will my dream 2 be a mum happen or turn to another misscarry
@sweetrosemary (484)
January 26, 2007 6:21am CST
I have been longing for a baby of my own at the age of 16. I know this is very wrong as your just a kid you're self at that age but i have alway wanted a baby very young. i fell pregnant at a young age and i was forced to have a termination by my parents which i very much regret, if i didnt they said i would of been kicked out on to the streets if i had the baby.i fall pregnant a 7 years later with my paratner when i found out i was pregnant we was really happy about being parents it got worse i started bleeding so i rushed to my doctors where the nurse told me it was normal in the early stage of pregnancy but she made me an appointment with my early care unit so i went their the same day. I started to have sharp shoulder pains and still spotting they gave me a scan and showed up as an ectopic pregnancy i was angry with my self that i did sumthink wrong to say the lest,i was only 6 weeks pregnant and they told me to comea back every 2 days and have blood test done so i was doing this for a week then the next week i had the missairge at home crying my hurt out at home in bed. thought i was pay back time for having a termination and god wanted me 2 suffer for what i did.I was depressed for years even wanted to die,even tryed to take pills but didnt have the guts coz all i thought about was trying again for another baby with my partner, but when i missrriage me and my boyfriend slipt up. a few months later me and my ex got back 2gether and i told him everythink. he was so angry coz he wasnt their he was snappy at at work and getting angry at everyone,5 Y ears later i met a wonderful man who i am with with have been toogether for 2 half years and getting married at the end of the year, in oct 2006 i fall pregnant again was so happy that my dream came true again. i had all sytem from morning sickness to everythink u can think off, mu partner was really happy that we was gona be parents he even asked me 2 marry him, which we are getting married, i received a letter from the hospital for my 3 month scan we was really over the moon we where gona hear the baby heart bear or even seen the baby growing, sadly their was nothink showing up the nurse dont worrie you could be still early so she made me another appointment in 2 weeks so we got back their still no sign of a baby she made her report blighted ovum i said whats that, she said its where u have system and do a pos test and shows up as pos and have alll sytem. she told me the baby stoped growing at 5 week i screamed i said not again not me, this is god way of punishing me right,she told me it wasnt it was just not ment to be, i was in hospital the next day to have a D&C to have the sack removed, removed by a needle in the back of my spine think its called heperdrawal. as of yet im still not pregnant im so loging for a baby but docs wont do nothink for me to stay pregnant, 1 other dr told me it was missup. and not even a missarrage.but its take me 10 years to get pregnant and still nothink haven even given up trying, i am just gona let happen from now on and maybe 1 day my dream will come true
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