Parents who dont 'Parent'

United States
January 25, 2007 9:19pm CST
you know i see it all the time.. parents not parenting their children! what i mean by that is simply parents who dont teach their children right from wrong, or parents who are neglectful, or parents who just give in to their children because they wont want to hear them fussing.. i just dont understand why these parents dont see (or want to see) the bigger picture.. the damage they are doing to their children! and by damaging their children in this way, essentially they are also damaging our society and 'raising' more disfunction! im just sick and tired of seeing this happening on a daily basis to millions of children around the globe! so what im looking for here, is your input on this.. what are your feelings and experiences with this.. do you even care about the well being of these unfortunate children? is there something we can do to work towards bringing an end to this? i want to hear it all!
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52 responses
• India
26 Jan 07
I agree you people are after money or achieving their cherished goal,but one should remember:investing in your child's development is the greatest development.If they would realize then they can take action in right direction
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• United States
27 Jan 07
yes i do think thats a big part of the problem! too many parents would rather live more comfortable financialy then to spend the time with their kids..
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
26 Jan 07
My friend has 3 little ones, and she now says that she loves being a mom until they turn around 1. Then they drive her nuts. Of course, she tries to reason with them like they're adults. Instead of saying, no you can't take that, there's a 20 minute lecture on why it's morally wrong and what the store goes through, etc. Just say NO!
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• United States
26 Jan 07
outch its hard taking care of 3 little ones.. i had a friend who had 3 boys all very close together in age.. and she was a prime example of the bad parenting or rather lack of! this is really sad to say but thankfully the state finally took her kids from her and they are now in foster care (have been there for the past year) and she still cant get her act together to get her kids back! its crazy!
• United States
27 Jan 07
My friend is still wanting more kids too! She acknowledges that she can't control them, plans on homeschooling them all (is supposedly teaching the oldest already), and wants a few more. If I couldn't control the kids I had, I sure wouldn't want to add more!
• United States
27 Jan 07
what are some of these ppl thinking!!!
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
I don't think that we can really do anything i mean ultimately it is the parents descion. However i am a firm parent and i never let my child get their way or try to control me. My children know that what i say goes and they always use their manners and are actually quite polite as well!!
• United States
26 Jan 07
I see that type of stuff more often then not. Once I was in a store and this woman had her 3 kids with her. Each one started grabbing at stuff and ripping it open and eatting it, after she told them no. So what did she do? Spank them, pay for what they opened, and GAVE IT BACK TO THEM! No wonder they did what they did! They got what they wanted in the end! Those are the moments that I'm thankful to have a daughter that just smiles at people, waves, and tells them hi. Granted she is 2 and she does get grabby, but she's not terrible about it. If anything, she borders on embaressingly social.
• United States
26 Jan 07
yeah i have an almost 3 year old boy myself.. and he will throw fits from time to time in the store, but i dont give in and let him have stuff just because he has a fit! and by gods he doesnt try to open anything in the store! he likes to hold the bananas but he knows he cant eat them until we buy them! thank you very much for responding to this :)
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• United States
26 Jan 07
I know it's sad.. but I was thinking-- hopefully these parenst wanted to have kids & if they did and their kids were acting like this-- maybe they just don't have the tools they need to be successful at raising them. I mean, maybe they didn't have a great upbringing so they are only doing what they saw growing up, ya know what I mean? I think children should be the first priority for everyone. In some cases parents just have no idea what they are doing. But, in others which is the ones I'm sure your talking about.. your, right-- I don't understand it-- and you have to feel bad for the kids and the parents-but, what can you do? Parenting classes are available to people that want to take them or are court mandated-- but, it's usually the parents that need to take the class that don't because "they know they don't have anything to learn" so I think we will continue to be stuck in that same vicious circle.
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• United States
26 Jan 07
yes i totally understand that some of these parents just dont know any better.. however that means they probably stuggle in life.. and it is odd to me that they wouldnt sit back and wonder why? and if they did and figured out that they had bad parents, dont u think they would want to not make those same mistakes for their kids! i think most of these bad parents are just lazy, and dont want to be responsible for thier kids! i sure do hope we can someway somehow break this vicious circle! its just not fair to the children involved! they just never get a chance at a good life..
• United States
27 Jan 07
That's absolutely true. I never thought of it that way.. of course if it had happened to you-- you would want to break the cycle.. because you wouldn't want your children to experience what you did.
• United States
27 Jan 07
well my mom was pretty good at least for the most part when it came to parenting.. but there are some things she did that i now would never do to my child! for example.. when she would have to take me and my brother to the store.. she would let us both pick out one toy.. when we got the the register she would make us take the toy back.. she didnt know any other way to keep us quiet and happy in a store when we were little.. i dont hold it against her because i know she didnt know any better at the time, but thats just one of the things like said i wont do to my child.. i try really hard to think of the things that did damage to me even if only minor and not repeat those same mistakes..
• India
26 Jan 07
i think its the duty of ythe parents to take care of their wards must be careful towards the education of their children ....people must teach their children what is wrong and what is right ...only then they can become good citizens...
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@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I don't agree with those who parent in this way either. Kids today are far more in charge than the parents. You would think with all the programs on the issue of bringing kids up not only to respect the parents but others around them the parents could get a grasp on these kids. On the other hand there is so much on abuse and what is considered abuse parents feel limited as to what they can do. I know for a fact how this can be. I spanked my two girls who at the age of 13 and 16 in my own home with a belt 3 licks each and I got 12 months probation. All because I left a mark on one of the girls just below her shorts hem. Needless to say they werent long shorts either. How far will the law go in teaching the kids that if they are punished by the parent the law will step in? I was spanked my parents and put in my room for weeks at the time for things I did wrong and I turned out fine. With some kids words don't work and with others they get the message. Is it really the parents who are at fault or the state who wont let parents punish. It's hard raising kids today with the laws against parents and not punishing the kids just as much.
@pumpkinjam (8858)
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 07
I am going to try not to rant about this. As far as I am aware, I am bringing my own children up quite well. So yes it really really bothers me if other people can't do that. What I really don't like though is when people complain about the children. It's not the children's fault if they don't have good parents. It also bothers me when people assume you can't be a good parent because you're "too young". I had my first child at 19 and my second at 24. I taught them manners, I taught them to say please and thank you, they don't ask for things they don't need and I often wonder, if I can do that, why can't other people? I had an incident about a week ago. I was with my youngest child, who was eating some lunch in his pushchair, when an older child, who should have known better, ran straight into the pushchair and knocked my son's lunch all over the floor. Luckily, he had had enough but the other child continued running and the mother apologised. Now, if my children did anything like that (which they wouldn't but if they did) then they would be the one to apologise. I think that is part of the problem, the parents just let the kids run off and then the parents say sorry and please and thank you for the child. Sadly, I don't think there is a lot anyone can do about it except bring our own children up to be nice and shame others into doing the same. It does work at least sometimes. When you've got a 19month old baby saying thank you without being asked, it does make parents of older children feel very ashamed when their children aren't polite!
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@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
26 Jan 07
The parents should be the first one to teach good values to their kids if the parents dont use to teach good values their children would really dont give any good to our society. Parents have a very big factor in molding a good citizen.
• United States
26 Jan 07
so true!!!
@xXmeganxX (4420)
26 Jan 07
i don't think this is right either, i have a child who is going to be 2 in the next few months and everytime i take her to the shops or something she screams and screams because she wants and she thinks she will get it. you see it's hard with me because her being our only child when her dad takes her the shop if she wants something, he will immediatly get it for her, whereas when i go i won't. infact i took her to the shop last night and she had a big fit there because i wouldn't buy her a juice when she has loads at home, so when i got home, i told my partner ( her dad) and he went mad at me because i never got her the juice and i said she always does this no mater what shop we or i go in and she's going to end up like a spoilt brat and demand things when she is older and he just says so, she is special to me and anything she wants she can have because i love baby's but now he is at work alot, im trying to get her into the habit that she can't have what she wants and when she want's. it will soon work for her but it's a bit stressful! :)
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• United States
26 Jan 07
I see a lot of little ones like that. With our two yr old we started early, from infancy. We would show him toys, then put them back on the shelf. As he got older he would be able to play with them, then we would put it back and leave. Today, we can go to a store, he will point to something he wants, we will hand it to him and let him play with it while we shop. Eventually, he hands it back to us. Its funny sometimes when we are looking for a toy to buy for him, trying to tell if he really likes it or not. Sometimes he plays with several toys during a longer trip. Sometimes he just holds a box or can of food. He is learning that we can not open it until we pay for it. It takes time and patience.
• United States
26 Jan 07
well she is right around the terrible twos stage as well which is probably playing into this some.. id try explaining to your partner that its great that he wants her to have everything she wants, but that in the long run he is hurting her by not teaching her that the world just doesnt work that way, and that ppl have to work for the things they want ect.. thank you much for responding and i wish you the best with your daughter :)
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• United States
26 Jan 07
When my first daughter was around the age to grab at things, such as candy at the store, my favorite word to her was "no!" It was very easy to say, and she knew if she acted up that she wouldn't get something at the end of the trip. She would have to pay for her consequences. However, my mother and sister had spoiled her, and, now, she lives with them. They can't seem to figure out why she is so out of control. Well, I told them, and they didn't listen. It drives me nuts to hear about it, but what am I supposed to do when I am down here and she is up there. They should have listened to me when I first told them about this issue.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 07
yes. there are parents who don't parents their kids in a way that they take care of them, they send them to school and stuff like that. maybe when they were young, they don't experience being taken care of by their parents too. that is why they can't even do the same to their kids. i care for the kids well being but then, as a citizen,i can just be a good member of the society. and bring righteous deeds to our country so that others may just try to imitate and be concerened with what they do.
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• South Africa
26 Jan 07
I always feel that parents should be guardians that don't force things down your throat but rather guide and teach you to understand right from wrong. If a parent doesn't do this they are not parents but rather just people with kids.
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• Philippines
26 Jan 07
Yes, it's really a sad story about these parents. They are support to be the first teachers and they lay the foundation for the morales of their children but they don't have the time to teach them or they teach them the wrong things. These children will be the leaders of the future but they have not been taught well. There are those parents who convince their children to be like them, to be ruthless and unscrupulous in dealing with other people. They think it's what's best for them.
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I agree on most parts except for the fussing thing. Let me tell you sometimes it is easier to give on the small stuff just to have a peace of mind. You have to learn to pick your battles. I am not saying I give in on everything, but there are times when I will just to not have to deal with a tantrum. I am sure you will find a lot of parents who dod it on occassion. My children are normally well behaved, ahve manners & are good kids. I am not neglectful in any way.
• United States
26 Jan 07
yes your very right.. u have to pick your battles! thank you much for your response!
@yamiboo (466)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
I agree with you. I've encountered so many kids already who weren't much "parented" by their parents, like in play areas, you see rough kids who just push your kids or become rought with each other. Just yesterday, we attended this party where there was a girl who had a Dora laptop. My 2-year old, being a big fan of Dora, was amazed at the toy and asked me to bring her near the girl who had the toy. I was telling the girl that my daughter loves Dora and if it's ok for my daughter to play with her since they were the only girls in the party anyways. She wasn't replying and was using her arms to cover the laptop so my daughter can't touch it nor at least see it. I actually felt bad seeing the face of my daughter, but I just whispered to her that "maybe her mom didn't teach her how to share and play with other people", then we left, I had to distract my daughter so we can leave without her fussing. My point is, when we see kids who like my daughter's toy, I always teach my daughter about sharing, etc. Mind you, the girl yesterday came from a rich family and she doesn't know anything about sharing?! I hate it, not because my daughter felt rejected. My point is, I teach my daughter these good values, but others don't, in the end, it's my daughter who looks deprived. I just wish my daughter doesn't grow up thinking "why would i share my toy if people won't share their with me? Why is it always me?".. But I won't let that happen. I'll still continue to teach my daughter good values.
• United States
28 Jan 07
yes i had an experience simular to yours this fall.. i had taken my son to a small fall festival in the next town over.. and as we were sitting and eating some lunch, he discovered two little tractor tricycles.. he was just looking at them and not even touching.. when one of the kids it belonged to (not much older then my son) noticed him looking at her toy.. she came running over and yelled at him to leave her tracor alone! my son just looked at her like "whats your problem" i found myself very very irritated at the girls parents, as they didnt think there was anything wrong with her yelling at my son for no good reason! no apologies, no "honey u need to be nice to other kids" no nothing!
@UmmZahid (324)
• United States
27 Jan 07
you know your absolutly right about every thing you just said... and what parents also dont relize is that their creating problems for their selves later on i life...
• United States
27 Jan 07
:) u know its really great to see such wonderfull responses here! i dont seem to meet very many ppl with good parenting sense! so its just a great thing knowng there are others out there who see this as a problem as well! thankies much for your response :)
@quispy (572)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I have various friends that have different parenting styles than I do. Who knows if that makes it right or wrong. I just know that these are the people that I will not ask to babysit. One parent in particular and I disagree completely. Meanwhile her 19 year old is such a wonderful person, and I've known him since he was born. Who knows.
• United States
27 Jan 07
well there are many different parenting techniques.. and one may work for some children, while others wont.. my big issue with it all is that too many kids just arent getting the foundation they need in life..
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
In our country there are these parents who never cares for their kid. They slept on the street but they keep on making more babies. The babies then grow as a snatcher, beggar on the street. I sometimes hate them. But I've realized that I have no right to judge them because I'm just a human and I also have my imperfections.
• United States
27 Jan 07
thank you much for your response! thats really sad that these ppl keep having more children!!!
@yy4cmm (23)
• United States
26 Jan 07
well, thinking about that, im was like that, since i had 8yrs old, i always did what i wanted, the times i wanted, at the start, i did stupid things, but i was learning by myself what i must do and what not, i learned about what was good for me and what not, i still do what i want, and i c u say "unfortunate childrens", thats not unfortunate, they are fortunate, not all childrens have the free will to do what they want, but the problem is themselves, they need to c what is good and what is bad for them, they need to learn from the live, if they are stupid kids, then they will use that "freedom" is how they will damage the society, but if they think about it a little, they will use that "freedom" in a good way like i did, the parents arent the bad ones, they are giving the destiny to them childrens, now their childrens decide what to do with their lives, its a good way to grown up in mind kinda fast.
• Malaysia
26 Jan 07
both of u also got their own right. Of course, if said in public view, those children need to be taught while their small. Just like dreaming said not kids as smart as yy4 that can learn from wrong. For me i personally agree with both of u, cause my situation almost same with yy4 and i learn all from all the wrong i did. But in my view, parents should taught those children since they born them. But i dislike my parents locked my freedom since i have used to be free from 1 year old. So, ur 2 opinion is quite great and this should let back the parents to decide which way to go.
• United States
26 Jan 07
while i thank you very much for your comment on this i kinda disagree with what u said here... sure for some kids it works but for most it doesnt! ok ill give you some examples that i have seen.. see i had a former friend who had 3 young children (now finally taken away by the state though).. her kids were ages 1, 4, and 5... they were living with me in my house for about 2 months until they could get a place of their own.. in this time period TWO of my windows were broken both by the 4 year old, whom didnt get into ANY trouble after breaking the first window, so of course he didnt feel bad about breaking another one as well.. the 1 year old was brought to my front door step by a stranger.. who had almost hit him in the middle of the road!!! these same children, were also throwing rocks at cars that drove by about a year later! all 3 of these kids are very smart, but were not being tought right from wrong, nor were they being supervised as they should have! there was NO foundation for them to learn right from wrong on their own..