Fighting for Allah or God?
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
January 27, 2007 3:45pm CST
The following was said in an earlier posting by someone.
"If God called me up to fight for him I do not see why not, he is God."
The problem I have with this is, "Who speaks for (Allah)/ God?".
Surely, if (Allah) / God came to me himself and ordered me to fight, you bet I would.
However, if some man came up to me and said that (Allah)/God had said I should fight, I'd laugh in his face.
I believe only God can speak for God. Anyone who pretends to relay God's words is a phoney and a blasphemer.
So, what do you think? Can anybody but (Allah)/God speak for Him when He wants you to fight for Him? In your opinion, who can speak for (Allah)/God when He wants men to fight for Him?
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51 responses
@fortyzwife (84)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I think that the whole situation is stupid. But people believe that God speaks to them, and tells them to do crazy things. I believe they are all crazy hearing voices and need medication. If GOD wanted a war, whoever your god is, he can wipe out with rain, he can blow the planet up, he can do whatever he wants. Why would he tell people to kill eachother? I dont know. I hate the war, I hate whole situation. Its stupid and my kids shouldnt have to go through all this drama while growing up.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
fortyzwife, this is well said by you. I hope you will continue say such things, especially on the internet, as often as it can be done.
One of the great positive aspects of the internet is that ordinary people like you and I and everyone else here can express such sentiment, figure out what is really going on and how people really feel. Then we all can influence our leaders in our own respective countries to not have these stupid wars.
The internet can become a tool for peace.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
28 Jan 07
What are you trying to say jihad4lyfe?
Do you have any respect for a woman who is concerned about her children and the impact of schmucks and terrorists on day to day life.
Your Prophet has said, do not be disrespectful. Respect your elders. This is a fundamental axiom. Learn and repent - you may still go to heaven.
fortyzwife, I do agree with you.
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@The_Eagle_1 (1121)
• Australia
28 Jan 07
Okay guys and gals ...The Eagle has landed!!
jihad4lyfe, out of respect for red I will entertain your smoke screens for using religion to pratice the ways in which you hope to achieve your personal wants!
Firstly... God/Allah being the all powerfull, why would he require the services of mere mortals to do his combating??? He drowned the whole world didn't he to clense the world of it's sinners and spared a few "true" believers and 2 of each animal so as to preserve his creation! So again "why have mere mortals been directed to kill one another! This leads to
Secondly.. Thou shalt not kill.. pretty self explanitory!
Thirdly... What in anythings name gives Islamics the right to wed a 9, 10, 12, year old and have her bear children!!
Was this Allah's/ God's will, or just some perverted man using religion for personal perverted gain???
Fourthly.... Is it also Allah's/ God's will to circumcise young girls, thereby mutilating their bodies and depriving them of pleasure during reproduction practices??
Fifthly... Is it Islamic mens own insecurities that have Islamic women robe up and even have mesh covering their eyes so that they are not looked upon by other men in the way they themselves lustfully look upon other women?? Or is this another manipulted God / Allah directive???
Well while you answer these primary questions, I will gather some really juicy indepth queries for you!
red, you are a little devil!! lol

@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
30 Jan 07
Correction : apparently female circumcision WAS common in Pre-Islamic Arabia , too , and so was the murdering of Female babies . The latter practice was explicitly prohibited in the Koran . Islam's stand on female circumcision is apparently neutral ,historically there is no documentation of this practice in Moslem countries other than in the Nile valley (where ,as mentioned before ,it is part of a Pharaonic heritage) . Interestingly , some Nubian tribes have an extreme version of the "chastity belt" where the husband actually SEWs the wife's genitals shut before leaving on trade voyage , the stitches can only be removed by him after returning .This has nothing to do with Islam .
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Eagle, you rascal. Good to hear from you, it's been awhile.
So, what do you think? In the modern world does it make any sense to go to war for Allah/God ?
Or do you think it makes sense to fight in self defense and defeat tyrants?
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@desiplaya2563 (76)
• Canada
28 Jan 07
jihad4lyfe, you are doing such a tremendous job. I am with you man. Actually, the_eagle_1 is going off topic and he has started to accuse Islam and how Muslims are behaving in the world today. I think this topic should be kept straight only towards answering the question, fighting for Allah or for God?

@The_Eagle_1 (1121)
• Australia
11 Feb 07
It is interesting how salmon and snapper take the bait red! lol.. But that is exactly the point, they are delusional deranged fanatics that mauipulate religion or peoples beliefs to create their own ends, that is the form beyond the fog!!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
11 Feb 07
It seems so obvious, once you see it. I really have no idea how to get those who need this realization the most to get a clue. If you have any ideas, let me know.
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
28 Jan 07
Been there, seen that. Nice to see Mylotian emerge well in this discussion.
After Mohammed, as you know - the Caliphs ruled the Mossie lands. These were people who merged political and ecclesiatic power. I would say Haroun Al Raschid was probably the most civilized of the lot. They did quite well in their fighting spirit - getting as far as Spain.
Sometime in the 9th Century there came a big split - One group became Sunni, whose last political/spiritual leader was lost with the Ottoman empire.
The Shias continue to have an Imam, at least till the arrival of the Mahdi.
Every small time muzzein who has access to a loudspeaker and a mosque in most islamic countries has become the SPOKESMAN of Islam.
The fact that they are self appointed, escapes notice.
The group that propelled the Taliban were a good example.
At least the Ayotolla Khomeni went through a process of rigor before he got to attack the US Embassy in Iran.
If every muzzein in a mud mosque in camel/goatland have direct communication with the Allah, then why not these idiot internet savants?
Should Mylotian open a special ward for these savants? Because in my opinion, these savants are defenitely not qualified to speak for Allah.
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
28 Jan 07
#1 there never was "a great split" , Shia actually was a small sect compared to the various Sunni sects ,and a variety of other as insignificant as Shiite . They're only claim to fame was the Caliph Ali business , but then they were a sect within a larger sect I.E. the Kharijites (I dont know how to translate , it could mean "the heretics" ) . Shiites later became significant when the sect apparently allied itself to a surge in Iranian Persian nationalism (so it's actually a political issue more than an ecclesiastical )
#2 Muezzins are never self-appointed .There is a whole ministry for those matters ,actually to even SUSPECT they might be self-appointed is naive ,since Islam is notorious for limitation of liberty ESPECIALLY in religious matters .Even in rural areas ,the local community usually elects a person for the role .
#3 In Islam it is made explicit that -while god or Allah hears ALL prayers -no human could have the privilege of speaking to Allah , except the "messengers" like Moses ,Jesus and Mohammad . Even those are divided into categories depending on how much they spoke to God and how big a "message" they delivered .You can look for an explanation for this in the answer to the question :"what is the difference between a prophet (Nabeey) and a Messenger (Rasool) "
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@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
27 Jan 07
Hmmm... I don't know where to begin... but here's the catch:
"Why Allah/God called that man to fight? For what reason? Is that make sense when Allah/God called to fight without any legit reason?"
In general sense Allah/God called human to fight evil and endorsed to do good things through life.
If you want to know Allah, then there are two source you can learn from. That is The Qur'an and Hadith. Learn from it so you could find out who have the autorithy to speak on behalf of Allah/God.
For Your Info: Islam Never endorsed to attack or opress another nation except to depend.
I want to cite a good quotation: "You sell it, we buy it".
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
27 Jan 07
" Islam Never endorsed to attack or opress another nation except to defend."
This is certainly something about which most would agree. I'm glad to find out Islam believes in this.
Can you tell me who the Qur'an says has the authority to speak on behalf of Allah/God?
Thank-you for your informative polite answer.
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@tambangmas (342)
• Indonesia
29 Jan 07
Dear red The second source of law for the muslim is hadith or sunnah which is contain every action, words and allowance from the Prophet Muhammad (PUBH).
This is the technical/practical guidance for Qur'an as it is much general. For example, Qur'an command every muslim to do shalat (pray) but it didn't explain how to do that. In that case hadith take the role to define how a muslim do the shalat.
In some verse Qur'an command every muslim to obey Allah and The Messenger (that is Mohammed). In the hadith Mohammed have said that muslim should obey Allah, the Messenger and 'amirul mukminin' (the muslim leaders) after him.
So because our topic is 'Fight for Allah/God", if the situation forced muslim to war depending our faith and dignity, then we should obey our leaders --the one or a council who have the quality to be muslim leaders--.
Since there is Khilafah (center of islamic government) no more then the leader i referred above is depend on where is the muslim community belong to.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Well in some religions it is the leader of the church that's speaks for G-d. I personally believe that all religions are based on peace. It is people who make war on the behalf of their religion. So, I don't see G-d,Allah wanting anyone to fight for Him.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
" Well in some religions it is the leader of the church that's speaks for G-d. I personally believe that all religions are based on peace. It is people who make war on the behalf of their religion. So, I don't see G-d,Allah wanting anyone to fight for Him."
Yes, this is basically the point I am trying to make, too. Since God/Allah wants peace, any religious leader advocating war likely is commiting blasphemy in speaking for God.
In the case of defensive war, no religious leader need pretend to speak for God. All acknowledge a universal right to self defense. No religious leader need even open his mouth to advocate self defense. Everyone is given a survival instinct by God/Allah. Who does not understand this?
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
28 Jan 07
And do not allow your oaths in the name of Allah to become an obstacle to virtue and God-conciousness and the promotion of peace between men.......
See Verse 2:224 of the same and beware.
Monafiqs are the property of Shaitan.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I think a difference exists between what a religion wants and what God wants. As roztredtoes says about religion, is pretty much how it is. But do religious leaders and holy men speak for God? I don't think so.
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@kishchun (497)
• Oman
29 Jan 07
as you said, no one can speak for Allah or God. and i vehemently oppose all those who say they fight in the name of God, that Allah wants them to fight for a cause. now, why would God need the help of any mortal to get his work done? He is almighty, all powerful, who can do anything He wants, so it is just an excuse of these vain mortals to shed the blood of their brothers and sisters. God would never ask us to fight and kill one another because He is God. He would not think like the narrow minded mortals, would he?
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
29 Jan 07
I do not see how you are wrong about anything you have said.
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
10 Feb 07
In my opinion, only God/Allah can speak for God. If some religious zealot told me to fight or to do anything as a commandment to God, I would think as you do. What gives this person the right to speak for God? And why doesn't God speak for himself? The zealots obviously have ulterior motives and are seeking some secondary gain and benefit, whatever it may be, by recruiting followers in "the name of God". I believe that God wants us to live peacefully on this earth, and He would never want us to fight in the name of Him or in the name of Religion or Religious beliefs. He would only command fighting as a means of self protection and protection of a society against evil, closed-minded zealots who want to impose their warped beliefs and ideals on other people.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Well, we certainly do think alike about this issue. What else is there to say? Some things are obvious.
The people who do think they are fighting for God are delusional and in some cases evil.
Other than pray for them and defend ourselves from them when necessary, that's about all we can do.
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@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
2 Mar 07
In fact, the only one real true God never asked anyone to fight for Him. He holds the ultimate Truth and knows that all those other gods invented by Man are evil, as Man is evil by essence. My God would never ask me to fight for Him. All praise the Flying Spaghetti Monster for He means Peace!
May you be touched by His Noodly Appendage.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
2 Mar 07
The great Holy Blue Heron, spreader of life, agrees with the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
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@hegde_parvathi (77)
• India
28 Jan 07
If one really belive in god then first thing to understand is that he never asks anybody to fight,god is a peace lover.He is a god nothing is impossible for him,the world is created by him & how is that he wants anybody to fight for him,then fight against what? this is a silly question to think & ask,what do you say?
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I say there is widom in what you say.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree with you on this one. Only God can speak for what he wants. I have however heard many cases where people claim that God told them to do this and that. How? Does God only talk to these chosen few people? It looks to me if God talks to one, he will talk to us all. Right? Am I wrong? Are there just a chosen few? If, so why? I thought we were all created equally? Seriously. You make a very good point.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
And so do you make a good point. Thanks, for contributing your thoughts.
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@nileshmamgain (27)
• India
28 Jan 07
i don't think god wand us to figth after all we all r his creation and he would never like one of his creation to kill another.
this alltogether is funda of some sick mentellity"fight for god".
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Yes, more and more people in the world are coming to believe this. Yes, again.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
Of course, you are right. Thank you for this voice of reason.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I can speak to your confusion you see allah and the God of the christians are not one and the same they cannot possibly be you see the christians worship jesus the son of their God (Yaweh) whist the Qoran clearly states that Allah has no sons so how then can they be the same God?it is impossible!also our bible tells us we are to have no other God before him So for a Christian to accept allah is completly against the commandments!
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@The_Eagle_1 (1121)
• Australia
27 Feb 07
Well there was Neptune, Thor, Odin, Satin... all gods in their day! So which one you believe in is called choice! As for the "gods" I have listed, they to asked people to fight for them, but it was always men telling men that it was "god's" will... which contridicts all preachings, oh unless the preachers have an alteria motive of course!
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I think we all 'hear' from God alot. But I would be very surprised to hear him ask me to hurt someone. Unless I was walking down the road and saw someone trying to abduct a child, then I wouldn't be surprised and would spring into action. I have to suppose that the same can be true about a hitler, or the genocide going on in Darfur. But I would have to say a voice saying "kill in my name" has got to be a wrong voice! Ot as in the crusades and elsewhere, "convert or die" cannot be the true God.
God gave 'fee-will' and it's running its course (or it's not 'free-will'). This is not a world gone awry, and someone has to set it right for Him! No, it's just an unavoidable lesson. Life without God crashes and He is proven right. God's other option was to make robots.
@tarachand (3895)
• India
13 Feb 07
Would God need a human to fight his battles? Humans can't do a good job at most things, and since God is supposed to be the most perfect, why should he call an imperfect creation of his to solve what he considers a problem?
If a God calls anyone to war, that is not a true God, be it Hindu, Muslim, Christan, Jew, Buddhist or a God from any faith in the world
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
28 Jan 07
There is no need to fight in this life of ours. Life is to short and should be enjoyed in the best way we can. There is too much grief in this world and everyone should make it stop so that we can all get along and live in harmony with each other.
@urbandekay (18278)
24 Feb 07
Wars go on till men refuse to fight
all the best urban
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@abhishekkaushik (327)
• India
28 Jan 07
i think god and allah are one and the same the difference is in their holy book like kuran and bible.
on then name of allah one must not fight . then there will be peace in the world.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
28 Jan 07
I agree God and Allah are the same. That is why I used Allah/God ; God or Allah ; and etc.
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