant.
@mags31ca (203)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
Lots of Docs don't believe in any meds during pregnancy. She should get a second opinion, that is her right and always an option. Last ditch effort would be hospitalization for the duration of the pregnancy. It would be hard but the greater good must be considered.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
26 Jan 07
that is really sad to hear that she dealing with this. if i were you i would help her get a second opinion. there has to be something that can be done to help your friend. just be her friend, that person she comes to when she needs to talk. Pray for her..
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I think he is being very selfish too. A husband should be loving & supporting of his wife. Not making threats. And bringing a child into this world should be a happy event, not something forced upon a woman, especially when her saftey is bing compromised in the process.
@sunsational (253)
• United States
26 Jan 07
The pills especially if she was on lithium are harmful for the baby, in fact any meds in the 1-2nd trimester is bad, that includes even cold meds. You cant take cold meds till the 3rd trimester. (i used to work for ob/gyn and my father in law is one) In all honesty, due to hippa, her husbands hands are tied, there really isnt much he can due. This just a bad situation, and if it is this bad in all honesty she better off checking into a hospital till the baby is born.They can protect her from herself in a way and the baby.
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@sweetstranger1 (44)
26 Jan 07
Straight up 1: she need help. She needs to get some form of counselling and therapy to help her out of her depression. Aborting the baby is not a good or nice idea. 2: her husband needs to get a life and be a lot more supportive to his wife. Someone should explain to him that without HER there would be NO BABY!!!! Is he that stupid? He should be her rock and help her get out of her depression. Does he not realise his behaviour will increase her depression? And depression and stress can both result in miscarriage, therefore she should definitely keep away from such tension if she wants to maintain her health and keep the child, and her husband must change his ways and his thinking if he truly wishes for the best health of her and the baby.