Any moms having to potty train their boys? Advice!
By sylviekitty
@sylviekitty (2083)
United States
January 26, 2007 10:10am CST
My son is 3 yrs old. And my husband has been absolutely no help in potty training him, except for suggesting that we start him off sitting down first. My husband told me that when he was little, he sat down, and basically pushed it downward, so that the urine went into the toilet. It wasn't until he was in school with other boys (who he saw standing up to pee), that he realized he should stand up to go. So I showed my son that, and he's done it with no problem.
Our kiddo (who is really fighting me right now- does not want to pee in the potty, although he can and has done so), is doing a lot of peeing standing up lately- in his pull up or underwear. SO my husband thinks it's time to show him how to do it standing up. That perhaps boys in his preschool class are doing that, and he sees it and wants to copy them. (Although frankly, I doubt these kids are peeing together!).
But my husband can only help me when he's home from work- which is almost never during the week, and pretty much when he can drag himself away from the computer on the weekends. Do I pretty much tackle this the same way? Put his hand on himself, have him stand and hold it, and go?
*And dangit to these stupid men who make us women do this! LOL
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14 responses
@doodlebug5250603 (1993)
• United States
26 Jan 07
lol. i totally understand where you are coming from. i have a two year old boy that will be three years old next week. and i started to sit him down on the potty. he would always freak out and stuff, and start crying. i didn't know what in the world his problem was. come to find out... the kids at his preschool were standing up to pee (well, only the boys). te teacher would line the boys up and they would pee one at a time in the potty. and i guess it was some kind of a game or something (well the kids thought so). but you know something. he started going potty, standing up. and so did alot of the other boys in the class. just because the other boys were doing it they wanted to do it to. so i son will go potty (standing up) when we tell him to go. i'm just having a problem with going to the potty when he needs to go, instead of when we tell him to go.
and this morning he had a little mishap. somehow when he went to the potty he got his whole shirt wet, all the way up to his face... and pee was dripping down to his legs. i heard a cry from the bathroom "mommy, help me" and he was standing there infront of the potty, with pee all over him. i couldn't help but start laughting. but the poor child was
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Poor little guy. :(
My son has peed in his potty once this weekend, but otherwise, he's just peeing all over the house.
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
LOL, yes gotta love those men! I potty trained my son on my own and always did it with him standing up. I showed him how to hold it (as best as I could). I've heard a really good trick is to put cheerios in the bowl and try to get them to aim for them, this will hopefully keep them from aiming for the back of the toilet which is what my son use to do. He thought it was so funny if he could hit the tank on the back, lol. It takes time and patience, but your son will get it right eventually. Good luck!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
27 Jan 07
We didn't do too much when it cam eot potty training my son. He was in daycare at the time and they started bringing the kids to the bathroom about 2 months prior to moving into the 3 year old class. What helped us keep his "schedule" was adhering to the schedule set by the daycare. They had certian times of the day that they would bring the kids to the bathroom. I found if we stuck to that we had no accidente. Also, don't use pull ups. They don't help in the potty training they make things worse. As far as standing up to pee, that is how my son was taught. We bought a step stool for him to use at home to reduce the missing the toliet.
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
27 Jan 07
We have taken the pull ups away, so that he can't wear them. But he keeps asking for them. I put his underwear on, keep asking if he needs to go potty, etc.. he just pees in them. Or on the floor.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
30 Jan 07
Sound slike you have a subborn little one. I am sorry! My son caught on really quick once we took the pull ups away andhis daycare worked with him. I don't really remember having any accidents after the 1st week. Have you tried setting a schedule and bringing him to the bathroom every hour or so, just so he gets use to going and won't wet himself?
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@rebelmom13 (151)
• United States
30 Jan 07
This discussion has been very informative. I know that I am going to keep an eye on the advice that is posted here. Being a single mom, I will have to potty train my son when the time comes. I'm sure that it is frustrating that your husband doesn't help you. Good luck.
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Thank you, and good luck to you as well!
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@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I am having the same problem my son will be three in May and he used to sit sown on the potty chair we got him but never did anything in it .I think he thought of it as a play toy or to mimick what mommmy was doing.Anyway now he whe I ask him if he needs to potty he says no as to think the potty chair would come up and attack him.LOL.I did ask my 17 month old daughter if she was reafdy to be potty trained and she said yeah.So wether thats true or not as of yet it hasnt not been.But I think it takes patience.alot.LOL.My husband helps trying to get him potty trained every once in a blue moon.I will have to keep checking back too, to see what other adivce people give so maybe it can help me.
@deberooney (418)
• United States
26 Jan 07
CHERRIO'S! I used to toss a couple cherrio's in the toilet and tell my son to hit them! We made it a little game.
Men don't get it...most men husband still gets all whiney when he has to take my son the the restroom!
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Well, I tried to introduce my son to standing in front of the toilet to go, and he was like "WTF?!" he took off! LOL I told him I was going to show him how to pee like daddy does, and then he was like "daddy do it". So I thought "yeah, let's get daddy up here to show you". Well, no luck there. LOL My husband's excuse is that he doesn't know when our son has to go, so how can he possibly take him to show him? "it would only confuse him if he doesn't have to go".
Sometimes I want to smack this man.
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@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
lol.. i have to agree with deberooney.. this is the method that I used for my son... I was a single mom when he was potty training age with no guy around to show him how it was done. I had read in a parenting magazine about the cheerios so decided to try it. When he got the hang of it, I switched to fruit loops with the different colors and we made a huge game out of it with different points for the different colors and stickers as rewards and then after a whole week he got a little prize depending on the amount of stickers that he had on the chart. It worked good for us..
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@agfarm (930)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Potty -training Boys is Difficult. The reason he doesn't want to potty-train
is because little Boys have a better sense of smell , than little girls and they don't like what they're smelling!!!!!
This is hard work ( no doubt ) but if you can deliberately do this for
2- weeks'll have him trained. If you have a timer Like for cooking.... set aside a couple hours a day devoted soley to potty-training.
Every 15 minutes...take him in whether he has to go , or not. Eventually he'll come to understand what those little tingles ( he's feeling ) will mean.
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Wow.. that's interesting. Thank you for the advice!
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@wdiong (1815)
• Singapore
31 Jan 07
Just want to thank you for starting this discussion for the information I gathered has been very helpful. I'm facing a somewhat similar problem as you except that my hubby is working overseas and I'm trying to toilet train my son who will be 2 in April. He has not shown any interest in sitting at the potty or standing in the toilet to do it. I think my hubby is more cooperative in this area but the problem is he's hardly around and my little one is just not ready yet :)
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Wow, that's rough with your husband working overseas. Good luck to you as far as potty training, AND with "daddy" being gone.
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@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
26 Jan 07
I completely understand what you're going through. CJ did pretty well with potty training. Now, being 8 the only thing he has problems with is getting to the toilet before he poops a bit in his pants.
I truly believe that he holds it in as long as he possibly can because, when he does finally go and shows me, it's so long and I wonder how he could have had that in his little body!
He does the same thing at times of sitting and pushing it down to I have to keep reminding him to go pee first, then turn around and sit.
Keep doing what you're doing, with or without your hubby. I can't understand men either. Good luck.
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Thanks- I think I need all the luck I can get. I don't know which is more frustrating. My husband or my son's peeing all over the house.
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
5 Feb 07
My second son wasn't trained until just over 3 1/2. We always took a 'when it's time it will happen' appraoch. The more you push, the more anxiety you will create around the whole thing, and the less likely he will learn. We trained both our boys to sit ... because ya, mom is around the house, and mom needs to sit ... and especially if hubby won't stand and pee for your son to watch ... then he has to pretty much learn to sit and pee. Eventually he'll start to stand up because that's what the kids do at school. If I were you - I'd go back to the pull ups. Clearly being wet with pee doesn't bother your son, so that tactic is only causing YOU more mess to clean up. So save yourself the heartache, let him go back to pullups. He will train eventually - try to relax a bit about it. And to people who pressure you to trasin him ... I'd tell them they are welcome to try. that will shut them up.
Incidentally, my first son trained himself at 14 months - he HATED being wet. I didn't do anything differently - but one child hated being wet and the other couldn't care less. they can be sooo different.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
5 Feb 07
Thank you so much. I think we're just gonna go back to the pull-ups for now. Clearly my kiddo isn't interested in going on the potty right now, or at least not with me guiding him. He's funny, because sometimes he just goes in there by himself and does the whole bit (minus the actual peeing, I think). Gets a piece of toilet paper, too.. puts it in the toilet, then flushes. LOL It's hilarious.
My daughter was SO much easier. Or maybe she wasn't, but compared to my son she was??
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@payingforschool (678)
• Canada
6 Feb 07
That is cute, his 'role playing' going to the potty. I think I'd reward that behaviour, too. Just reward more for when he actually does something. But practicing isn't a bad idea for him. I think you will find that when you relax a bit, he'll come around pretty fast.
@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
27 Jan 07
good luck to you! good luck to all of us! LOL!
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@cjayden (110)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I had a hard time to potty train my son. He is 4 now and just started using the potty all the time about 3 months ago. When he was 2 i got one of them little pottys and he would sit on it but he just refused to go in it. I use to hear it from family that i need to get him potty trained but just refused to push and punish him for not going. His pediatrician said in time he will go, so thats what i did. And like 3 months ago he just started going and we have no problems with him having accidents. He now stands to pee so I think by making him sit he didnt feel comfortable. I think you should do what your child feel most comfortable doing and what you have more luck with. Good luck
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
30 Jan 07
Thank you, I appreciate that. :) My son will do whatever he feels is most comfortable, and so will my husband- which means (from what I can see) not helping. LOL So I'll just let the little guy be for now, and go on/in his own terms. I know boys can take longer than girls, and him having special needs could mean potentially even longer than that..
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@iamiramadnama (421)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
Hm.. well, I trained my sons both to do it sitting down on the toilet and they did it just fine, without any problems. Then one day, they spied daddy going to pee, and wanted to know why he was standing up, so we told him.. and they just started doing it standing up. Good luck.. you're going to need it.
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
29 Jan 07
My husband would freak if anybody (aside from me) saw him peeing. LOL!
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
28 Feb 07
My husband wasn't much help with this either. I just lifted my son up and told him to "aim" into the potty. He's short, so he needed to be picked up or use a step stool at first. Then he realized he can "aim" on his tippy toes. We also started him sitting down, but once he realized he could stand he liked that more.
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