the paranormal, the supernatural and the unexplained.
By robinlynn
@robinlynn (43)
United States
January 27, 2007 9:44am CST
I have always been fascinated with topics such as; bigfoot, the ouija board, ghosts, hauntings and everything a long these lines. It started from a young age, that I became interested in things that; "had no explaination." Each time that a program came on television about these subjects, I was glued to watching it.
But it wasn't only television that struck my curiosity, but the stories that went around in my own home town. The haunted house that set on top of the hill. The old house that we had to pass everyday to go to school. This house, was not only haunted, but it had a story of murder.
I can still remember when my sister came running into the house, looking as if she had seen something terrifying. Finding our mom, she began telling her about going over to her friends house, next door and them going downstairs to have a seance. In the middle of it, a ghostly hand came out of the wall and tried to grab them. They jumped up and ran, leaving everything as it was.
The old house that set on the corner of main street was said to be haunted also. My brother's friend had lived in it. He tried to convince my brother that the rocking chair unstairs of their house, rocked without anyone being in it. Sometimes, an eerie out line of an old woman could be made out. Not getting anywhere with him, the boy invited my brother over to his house to see it for himself.
Every night, around the same time, the chair would be heard from downstairs. The floorboards, of the old house would creek and that's how they'ld know the chair was rocking back and forth. Hearing this, my brother and his friend quietly, walked up the stairs. Opening the door to the room, they had both stepped inside to see the chair, swaying back and forth. It was then, that my brother left the house and never returned.
Stories like these, intrigued me. That I couldn't wait to grow up and see for myself if they were true or not. But with growing up, sometimes, you have to put things on the back burner.
I was always touched by stories like these, although, I didn't know how much until I started writing about them. I became reawakened when I got a little older and I kept having this vision of myself, in a place that I know that I had never been before.
I would always have the same vision of this young man and although, more details came with it each time. I could never escape the feeling that this young man was me!Being a young, girl, I found this impossible, at the time. But one day, as this vision came to life, I couldn't believe my eyes! The places where I had seen this man, had now came into my own reality. The details of the vision were exact! The things that I had seen, only in my mind, were suddenly, there!I never told anyone of my experience. But, when I got older, I did go back and visit the places on my own. Although, nothing came of it, it still draws me back.
I don't know when it was, but when "new age" was introducted to me, I had found my outlet. I didn't even know that such a topic existed. And, maybe to this day, I don't really know what it means, but my definition of it is; "to try and find your spiritual self. To be more than, just physical."This, became my chance to dig deeper, not only inside myself, but in my surroundings. To dig into the psyic world. To search things, that are suppose to be beyond our own boundaries. And, for many years, this is what I have done.
In seance, tarot cards, the ouija board and the hunt for unexplained creatures and/or events, I've strived to learn on a deeper spiritual plain. Searching out, life after death, life on other planets. I have used these technics, some have worked for me and some didn't.
I found, that the deepest spiritual plain that you can receive, is through God. Not just praying to him, but seeking him out. To find answers, on the many levels of life.
We all search out, our own way, in trying to be enlightened. Or, perhaps, we are just intrigued with the topic.
2 responses
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
28 Feb 09
I agree. I have my beliefs, I believe in God and I subscribe to the christian faith. And I think it's through him that I find peace and strength dealing with everyday matters, big stuff and small alike. I am also fascinated with the topics of paranormal stuff, divination, new age, and I have read a lot of books on these various topics all my life. I don't think there's anything wrong with my fascination with these things, in fact I even believe that such entities exist. But as long as I'm not doing anything that is against my christian conviction, I should be doing just fine with my research about "the others" and the afterlife. THIS is just my opinion, I'm sure everyone out there has their own.