Is the World Headed for Good Times or Bad?
By Ashida
@Ashida (1370)
United States
15 responses
@Smith2028 (797)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I think the best is yet to come. There is a natural flow in life of good times and bad, but I think the good times we are going to see are going to be better than we can even imagine now.
As a society we are, or should be, constantly working for a better place for those who come behind us. This constant need to move up is going to lead us to an even better world.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Right now it doesn't look good, but good days are comming.
Humanity is not ready to give up.
@Ashida (1370)
• United States
31 Jan 07
How does that saying go? Life will find a way. I certainly hope you are right. It just seems to me that we don't learn an awful lot from history. if that were the case there would have only been one war, people would have seen how horrible it is, and there never would have been another.
@mansha (6298)
• India
29 Jan 07
I keep getrting worried to wqith depleting ozone layer and increased and missing nuclear arsenal and changing climatic conditions everyuwhere, it does seem we are heading towards terrible tiomes yuear after year. I do not wory so much for myself as I worry for my kids, I will be deasd in another 30 years but they hav a life to live, may be iot wont happen on their life time too. But some day its bound to happen and I pray for the generation that will have to face the results of our doings.
@sumitvella (379)
29 Jan 07
Humans in general are survivors. Even though we keep running through resources it is only under pressure that we find an alternate. So we will find an alternate to fossil fuels, when we actually run out of fossil fuels.
So then we come to the fact that is it going to be better or worse. That is such a subjective topic, what is exactly going to be worse. Not having any automobiles and having to use horses again, is that better or worse. Slowing down the current pace of everyday life, I feel it may actually be better.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
31 Jan 07
That's a good point. I would say better in that, people's lives are generally better than they are at present. Worse to me, means that we will be forced to struggle just to maintain a rudimentary existence.
i agree with slowing down the pace of everyday life, but that is a choice we have today. I would say that not having that choice, but being forced to live that existance would be an example of things being worse.
Excellent points! i appreciate the challenging thoughts!
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
26 Jan 07
Right now I just feel like we're all treading water. Surely it has to get better. Doesn't it? Wake me the day after the next US election and I'll try to answer this question.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
27 Jan 07
I agree it is like we are all treading on water, but I don't think the US elections will make all that much difference.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Actually, cloudwatcher, for me it could. I had such hope and such a feeling of optimism at the beginning of the Clinton years and now I'm just kinda numb. I think a fresh presidency will bring at least a possablity of some optimism back to this country. Of course it could run the other way but I'm hoping for the best.
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
29 Jan 07
always hope for the best especially at these times . this is the best time to use what we were taught , to pray and do a lot of good things to make the world a little brighter. smiling is a very good start. look, if you think the world is at its worst and there is nothing you could do, the next best thing to do is stay calm and be happy with what you have, do your part by becoming someone whom you want .do not think of the negative things that you see on tv.
@nilzerous1 (2434)
• India
26 Jan 07
So far as civic amenities are concerned it is definitely going to improve in future, but, so far as moral values are concerned, it will be worse than now.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
26 Jan 07
That's a well-balanced answer. My background is in film, so I tend to think of things in movie terms. Sometimes I wonder if the future will be the one presented by Star Trek -- essentially positive, or will it be like The Terminator or the Matrix, essentially bleak.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I have a very strong feeling that things are going to get much worse before they get better. Too many world powers are trying to make the old prophecies come true. Unfortunately, we the people will be the ones to pay for their mistakes. They are too blinded by their own egos to use their powers for good instead of evil and too greedy to knock the little guy with the horns, tail and pitchfork off their respective left shoulders.
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have three kids, and that's what i'm afraid of. I worry about the world they're going to inherit. it just seems to be a much spookier place than when I was a kid. Perhaps I'm just more aware of it now, but it seems like we're headed in a troubling direction.
@Randync (544)
• United States
29 Jan 07
With overpopulation and less resources it can't go anywhere but down. There will be more wars over the resources in the future. I heard a radio interview with some guy a year ago. He said that clean drinking water would become a problem worth fighting for in the next 50 years or so.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
27 Jan 07
While I am a definite optimist, I cannot see improvement in the world system where it really counts.
Firstly, morality and integrity have been on a sharp decline for many years and are continuing on their way. Morality is such that we are already finding cases of brothers and sisters marrying, unaware of their relationship, because a vast number of people today do not know the identity of their natural fathers.
The sanctity of life is being questioned and abandoned. The number of babies being murdered rises every year. Yes, I am talking about abortion. Euthanasia is being touted as the next "improvement" and I wonder how long it will be before it becomes the normal practice for anyone over a certain number of years.
The sanctity of the home and the centrality of the family unit in society is being eroded very quickly. I wonder if there will be such a thing as the family unit in another 50 years.
Law and order is losing its effect. People are being slapped over the wrist, told not to do it again, and given suspended sentences for serious crimes. People are demanding more and more "rights". Street riots and vandalism are common place and offenders go scot free. How long will it be before anarchy takes over?
Then, turning aside from human failings, what about our resources? Water is running out. What about the continued supply of power, as more and more technology is introduced to use more and more?
Certainly, there are numerous improvements. Things have changed so rapidly in technology that it blows the mind to think what could happen in even the next 5 or 10 years, but are these things that will stabilise the quality of life?
I am an far-out optimist, but I see a bleak future.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I think that it's a mixed bag. Some things are going to continue to get better, such as technology and the conveniences we enjoy. Others are continuing to deteriorate. We have wars going on, terrorism, and global warming to be concerned about. The oil situation is volatile for the world, and the water shortage in parts of the world is a real concern. Right here in the U.S. the water shortage in Arizona and Nevada is a serious problem without an obvious or imminent solution. I only hope that as a race we are able to come up with effective strategies to manage these difficulties before it is too late.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
Being as isolated as we are, so many of the worlds trials and tribulations seem so far removed. I am aware of what is going on. I do try to keep up with the times.
I think that without a very dynamic leader world politics is balancing on a very fine tip. The next American election results will have a huge impact on the world.
I also feel that we need to change the world one person at a time. Inregard to global warming, recycling etc. We must all be responsible for our own actions.
It is not hard to recycle and does not really take much time. Especially since the blue and green boxes are supplied.
Little things like not running the tap needlessly, turning down the heat, walking instead of driving are all things that add up and don't cost any money.
We all can't afford solar power, but every little effort on an individua basis will have and enormous effect.
It's time to accept responsibility for the worlds troubles on an induvidual basis.
@korek222 (701)
• Poland
29 Jan 07
I think that these times it is hard to say are we goint to bad or good - in the history it always was like bad times(abandon of technology and developement ,wars) and after that a good times (developement of technology, peace :) ) but well since there is no peace now and the technology is developing it is so hard to define is it good or bad times coming :) But well i hope good ones ;)
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@Ashida (1370)
• United States
31 Jan 07
that's a unique way of looking at it. I appreciate you sharing your view!
I agree with what you are saying, but then I think back to the Roman Empire and for all it's technology, it couldn't stop the Dark Ages from coming. People didn't have indoor plumbing and regular baths for 1500 years after the fall of the Romans.
@Bhutto (741)
• India
31 Jan 07
Well i think it is headind for the worst.All are natural resources are almost gone,there is famiene,earth quakes,Hurrricans,Floods and above all wars aand destruction in the world.Every country is corroupt and behind every bodys blood,So dont you think it is heading towards worst.