Why are there so many inane discussions started?
By scorpiobabes
@scorpiobabes (7225)
United States
January 26, 2007 7:57am CST
Is it me or are these discussions about nothing really annoying? 'What color are your eyes?', 'What's your middle name?' and 'What's your favorite color?' are so boring and repetive...I tend to NOT create discussions that often because some of mine never got a single response. The other thing that gets me are these really absurd single-line answers that mean nothing! I see them and only will neg if it doesn't make sense or contributes nothing to the discussion. I know some of it is difficulty understanding what is being asked, but if you don't understand, DON'T POST!
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53 responses
@lifeisbeautiful (479)
• India
26 Jan 07
Well !
Thats an intresting observation ! Yes i also have come across those single liner Q&A strategy that some of the users are following. I thik most of them do it to increase there posts, as that helps them to earn more. Money, obvoiusly plays a key role in motivating more and more postings and i have observed thats very often quality has to comparamise on quantity here.
But then, one cant ignore the fact that most of the users are here to make some extra bucks for themselves. So i think, they have got there own relevent reason in posting those seemingly 'irrelevent' posts :)
Cheers !
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I'm here to make a few extra bucks too, but if the discussion doesn't interest me, I move on (besides, what else can you say except my favorite color is X?). I'd rather post to intriguing discussions; if the author is interesting, or someone interesting posts a cool comment to one of my discussions, I check them out before asking them to be a friend. (heck yes, in this, I can still be discriminating here!)
@jjones474 (123)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I agree. this isn't myspace. People ar ehere to earn "free"money. Maybe pick up a friend or get some useful info. I found this out after looking at some seemingly interesting tags, only to find out that's all there was. I'm old school, I speak and write proper English. I correct my grammatical mistakes, and also try to correct my punctuation mistakes. I believe it makes me a more well rounded person. Sure, I ike seeing my $$$ go up, but if you need a ghetto/gutter dictionary to translate some of these posts, why bother?
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@pigglet53 (106)
• United States
27 Jan 07
ha , ha, ha, ha, yeah baby !!! ole-school all the way .. agree with your post and the person you responded to ( insane disscussions non-sense matter ) just a waste.. and there are alot of wasted one's here baby !!
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@momokoseiya (453)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I think it's either that people are really bored, or they're just looking to make money from their discussions. I have no idea, really. But I do agree that you should put some kind of thought and effort into what you respond.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
It's as if they shut off their brains sometimes when they post! My keyboard's failing, so sometimes I go back to capitalize or to add punctuation (SP? my brain's not working today!) but the abbrevation thing is just pure laziness and as rude (if not more) than typing in all caps!
@yanjiaren (9031)
26 Jan 07
i think a lot of people are curious about everyone and want to know things about other people..not everyone can discuss forex or the latest trends in the financial markets lol..there are peole here..not only from differenct countires where english is not their mother tongue..but people also that come here not only to solve the world's problemns but who just want maybe some light refreshment away from their daily problems..a little trivia didn't hurt asnyone..i am also guilty of the intellectual bug..but with everything i have gone through nd what my eyes have seen i never look at any post as boring..everyone has their say..be it intellectual or just trivial..
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I understand the cross-cultural/language barrier problems, but instead of a post that means nothing or saying 'I don't get it', find someone or something that you do understand. I think it's a great idea; perhaps have our flags or something to identify our origin with may help. I've gotten some very intelligent posts from outside of the US, as well as some stupid ones from here (the US). I think stupid people abound everywhere!
@patootie (3592)
27 Jan 07
Well .. my eyes are brown, I have no middle name and I like purple hehehe!!!
Ohh lorrs I do know what you mean though .. every morning I log in hoping to find some discussions that have sparkling wit and need brain crunching considerations to be made .. and all I get is 'which chocolate do you prefer' 'it's raining' and endless questions about some local cricketer/footballer or other ..
If cricket/football is your game and you know the team I suppose that question could be of interest .. maybe .. but to be honest they are rarely questions .. just very brief statements that really require no other information to be added ..
So I don't necessarily think it's a lack of decent questions .. more a lack of understanding of how to phrase the discussion headers .. and how to set out what information it's hoped will be given in the replies ..
I don't always get it right myself .. but I do try and find discussions that might draw folks in from all countries, if I have a statement about my own country then I will ask what happens in other folks countries .. and what would make the situation better ... it's the small details that can change an 'ordinary' boring discussion into a discussion lots of folks would like to comment on ..
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Jan 07
You and I share a pithy sense of humor and I like it! I think you're onto something about phrasing the discussion headers better--there isn't enough room to type all that you need to! A lot of people type in something catchy and go with it.
This is only the 2nd discussion that I've had that has set off a firestorm--the other one was about abortion, strangely enough! But enough controversy--it's Saturday (here in the US) and it's not that cold! Woo hoo!
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
27 Jan 07
First, I don't think the survey questions are necessarily inane. They give people a chance to surf around, get to know different people from different areas and just sound off a little about themselves. Furthermore, really creative people often have fun with them. Some of the best responses I've seen on mylot are to the so called inane questions. Try reading some of the responces and you'll see what I mean.
As far as the one line replies are concerned. Remember that a lot of folks on here have English as a second language and for them to get one sentence out is more than most of us could ever do in their language. Also, many questions really don't warrant more than a one sentence reply (And I'm not talking about the survey questions)To tell people DONT POST because they aren't giving you what you think you're entitled to is not very tolerant and isn't going to do anything to make us understand each other any better.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Jan 07
But what about those people who post nonsense or gibberish and DO speak English as their first language? Those are the people I cannot stand. I do understand a lot of the survey questions are just that, but perhaps myLot could limit them? I mean, how many times can you answer the same question over and over and over again before you want to rip your hair out!
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Jan 07
OK, how does this sound? myLot could encourage those members to create an interest group of survey questions and put them there instead? If 50 people post those type of questions all around the same time, why should members not interested in answering have to go through them? And I can find more to say about my eye color than what they are, can't you?
@InspirationStation (188)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I like your choice of the word inane. In fact, that's one of my favorite words and sadly it appears that more and more people are just exactly that - inane! And yes, it is so annoying! I've only been on this site for a few days and I love most of what people have to say, but every once in a while I find a post and I'm like, Huh? What in the bloody ell was that?! Cryptic and useless, it forces to strain...do I respond? The heck with it. After a while, you realize what a waste of time a lot of these discussions really are. BUT I have posed some enigmas to this community and received some great feedback, so I'm hooked. I'd say it's a 70/30 ratio of good/bad posts respectively.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Thank you, someone who posts great ideas for discussions (I took a look) AND uses big words to boot! I've been accused of talking 'over' people (because I don't always use swear words) too. I just feel like so many of the posts on here are useless, and when I post something that I'm interested in, it's usually because I'm hoping someone with insight can began a dialogue with me.
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@janjabu (110)
• Qatar
27 Jan 07
may i just say that i am not at all surprised to read that your username is scorpiobabes. typical scorpio behavior, to react this way over those types of posts, and i totally agree. i've only just joined and i haven't made any $$$ (that i know of) and i'm finding it great fun to just post my thoughts but i would never have thought that people would ask about others' favourite colors just to add a post! we're all in this for the money, i'm sure, and this is not your typical networking site, but i have to admit, this is a great pastime as well, to get to read what other people have on their minds, and be able to help, for some. cheers!
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Well thank you for the personal analysis! I'm not here to network--if I wanted to do that, I could go to the bar or someplace and network in person (much more useful anyway). (FYI--I happen to be a Scorpio and my old nickname was Babes). If that type of post is going to be accepted by myLot, I've got a whole list of things I want to ask people to earn money then!
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
26 Jan 07
I agree. Many times, good useful discussions disapear just because there are so many discussions that r just wrong and boring. I will take a look at all your discussions when i finish this..
I start a few discussions (not many) and some get responses, some not. I have one that is embarrassing. i started it my first week here and it didnĀ“t get that much response, but NOW people are actually responding to it - and it is a discussion that i do not wanna be the creator of - a discussion in the range of what u just menchioned =(
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I've noticed some discussions of mine that haven't been responded to in a week or more and they're suddenly getting active again (I think from new friends). I like some esoteric stuff, and my interests reflect that (football and the Rocky Horror Picture Show?). It's just the type of person I am.
@ldynimaway (704)
• United States
26 Jan 07
It really drives me crazy! It is like they post some goofy question one after another. It seems there should be some type of monitoring system to avoid these postings.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Right now it appears that we are to police ourselves...but with this new ratings system they created, I think people are so afraid to say something negative or to report abuse. At this point, I do neg people who contribute absolutely nothing to the discussion because I feel they shouldn't be rewarded for wasting our time or myLot's bandwidth!
@nice_wise4u (109)
• India
26 Jan 07
uve observed it wrong sorry to say that if u observe clearly ppl joining new tend to post these kind of discussions cause they are new n hasnt read the guidelines properly.... once they read the guidelines and understand the rules of the game they ll all post all quality discussions and try to earn n post more and more..... hugssssss
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
That's fine (if I'm reading your post correctly--I detest the use of all of these abbreviations!). How about myLot moderating the initial couple of posts first and giving them the 'three strikes and you're out' rule. It can automatically come up with the TOS (Terms of Service) that they agreed to. Perhaps that will help.
@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I'v encounterd this and it is very iratating. The one liners like; "look, do have jeem" What in the world does that mean? It sound like english, but not the type I am used to. And I know this person can read and write very well(I looked in their blog) Then you have, like you said, what color are your eyes, gee well since I don't have any mirrors here and you can't see me I will never no. "They" do it on puporose, just to get some points.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I don't think anyone at myLot has really been checking out the quality of posts--and I agree, what does jeem mean? They probably have about 150 posts too. I really don't like when people work the system that way.
@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
I agree. It's crazy to come on here and see silly posts like "what is your name?" How much of a contribution is this? I simply ignore those posts and go on to find one that makes sense. I rarely start discussions either.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
And why on earth do we put tags--how can we utilize them for our use? I never quite got that idea either. If I post, I'll look under my interests first and find something that I'd want to chat about first.
@mrscinxav (118)
• United States
26 Jan 07
see i have posted some scientific and social discussions .no body likes it.many like only simple questions to earn more i think..
i m too confused like u.simple questions are answered more i guess.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I took a look at some of those (I couldn't help it) and you posted some very intriguing questions. I think people that want to post on here do so for a quick buck, rather than learn something new.
@recycledgoth (9894)
26 Jan 07
I'm very new to MyLot and I just don't get these daft one line silly questions at all. I joined to enjoy meeting new people and talking to new people about interesting topics. I started a few discussions about fairly serious subjects, but go virtually no responses, while a lot of the daft one liners end up with loads. So it's isn't just you hun, I agree with you
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Thank you, I was beginning to think it WAS me! I joined to talk and discuss all sorts of subjects (my man doesn't stay around long enough for us to have a really good conversation most weekends and my friends don't want to get too deep). It's with discussions like this that like-minded people show up and we have a wonderful exchange of ideas--now THIS is why I joined!
@comedyaddict (772)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
Don't know................ OK, I guess i had better write more then that.. ;) They only reason I can think of is the money. They think they will make more that way. I read someone on the site that you apparently make more for responding. Dont know if that is true or not, but I think it would slightly help fix this if more people were aware of this. Does anyone here actually make enough more from this site to actually waste their time asking stupid questions like that???
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@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
I just ignore those discussion and I only answer them if I just want to answer but most of the time I ignore just question. Before I use to ask those questions but not anymore for alot of people dont like it.
@SuziBerardini (314)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
oh i feel your pain! I have started several really good meaningful discussions and the most responses i get is 4. you see something like do you paint your toenails and that gets over 90 responses! its frustrting! It does make you not want to start discussions. whats the point!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
27 Jan 07
There are a lot of them, coke or pepsi, favourite coulor, coulor of eyes and by far my best ever, how hard do you push when you poh? I guess its because generally people do not think, are lazy and want to earn a cent. People reply to the discussions that need little thought, either they fit in to one of the above categories or they are truely hard of thinking. Either way, i do wish they would stop doing it
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@faylinn_chaeli (1619)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
Yes, there are so many discussions like that because since there are so many members it is really hard to think of a unique topic. Me too, some of the discussions I made, some still have no responses. Just be patient, ignore them.
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@niitesh (1653)
• India
26 Jan 07
people have started scamming this site just to make quick money it's mostly the new comers who don't know what my lot is all about.it's those new comers who does not know that quality discussions are the one's which give them real money and not the one liners
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Jan 07
There are a number of people who are 'helping' noobs (technically, I'm one too, but I enjoy real conversations and discussions that I can't get by talking to my dogs!). I enjoy the give and take, but the only real discussion I started that got any real response was one about abortion and even I didn't want to start 50 discussions about it!
@john_essex (199)
27 Jan 07
I'm new to Mylot and I have noticed that there are a lot of these stupid "whats your favorite colour" type discussions.
My understanding is that the content is controlled by the users - i.e if we rate those rubbish discussions as negative then shouldn't they disapear from the homepage and the authors earn less? I thought that this was the whole idea to get people to post quality rather than quantity?
I think some of the users posting the pointless discussions come from parts of the world where a few dollars is a lot of money, so I can understand their motivation.
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