Why does God allow people to suffer?

January 26, 2007 8:49am CST
I believe in a loving,all knowing and all powerful God,but I cannot understand Human suffering.
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4 responses
@rlshaw (871)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I wonder about this all the time. I can understand adults but why do the kids have to suffer , they are innocent.
• Austria
26 Jan 07
yeah that's a good point lol
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@amazehr (429)
• Philippines
26 Jan 07
human suffering is God's way of testing our faith if we where suffering who do we turn to but him other wise you'll flank his test
• Austria
26 Jan 07
so you think God will allow people to suffer and die just for testing our faith thanks for the response lol
@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
26 Jan 07
Without suffering, there would be no compassion. Compassion means to suffer with. So if we do not suffer with fellow man, we then have no compassion towards them either.
• Indonesia
26 Jan 07
Perhabs human suffering is not for us to question the all loving, all knowing, all powerful God as you said? When we believe that He knows what He is doing, He loves us so much, He's able to do anything, then there shouldn't be a question of why this and why that. Simply trust in Him. Unless if what's happening in the world is all because of our own wrong doing, than we should question ourselves. How dare us! I will not try to defend GOD's here for He is not need to be defended. Nor to blame human for questioning the Almighty. Save the question for Him to answer it to yourself, bobilongo. We'll get our chance later when our time to meet Him.