Are you an opinionated person or do you just go with whatever the flow might be?
By Shannon
@visitorinvasion (7709)
United States
January 26, 2007 6:16pm CST
In case you have never read one of my posts before--or responsed for that matter--I'm a pretty opinionated gal, as most redheads are, lol.
I'm one of those people that if you ask me what I think, I'll tell you.
There are a lot of people in this world who wouldn't say "poo" if someone shoved poo in their mouths.
What type are you?
And if you are the poo-taking type, please enlighten me as to why, why, why, do you not speak up for yourself and things you feel strongly about?
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38 responses
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
27 Jan 07
I am definately opinionated and will always fight my corner.
I once met a group of older couples and as I got to know them better their sly racist comments used to come out.
The amount of arguments I got into with them because I stood up for what I believed would cause alot of tension but I could not just sit back and listen without saying something.
I am like this at work and when i'm with my friends. However, I will not throw out insults, as that is just as bad. I try to put across a rational argument that will make someone think about what they are saying.
Too many people sit on the fence and this really annoys me.
They can see what is going on but just moan privately and never confront the issues.
If more people had the balls to stand up for what they believed there would not be as many bullies who voice their opinions, knowing full well people will never answer back.
It does offend alot of people when you are opinionated, but I don't really care that much, because they are the sort of people I do not want to associate myself with anyway.
Long live the opinionated of this world!!!!!

@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Rock on, GingaNinja!
Please continue making the meek of the world safe from bullies.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Man, I hate people that expect people to take their crap just because they are old. I would never hit an old person, but you can bet I have told off a few that were getting out of line.
Bullies are just as bad, but that's so different than sticking up for yourself or your rights.
There wouldn't be so many bullies if others would find the courage to stand up to the bullies.
Hail to the opinionated!
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@Only1Andrea (796)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I used to be. Took everything that was dished out to me and on me, but I got tired of that.
Many tears and years later I am now an opinionated woman that will speak up for herself to the president if need be.
It's really not being nasty (unless you really have to be) it is about being treated with respect. It doesn't take for you to use every 4 letter word in the book to get your point across either.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Yeah, resulting to bullying is not the same as speaking your mind. Thanks for coming in and sharing your honest experience.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
That's precisely what I'm asking.
I just wonder why some folks don't speak up for themselves.
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I'm highly opinionated. It sounds so harsh to be like that, but all it means is we like to think for ourselves. I'm definitely a free-thinker. I may put up with someone's poo one-time, if I cared about that person. Most the time, I have this natural reflex of flinging the poo right back at them, but in a subtle way. What a way to explain it. I'm straight-forward and freely share my opinions when they're invited, but usually don't shove my opinion down someones throat and make them accept it.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Yes, you do express your opinion.
And you usually do it in such a mild-mannered way that it makes a mouthy broad like me a bit ashamed once in a while, but that usually doesn't last long, lol. Keep flingin' that poo, girlie :)
@mansha (6298)
• India
30 Jan 07
I don't think I am very opinionated person in real life may be here I do give my opinions because there is no fear of starting any argument, I don't like hurting people unnecessarily and many times just let them win the argument for sake of peace. You really have to provoke me and once provoked I will just not stop and my outburst are rare but really strong. I wont let any one walk all over me too but for every little thing I do not argue if I don't think its worth my time.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I hear ya. It often isn't necessary to argue something, and I too often let "certain" people "win" an argument just to keep peace and some semblance of sanity. Those people are usually the hubs & my mom. There's no sense in arguing with either of them most of the time, nothing penetrates their heads once they are set on something, so I just grit my teeth and let them have their ways.
Now if the hubs is p*ssing me off, I've been known to blast both barrels at him, but mom has enough problems and normally can see she's p*ssing me off and will drop it.
You are right tho, it's not always an advantage to argue little trivial things.
@waynet (2650)
27 Jan 07
I'd say I'm pretty opinionated and would say whatever just to get my point across no matter how ludicrous it came across or how absolutley right I was, And if I was absolutely right I'd be in your face about it saying I told you so!
But then I'm sort of a red head myself( a Ginger ninja! fighting crime on my days off!)
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Ah, Wayne! I was wondering if you had fallen off the face of the earth.
Now I tend to believe you were just off partying with Dammit Man because crime is way up these days...
Seriously tho, glad to see ya 'round and 'bout.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Sorry to hear that Wayne.
Get some takeaway Chinese, it's healthier. You'll feel better and stop more crime.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Did you find out anything juicy or funny?
Hey, order me some eggdrop soup and an eggroll with a side of steamed rice please.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
27 Jan 07
I wouldn't consider myself opinionated as my impression of opinionated people is that they give their opinion even when it's not wanted. I do, however, stand up for what I believe in and am not afraid to voice my opinion when asked. I will not sugar coat what I say either, unless I think that the situation or person involved needs "delicate" handling.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
My communications teacher said some folks define opinionated differently. My definition of opinionated is exactly the opposite of yours. Pretty much your whole response is my definition, except your impression of opinionated, of course.
To me some one who butts in where they are not wanted spouting off opinions is just a buttinski, lol.
To me, opinionated is the opposite of "mealy-mouthed".
It's all a matter of perspective.
You are definitely not mealy-mouthed :)
Thanks for popping by and supporting the thread.
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@shellyrios (1212)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Nope, I learned the hard way that people walk all over you and tell it like it is.....I do give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but if I feel challenged then I speak up......
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
You & me both, Shelly.
Benefit of the doubt is a good thing, but we (as people) should be no one's doormat.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Go with your bad self, Nicole!
I love your avatar, lol.
Girl-Power Kicks Azz!
Thanks so much for stopping by :)
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
28 Jan 07
My Ex-husband once said that my mouth should be registered as a lethal weapon. So I assume from that, that he felt I was a pretty opinionated person, which goes along with my non forgiving attitude and carrying a grudge to the grave.
Not a good quality but.... then? maybe not so bad either. At least people know how I feel or what I stand for.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yeah, and they don't get a chance to mess you over twice, either. Good for you. Take no crap!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Me too, Terry.
I hate it when people are being patronizing just to avoid coming out and saying they don't agree, or don't want to go somewhere, or whatever. Just spill it, ya know?
@ainee82 (618)
• Philippines
27 Jan 07
i am opinionated and as proof i have been in trouble for my remarks not because i have written it with malice because it spoke of truth.. and most of the time the truth hurts.
when i feel strongly about something i'd fight for it and voice out my opinion!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I'm right there with ya, ainee.
Tho, I've cleaned a few clocks in here, I've never been in trouble.
Thanks for sharing your opinionated opinion, lol :)
@vicky1 (240)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I tell it like it is. My husband gets a little upset with me at times. But like I tell him they know how I am and if they don't like what I might say then they shuld not ask. Evan on forums I say what I think and if you are worried people won't agree with you about something then you should not be posting.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Amen, Vicky1. I don't have anything to add to that. My hubs worries about what I might say too, lol. Thanks very much for coming in and sharing your views.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
That is a good way to be. Thank you for stopping in to support the thread.
@vicky_lane4987 (980)
27 Jan 07
im quiet opinionated, but it depends on the situation and things. sometimes i go with the flow, usually when it involves my other half lol
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
haha, I understand that. Been married 13 years, lol.
Thanks for coming in and showing support. :)
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
27 Jan 07
I'm a very opinionated person as well. (And I was a redhead as a child, though it turned black eventually).
Online I find it a little easier to express my opinions than offline. I'm really a bit of a sociophobe, so it's very awkward for me to stand up for myself. But I always do it. Even if I'm standing there shaking and wanting to cry, I stand up for myself. Because, if I don't, who's going to do it for me?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Exactly. It takes great courage to stand up sometimes, and I'm glad you do it even when you don't want to. A little fear is better than being stepped on silently anyday. +
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Hello. Nice to meet you. I seem to voice my feelings more than my opinion I think. I have alot of mixed emotions about things. One dau I will discuss somthing of a funny nature and it seems the next day I discuss depression and such. I guess my day to day life changes my moods and the topics I discuss. I hope this makes some sense. I also try to be productive with any posts or discussions that interest me on a a given day. I can also tell people what I think but never mean to hurt anyones feelings at all but alot of times I find that people get real offensive to me for some reason. I even have that problem in my real day to day life. I do speak up sometimes but then I get really nervous doing that because I seem to back down and get my feelings hurt also. I would never intentionally hurt someones feelings but it is hard to keep your mouth shut when someone starts to attack us verbally and such. I find it really hard to really express yourself online also as typing words can have their own voice rather than really hearing someone speak words. I try to do in detail as much as possible and try to explain why or what I say.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Hi. Nice to meet you too, Steph.
I think I can tell where you're coming from.
I have been known to change my opinion as things progress in certain situations as well.
Just so long as you're not letting people take advantage of your good natured ways, ya know?
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
27 Jan 07
It depends on the situation. If I feel that the situation requires me to relax and go with the flow I will.
If someone asks me a question that is harmless I'll answer truthfully..some questions, no matter how well intentioned can just be plain old bad news for me I will lie if it's necessary as well.
It just all depends on the details of the situation heh.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I give your post an "A" for honesty!
Thank you for stopping by.
@niharshukla (31)
• India
27 Jan 07
I think we should be straight forward .. And speak in front of a person .. if you feel being poo - pooed .. !!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
yep, even if people are poo-pooing, it's still best to be out with the truth. thank you for stopping by :)
@5dollarmiracle (144)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I look at the situation as a whole. I'm optimistic generally, so I guess you would say I'm not opinionated.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I don't see what optimism has to do with it, to tell you the truth. I've seen pessimistic people that don't take up for themselves or issues that are important to them. Thanks for coming in and supporting the thread.
@cosinegosoy (32)
• China
27 Jan 07
I am not like you. Even everybody says that men should be more opinioned while women should be conservative... lol
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Well, pardon me if I don't feel that way.
No man is going to tell me how to be, no woman either for that matter. I am perfectly capable of thinking for myself.
This issue should not be gender-based.
I don't know who "everybody" is, but somebody's been lying to you. Thank you for coming in and sharing an honest response.