My Fathers Visits!!!

@ronita34 (3922)
January 27, 2007 3:43am CST
My father is now 63 and not as young as he once was. I cherish each and every visit that i recieve from him like it could be my last although i still feel that my daddy has alot of fight left in him! Today he came to bring my 5 year old nephew to visit for the weekend. So i have a 7 year old , three 5 year olds and a 2 year! Today i cooked my dad chicken cooked in garlic and butter , fresh vegetables and mashed potatoes. My dad has diabetes so i also make him a good meal when he comes in for a visit! I love my dad very , very much but sometimes i get scared he is getting older!!!!
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50 responses
• United States
27 Jan 07
I realize that when you are 25 then 63 seems to be pretty old. But in reality it isn't all that old. If he continues to take care of his diabetes then he should be around for many more years. Both of my parents are diabetics and are in their 70's. Both are pretty healthy (even though according to my Dad he's been dying for about 20 yrs now lol). I worry about my Mom because all of her side of the family has passed in their late 70's/early 80's and I know she worries also. But the thing is to not think so much about when they are going to leave us but rather to enjoy the time we still have left with them. They will never leave you as long as they are in your heart. Take care of yourself and your Dad. Live long both of you. :-)
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Thank you for such a heart felt and very meaningful response and i do and will always cherish each day that i get with him! Alot of my dads younger siblings have already passed so it scares me but i will always cherish and love him no matter how much time that we have left together!
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I hate to tell you this but 63 isn,t that old,you are acting like he is really old but hes not..I just lost my Mom and she was 88 going on 89,and she had medical problems also..You don,t know your Dad could live to be my Moms age...My Mom was going strong up until this last yesr..I also know alady that i take shopping and she is 89 and still walks around all over walmart..The only problem your dad has is diabetes and I agree it is bad,but as long as he takes care of himself he can live a very long time.I have a sister and her husband is 78 and he has the worst case of diabetes,and hes fine.i think you are overracting.People now days live to be really old....I don,t think you have anything to worry about unless of coure your dad is really going down hill for some reason...I work in a beauty shop and the most of out customers are 70 plus and they are doing great,they have active lives...People live much longer now days with all the medical care they have now,relax and enjoy your father,and quit worrying about him dying...
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I am worried more because i can see that he is already having a hard time getting around just within the last couple of years. I am glad and thank the lord that you had your mom that long. I can see that life has taken a toll on my dad though he isnt as strong as he was 2 years ago. He has also lost about 5 siblings youngr than him from Cancer and such. I will relax and enjoy him though and hope and pray that i can have him as long as you had your mom!!
@joesgamez (225)
• United States
27 Jan 07
Dont worry. Be Happy.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I am always happy don't get me wrong!!!
• United States
27 Jan 07
Is your father in bad health? The average life expenctancy is about 78/80 years of age, with so many people living into their 90's now. I think that you may be lucky to have him around for 20-30 more years!!! Just keep helping take care of his diabetes, and of course staying active chasing all those kids around. :o)
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
LOL...Yes i am almost through my weekend with my 2 dausghters, 2 nephews and my niece ... LOL!! Fortunately i still have all my hair and kept the house in order and tidy and had the kids fed and they are finally in bed!!! My dad smokes alot and i am encouraging him to also quit with me! I am thinking that he will go with it and his diabetes gets bad. I can see that he is weakening though and that he isn't as strong as he used to be. He is one of the oldest of his siblings and he has lost many of his younger brothers and sisters already. Bad thought but God will take care when the day comes. I sure do pray that we can keep him for at least 20 more years. God bless!!!
• India
27 Jan 07
Hey dear its nice to know that you love your dad so much. But why are you so much scared that he is getting older. this is the law of nature. Just take care of him. May he live long and healthy life.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
Yes i agree and i guess it isn't really being scared more of being scared of how to deal with the situation itself!!! God Bless!!!
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• India
27 Jan 07
Yes he is and u can't stop it. Just try getting the max out of it. I mean u should try spending the most u can with ur dad.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I try to see my father as much as possible. I do not have a vehicle though so he normally comes to see me. He actually comes to visit alot more than he used to and i know he secretly favors my baby. I think it is because she looks like me alot ... LOL! He always laughs and laughs at her running around he can not believe how fast she can run for her age!!!
@Bunny2 (2102)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
You're a good daughter fussing over your father like that. He must be very proud of you. You're right to cherish the time you have together. He will probably be with you for many, many years yet and it's good that you enjoy those times. Sadly both my father and my mother are gone, but I have many fond memories of time spent together. Of laughing and living with them. May all your memories be good ones.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
May their souls rest in peace! i am glad that you hold their memories so close and cherish the ones that you do have of them. I sure do hope and pray that he will be with us for many more to come and God Bless and take care!!!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
27 Jan 07
I know we all must get old. I see my relatives getting older and I dont like it. If I could have one wish it would be that when we reach a certain age we cant get any older.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
27 Jan 07
Yes i am trying to think about it a little bit now just so that i will at least be somewhat prepared for it! I guess there really is no way to do this either and memories are always there to be cherished!!!
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• India
28 Jan 07
It is really nice to here that you love your dad very much,but one cannot surpass nature laws,every one in this world gets older,only thing is that one should be prepared for everything.Dont worry be happy keep loving your dad very much.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I normally do not worry about it and think the worst but it was just a thought as i notice that my dad doesn't get around as freely as he used to . I will continue to love and cherish him though and thanx!
@nanands (122)
• India
28 Jan 07
I am a little younger to your dad and I too have a daughter who loves me a lot. I can understand your feelings and I am sure your dad feels energised when he meets you. But one sentence in your write-up bothers me. You serve him a rich meal despite his diabetes. I am sure he loves it too! When you see him enjoying it, I am sure you would also be insisiting on extra helpings. You may even excuse yourself thinking that the rest of the days he is very strict and it is ok if I serve him a rich meal for one day. Please re-examine your premises in this matter. Even if you dont actually give him sugar based food, his sugar will still go up to a very high level with all the other rich food. That is because our body can convert any food into sugar. Once it goes up like that it will take weeks for it to come back to normal. I think it will be better to make him happy by going on a nostalgia trip when you were a little girl rather than rekindling his taste buds and reminding him of what he has worked hard to forget. Imagine his misery when he goes back to his home and has to return to his high fibre diet. Would he not be tempted to be indiscreet. Please forgive me if I have hurt your feelings but putting down these thoughts.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Everything that i ever cook for him he always checks his blood before and after and he wanted everything that i cooked. That i won't deny him and i trust that he should know whether or not a meal like this will effect him and he always eats this way! He has never followed a high fibre diet ever and the way i cook is the way he always eats!
@Kamran4u (25)
• Pakistan
28 Jan 07
hi yeh i m very glad to listen that u love to ur father bc this is the time when usually childrens dont have any care for there parents. So 1 thing is pre sure and that is every person have to got old so i must say tack care of him and lov him more. bc its not the age that makes a person old but its only the hate of their own which causes the old age.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Thank you for your comment and i had no idea that people grow farther apart with age rather than closer together!
@2471987 (36)
• India
28 Jan 07
hey buddy its good that u love ur dad so much and and dont get tensed bout his age its destiny every one on this earth have get older.....the only thing u can do is take care of him n make his these days as comfortable as u can
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Thank you for this and i guess you are right in saying that it is destiny!! I will take it easy and hope and pray to have him here on earth for as long as we can!
@soumyaraj (401)
• India
28 Jan 07
I too feel the same.I really dont feel ok to see them growing old,n find that they dont have the same kind of strenght n energy that they had 10yrs earlier.You feel so helpless...But that is how life works who takes birth has to grow old and then.......We feels so scared to even think how life would b without them. I really feel they have done lot for us n it is my turn to keep them happy by all means.May they have a long,healthy and happy life ...
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I always make sure that my dad and i laugh and joke and that we are always on good terms. I am thankful that he comes to visit more often lately as i do not have a vehicle myself!
@w3bdiv3r (35)
• Indonesia
28 Jan 07
I think each human must get old. In the old we can get some illness. Like our parents, if they get illness, we must take care of their illness and always make them happy. Don't forget pray to the God for the recovery of our parents illness. I believe the God can take care and save them.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I believe that God can save us all!! Which is why he takes us when he believes that there is no other alternative left for you here!
@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
28 Jan 07
Oh you neednot be scared that your father is getting old.You should be aware that he is getting matured. Growth should lead to maturity.Once you cross 50 you will certainly start thinking about the objective of living. The life is a journey and it is endless jounrney though it seems to be ending with this life.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I am glad for your response it is a great and meaningful one and i will keep in mind that my father is only maturing rather than growing old!!
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
28 Jan 07
I know its a real blessing to have ones father, i lost my father when i was very young and now its more then 10 years yet i miss him terribly
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I agree that the lissing part is probably endless and i am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am glad that you still cherish his memory and miss him dearly! God Bless!
@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
28 Jan 07
both you and your dad are lucky ones. i too have a daughter and she does invite me but I can't go because she has afree dog in the gets on to every body's lap. I become uncomfortable but I dont dislike the anmal.poor thing it shows affection it wants to show. She has to tie it up for me and I feel sad that the poor creature is put in trouble on account of me. So i do the best thing and that is dont go to my daughters house so that both myself and her dog are comfortable in each ones place.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Yes but you still must go and visit or even ask her to come and visit you so that you do not have to feel so badly for the dog. That could also be a solution to the problem!
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
28 Jan 07
its glad to hear that your a very good sibling to your father. our parents deserve to be treated like that especially when they get old. He must be really proud of you because you are very loving.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
I never thought about the fact that he must be proud of me and i know that he has to be now that you mention it! I always hug him before he leaves and i always tell him that i love him also!
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
28 Jan 07
well yes its true i can relate on you in terms of my father..but sadly im havent seen my father for 20 yrs i guess...hes been separated from my mom...since then ...havent seen him...
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
That is sad that he has not kepy in contact with you. My mother and father also seperated when i was 5 which was 20 years ago also but we have always stayed in contact with eachother!
@mishald (176)
• India
28 Jan 07
none of us like 2 see people we care for getting older. Seing them slow down. no longer able to do something they could do easily. I know its scary but getting older is a part of like. u should cherish whatever time u get with your dad (from your post i realize that u already do) don't let your dad know u r upset about his aging. instead enjoy the moment like when u were a kid. Heres hoping u have a many more memorable holidays with your dad
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
Thank you and i return the wish to you and God Bless you and your family!! My father will be here tomorrow to pick my nephew back up for my sister tomorrow so i think i will prepare him an extra special I LOVE YOU DAD meal!!