Marine Corps Families

United States
January 26, 2007 1:09am CST
I am new to the mylot scene and I didn't see any post about or for Marine corps life so I thought that I would start one. My husband is currently in Iraq and was just extended. I miss him dearly but, I love the Corps. Any other family members out there that want to talk?
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10 responses
@moodycow (42)
• United States
4 Apr 07
I was just wondering how you are doing? Is your hubby back yet? My husband is in the Marines too and has been to Iraq twice. I know how much deployments can suck! Hang in there!
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Jan 07
Hey!!! Welcome to mylot. My fiance is a US Marine stationed on the east coast. We live about 1400 miles away from each other which is extremely hard. His EAS is coming up and he'll be moving home which is so exciting! We have survived 2 deployments so far and we are still going strong. We seriously discussed re-enlisting but ultimately it is his decision and he wants to come home and settle down here. Which is fine by me too. I love the Corps, though, and I always will. Once a Marine always a Marine, right? Semper Fi!
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@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Hello I am a Marine Wife and my husband has been in Iraq for the past 6 months, he is due home very soon thou. We are stationed at Camp Pendleton....
• United States
10 Dec 08
We were stationed at Cherry Point also. Then New River after that. It is an area that you kinda miss when you leave, isn't it.
• United States
26 Jan 07
I never had a husband in the Marine Corps but My husband was in the navy he was in Iraq 4 different times throughout his time in the military. If you ever need support or just someone to listen to feel free to write to me. My email is I know what it feels like to miss someone but love the military. My Father was in the Corps for 20 years and to this day I still support him one hundred percent! The military was my life growing up and if I could I would still have it that way because I think so highly of the men and women that serve our country!
@lkoenig07 (289)
• United States
17 Sep 08
I am a Marine wife. My husband's been in the Marines since 2005. His platoon has been deployed 7 times, but he's missed them all. There's talk of him going to Afghanistan next August, but he probably won't have to go because he's going to TBS in Quantico. After much contemplation & discussion, he's decided he wants to make a career out of it & take his flight contract. I'm excited, but also nervous...
@DorshaS (31)
• United States
19 Nov 08
My husband just got back from Iraq and they are sending him back in two months. I hate it. The Corps keeps giving every one around here the run around and it is getting stressful and irratating.
• United States
25 Feb 07
Hi there, and welcome to mylot. My husband is an officer in the United States Marine Corps and I couldn't be prouder. I love the Corps and always will. By the way things sound, he may be deploying sometime this summer. I will miss him terribly but at the same time I believe that we will use our time apart to bring us closer. If you ever want to chat, I can be reached here.
• United States
30 Jul 07
Well. I don't have a family member over at Iraq. There is a guy that I like there, I haven't seen him matve 4 years? And I'm not really sure he knew how much I liked him, but it was a lot. My brother is at boot camp right now, but he isn't in combat. He's actually there to help him become a cop in L.A. But i do appreciate any soldier that fights for his country, and of course for their families! Thank you to you and your husband! :)
@mrspace (60)
1 Jun 08
My soon to be husband just got out of the Marine Corps. He served 2 tours in Iraq and it was so hard being away from him. I know how you feel though. It's awful having them so far away, but at the same time, you love who they are and what they do. My baby is home now and I'm loving EVERY moment of it. But he's had a lot of buddies that have been called back so we are also trying to prepare ourselves for that.
@kymber86 (165)
• United States
19 Jun 08
Hey there! I am a former Marine and current Marine wife. I was deployed in 2005-2006. My hubby was deployed most of last year. Welcome to the Corps family and hope to see you around! Happy MyLotting!